关键词 > ECE210/ECE211

ECE210 / ECE211 - Homework 04


University of Illinois      Spring 2021

ECE210 / ECE211 - Homework 04

Due: Wednesday, February 24 @ 10.30pm.

Homework Policy:

• HWs are due on Wednesdays at 10.30 p.m. and submissions will be made via Gradescope. You can find instructions on how to scan/upload your HW on the course website. Students have reported issues with some free scanning apps, so below we have instructions for scanning with two different free apps that work very well. Instructions on how to scan the pdf of the solutions in Android and in MacOS are also on the course website.

• Late homework will receive no credit. No exceptions, so don’t wait until the last minute to submit it and then run into internet issues.

• In order to account for sickness, travel or internet issues, the lowest homework mark will be dropped for 211 students and the lowest two homework marks will be dropped for 210 students.

• Make sure you box your answers and match problem parts accurately in Gradescope, or you will be deducted 10% of the corresponding problem part. You can find instructions on how to do that on the course website

• Make sure that your HW is neat enough to read. Graders has the flexibility to deduct up to 20% for lack of neatness.

• Homework assignments in ECE 210 constitute an essential component of your learning experience in the course and prepare you for your mid-term ’hour exams’ and the end-of-semester ‘final exam’ in most effective ways — investing time to do your homework with care will pay off when you are taking your exams. You will be expected to provide detailed explanations of your solutions in order to obtain full credit in your homework assignments. Conversely, solutions lacking full explanations will receive zero credit even when the answer provided may be correct and furthermore incorrect answers without any work shown may lead to ’academic integrity violation’ cases being opened against you and sanctions applied. Some of the homework problems you will be assigned will resemble problems from previous semesters but with modified parameters and/or inputs. Your comprehensive homework solutions will naturally be expected to match the versions of the problems assigned during the current semester, whereas solutions or answers matching the versions from previous semesters will once again lead to ’academic integrity violation’ cases being brought against you and sanctions applied.You are encouraged to collaborate to understand the problems in the homework sets, but each student should solve the problems individually for submission even if they work together initially to understand how to solve the problems. Copying a joint solution is not acceptable and it will lead to ’Academic Integrity violation’ cases being brought against you and sanctions applied. Please keep these cautionary remarks in mind as you are working out your homework assignments and avoid submitting unsubstantiated solutions to avoid any misinterpretations as explained above.

• Regrades: You will receive an email from Gradescope so you can log in and see your graded HW. If after looking at the posted solutions, you feel there was an inaccuracy in the grading of your HW, you can request a regrade within Gradescope itself. Make sure you submit regrade requests before 10.30pm on the Wednesday after your graded HWs are made available via Gradescope. Regrades will not be accepted after that date.


1. For the circuit below, with v(t) = 0 for t < where = 0, determine both v(t) and i(t) for t > after the switch has been closed.

2. Assuming the op-amp is in the linear regime, = 0, and (t = 0) = 2V , determine (t) and i(t) at 10 milli-seconds after the switch has been closed.

3. The circuit below is in steady state before the switch is closed at = 0. Find () and () , and (t) and (t) for t > 0.

4. The circuit below is in steady state before the switch is closed at = 0. The switch is closed for 2 seconds before it is opened again, as shown in the lower figure. Find (t) and (t) for all time t > 0.