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ECON520 Lab Report Instructions


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ECON520 Lab Report Instructions

The Lab Report is marked out of 100 and is worth 20% of your final grade. This is an individual assessment. All work must be your own.

The Lab Report is due Wednesday 11 May at Noon via Canvas. Note, Canvas automatically submits to Turnitin.

Submit a single word or pdf file only. Note, Pages is unsupported by Canvas.

Include your name and student ID number on your Lab Report.

In workshop 2.2 (Lab) you played four games:

· Prisoners Dilemma

· Stag-Hunt Game

· The Trust Game

· Hawk and Dove

Note, if you missed workshop 2.2 (lab) the games are now available on Canvas including some selected results.

For each game, follow the below template. You have a word count of 250 maximum for each game, though you are unlikely to need this much. Each game is worth 25 marks.


1) Name of Game:

2) Present the game results:

Include the empirical results recorded in the lab (or use the results provided).

Discuss any strategies you adopted or any issues you encountered in the experiment.

3) Solve the game:

Represent the game as a matrix or game tree (appropriate to the game at hand)

Solve the game according to the assumptions of game theory explain detailing how you did this.

4) Comparison:

Compare the empirical results in 2) to your formal solution in 3); Is there any variation between them?

Comment on potential reasons for any variation (or lack of variation).