关键词 > MTH6142/MTH6142P

MTH6142 / MTH6142P Complex networks


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Main Examination period 2017

MTH6142 / MTH6142P

Complex networks

Question 1. [30 marks]

Structural properties of a given network.

Consider the adjacency matrix A of a network of size N – ; given by

A .

a)  Is the network directed or undirected? (←_;╱;Jy y_≠;wμ≠)

b)  Draw the network.

c)  How many weakly connected components are there in the network? Which are the nodes in each weakly connected component?




d)  How many strongly connected components are there in the network? Which

are the nodes in each strongly connected component?

e)  Is there an out-component in the network? If yes, indicate the nodes in the out-component of the network.

f)  Determine the in-degree sequence {k1(i)n , k2(in), k3(in), k4(in)} and the out-degree sequence {k1(o)ut , k2(out), k3(out), k4(out)}.

g)  Determine the in-degree distribution Pin (k) and the out-degree distribution Pout (k).





h)  Calculate the eigenvector centrality xi of each node i – 1, 2, . . . , N of the network with adjacency matrix A given by Eq. (1).

To this end start from the initial guess x(0)  – 1 where 1 is the     N-dimensional column vector of elements 1i  – 1 Vi – 1, 2 . . . , N.

Consider the iteration

x(n)  – Ax(n1)

for n e N.

Finally evaluate the eigenvector centrality xi of each node i of the network by calculating the limit

xi  – n(i) N        (n) .

i)  Is the result obtained in point h) expected? (6左y←)



Question 2. [35 marks]

Diameter and clustering coefcient of networks

a) Which is the undirected network of N nodes with smallest diameter? Does this network have the small-world distance property? 6y

b) Which is the undirected network of N nodes which is connected and has the largest diameter?

Does this network have the small-world distance property? 6y

c) Consider a random Poisson network with average degree (k ; and total number of nodes N.

Indicate with l the average shortest path in the network.

i) Using the properties of the generating function evaluate the average branching ratio of a node reached by following a link given by (bk(〈(k)k1) .

ii) Approximate the number of nodes Nd at distance d > 1 from a random node of the network as Nd (k k(〈(k)k1) d1 and show that Nd – ;d .

iii) Using the properties of the geometric sum, evaluate the total number Nde of nodes at distance 0 2 d 2 l from a random node of the network.

iv) Impose that all the nodes of the Poisson network can be found within a distance d 2 l from any random node. Using the result obtained in (ii), express the average distance l of the Poisson network in terms of the total number of nodes N.