关键词 > EE599

Homework #2 – SQL and MongoDB (NoSQL)


Assigned: 11 February 2021

Homework #2 – SQL and MongoDB (NoSQL)

EE 599: Spring 2021

Due: Thursday, 25 February 2021 at 23:59.      Late penalty: 10% per 24-hours before 27 February at 23:59. Submission instructions will follow separately on canvas.

1. SQL league tracker

Create Python web application that uses a MySQL database to manage clashes (i.e. matches or games) between players in a small sports league. Your application should handle two entities: Player and Clash.


Clashes are contests between two players. There can be many simultaneous active clashes. An active clash is a clash that has not ended. Players may participate in any number of clashes but can be in only one active clash at a time. Players must pay the entry fee to participate in a clash. Players with insufficient balance to pay the entry fee cannot join a clash. Players may deposit funds to increase their balance.

The player with the most points when the clash ends is the winner. The winner receives the clash prize. Clashes cannot end if both players have the same number of points (i.e. no ties allowed). The clash ends immediately if one player is disqualified (DQ). The other player is the winner and receives the prize.


Bind web server to port 3000.

Create a remote (host:port) instance of mysql.

Use mysql.connector python package. Other options may require additional dependencies. mysql-connector is maintained by the official MySQL Python team and is built with pure python.


Assume the following base schema:

You may extend the schema but DO NOT MODIFY ANY EXISTING ATTRIBUTES (see: GET /schema/extend). The autograder first calls the /admin/pre endpoint so you can run SQL “setup” statements prior to starting tests. Real (i.e. the human) graders will also review your schema for violations and other implementation issues.

Currency: Represent all currencies as USD (i.e. $xxx.xx). Use DECIMAL numbers with exactly two precision digits (i.e. dollars and cents). Numbers or strings with more than two digits are invalid. Append zeros as necessary if less than two digits, e.g. 1.332 is invalid (too many digits) but 1.33, 1.3, 1.0, and 1 are all valid (i.e. append zeros).

Time/Date: Report all times and dates as UTC ISO-8601 (always both date and time).

Boolean: Accept (case insensitive) “1”, “true”, and “t” as true Boolean values. Assume all other non-empty or null values are false.

Player Name: Use “fname lname” as player name. If lname is empty or null use only “fname”. The name must not include any trailing spaces.


Your application must implement the following API (see Response Syntax for entity detail). Assume the first response code if the response meets multiple conditions.

 GET /player

Return: Array of all active Players. Sort by player name ASC (i.e. “A to Z”).

Response code: 200

 GET /player/[pid]

Return: Player[pid].

Response code: 200 if exist, 404 if not exist.

 POST /player?fname=&lname=&handed=[enum]&initial_balance_usd=[currency]

Add a new active player. The query string may contain none, some, or all the parameters. First and last names may contain only letters. Handed should be one of (case-insensitive): “left”, “right”, or “ambi”. INSERT the player only if it satisfies the schema. Else fail.

Response code:

303 redirect on success to GET /player/[pid].

422 error on failure: body must be string that includes all invalid field names, e.g. “invalid fields: initial_balance_usd” or “invalid fields: handed, fname, initial_balance_usd”, etc. You do not need to report the reason.

 POST /player/[pid]?active=[bool]&lname=

Update Player[pid]. The query string may contain none, some, or all the parameters. UPDATE the player only if it satisfies the schema.

Response code:

303 redirect on success: GET /player/[id].

200 if exist, 404 if not exist.

 POST /deposit/player/[pid]?amount_usd=[currency]

Add positive currency to Player[pid] balance.

Return: PlayerBalance[pid].

Response code:

200 on success, 404 if player does not exist, and 400 if invalid amount.

 GET /clash

Return: Array of Clashes. Return all active clashes sort by prize_usd DESC (i.e. “largest first”) and then the four most recently ended inactive clashes sorted by end_at DESC (“newest first”).

Response code: 200

 GET /clash/[cid]

Return: Clash[cid].

Response code: 200 if exist, 404 if not exist.

 POST /clash?pid1=&pid2=&entry_fee_usd=[currency]&prize_usd=[currency]

Start a new Clash. Pid1 and Pid2 must exist, have balance sufficient to cover the entry fee, and not be in an active clash already.

Response code:

303 redirect on success to GET /clash/[cid].

404 if player1 or player2 does not exist.

409 if player1 or player2 already in an active clash.

402 if insufficient account balance (either player).

400 else.

 POST /clash/[cid]/award/[pid]?points=

Points must be positive integer. Player must be in the clash and clash must be active.

Return: Clash[cid].

Response code:

200 on success, 404 if player or clash does not exist, 409 if clash not active, 400 else.

 POST /clash/[cid]/end

End an active clash. Clash must exist and be active. One player points must be higher than the other player points.

Return: Clash[cid].

Response Code:

200 if success, 404 if not exist, 409 if clash not active or points tied.

 POST /clash/[cid]/disqualify/[pid]

Disqualify a player from clash and end the clash. Clash must be active and player must be in the clash.

Return: Clash[cid].

Response code:

200 on success, 404 if player or clash does not exist, 409 if clash not active, 400 else.

 GET /ping

Response code: 204 (always).

 POST /admin/pre

Apply schema additions. The autograder creates the database and base schema before it runs your script. It will then issue GET /admin/pre. You may use the call to trigger any schema create/alter statements.

Return: string “OK” (no quotes).

Response code: 200 (always).


Use JSON for all (non-empty) responses. Use the following syntax for entity response.





Read the database connection info from a JSON file. Use the JSON file path ./config/mysql.json relative to your script. Exit with code 2 if the file is invalid: empty, does not exist, invalid JSON, etc. Exit with code 4 if the file is valid but the MySQL database connection fails for any reason.

2. NoSQL (Mongo) request log

Question deferred to HW #3. No submission required.