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Android project: Guidelines and Requirements


Android project: Guidelines and Requirements

Technical Requirements:

It can be a Game or a General Application, identify a need and create an app. The App should have few (3 to 5) activities, very useful and elegant UI design. Use of content providers based on an API or using SQLite and a Async task.

Grading Scheme: 100 points

10 Points      (For the project, you will have to submit 2 reports, The project report-1 (8 points) and the project status report 2 points)

30 Points      UX design, look and feel, elegant and every widget should have a use.

20 Points      Using of SQLite or any other android database (or APIs) demonstrating it working in the app.

10 Points      Use of a Async task in the project.

20 Points      Preserving the state of the app using shared preferences between use (10 points). The application should work in Vertical and Horizontal orientation (10 points).

10 Points      Demonstrated working of the entire app as per the project report 1. Screen cast recording of your app using your voice and demonstrating the app on AVD or device. You can use Quick time or VLC, or Teams (set up meeting and record your screen sharing the AVD, one person meeting with yourself) or any other free software of your choice. The output should be standard video format. Less than 5 minutes. If it is over Five minutes, I will reduce 1 point per additional minute.

Project 1

Report Contents (Maximum of 2 pages (1.5 space 12-point times new roman font) text and 3 pages for wireframing.) 8 points

1) Description of your problem that you are trying to solve in 5 sentences

2) Design and wireframing of all the user interfaces you will be using. You can draw the diagram by hand and take picture and insert in your report or use tools like pencil, draw.io etc.

3) Description of the Navigation within the apps, List of Intents you will be using.

4) Type of data storage and the initial design of tables if using SQLite or any other db.

5) Describe the Aysnc Task.

6) The methods you will be using for saving the state of the app during its use and orientation changes.

Status Report 2 points.

1Page (Table of work completed, in progress)

Describe the status what are the tasks you have completed what is pending and your plan to complete the pending work.

Some Project Ideas

1) https://any-api.com/ ( check out and design a app around api’s )

2) https://developers.google.com/android

3) Timers, Games, Meditation app, Task lists (advanced do not create a to-do list)

Due Dates:

  Report 1
  March 1, 2021
  On BB
  Report 2
  March 22, 2021
  On BB
  Final Submission of Project
  April 10, 2021
  On BB

Final submission includes a zipped file containing Source code, apk, and a screen cast recording how to use your application.