关键词 > COMP-3077

COMP-3077 Web Based Database Systems Winter-2020 ASSIGNMENT-1



Web Based Database Systems



Submission Deadline 31st Jnauary,2020 by midnight

Instructions for Submission:

• You will execute the results of each question (use any online editor) and prepare a word or pdf file to put screen shots of your answers/code along with results.

• You also have to upload your code in a zip file on the black board.

Make sure that your report contains your name and id

1) Pre-requisites:

For this assignment, at least read the section on HTML, HTML Forms, HTML Media, and CSS on w3shools. Link( https://www.w3schools.com/ )

2) Objective:

You will learn:

• To design and create HTML forms using various input types

• Embed different resources into your webpage such as Website, audio and youtube video

3) Tasks and Evaluation

Task 1: Create a Sign(up) registration page that looks like below: (5 Marks)

Task 2: Create and Design a form as given below: (5 Marks)

Task 3: Design and create a web page with following components: (2 marks each)

• Add a title called “COMP – 3077 Assignment 1: Introduction”

• Include a large header in the first row of the body called “About Me”

• Write at least two well‐written paragraphs.

i. Paragraph1: Introduce yourself without any confidential information.

ii. Paragraph 2: Describe what you intend to learn in this course.

• Website: Embed the School of Computer Science Webpage stating that you study in this school.

• YouTube Video: embed a demo you tube video about latest tools in web development