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Pure Mathematics 2019


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Pure Mathematics


Answer all six questions in this part.

They are worth 40 marks in total.

A1. For each of the following statements, state whether it is TRUE or FALSE. Give a brief proof or a counterexample.

(a) If A is a non-empty subset of 皿 and 1 ≤ a ≤ 2 for all a e A, then 1 ≤ infA ≤ supA ≤ 2.

[3 marks]

(b) If A is a non-empty bounded subset of 皿, and B is defined by B = {a4 : a e A}, then

supB = (supA)4 . [3 marks]



Proof: 1 is a lower bound of A and infA is the largest lower bound, therefore 1 ≤ infA. Similarly, 2 is an upper bound and supA is the smallest upper bound, therefore supA ≤ 2. Finally, infA ≤ supA is true for all non-empty bounded sets. Putting it all together we have 1 ≤ infA ≤ supA ≤ 2.


Counterexample:  Let A = {一1, 0}.   Then B = {0, 1}, supA = 0, supB = 1 (supA)4 .

A2. Prove, by verifying the ε -δ property of Ross, Theorem 17.2, that the function f : 皿 → 皿 given by f (x) = 2x3 +x +7 is continuous at the point x0 = 2.

[7 marks]

Solution Let ε > 0. Pick a positive number δ such that δ < 1 and δ < , for example δ = min ,1, . For all x e with lx 2l < δ we have lx 2l < 1, therefore 1 < x < 3, therefore

l2x2 +4x +9l = 22x +4x +9 ≤ 39,


lf (x) f (2)l = l(2x3 +x +7) 一 25l = l2x3 +x 一 18l = l2x2 +4x +9llx 一 2l ≤ 39δ < ε .

A3. Use Taylor’s Theorem to prove that if x e [0, 1] then

x + ≤ log(x + 1) ≤ x + .

[Recall that we write log for the logarithm to the base e, loge. ] [7 marks]

Solution: If x = 0 then we have 0 ≤ 0 ≤ 0, so going forward we assume x > 0. The derivatives of log(x + 1) can be calculated as

log(n)(x + 1) = (1)n+1(n 1)!

The Taylor series about zero is then

( k+1xk

(this is in the book and can be used without proof). Let Rn(x) be the nth remainder then by subtracting log(1 + x) across the inequality, and multiplying by 一1, we are asked to prove if x e (0, 1] then R4(x) ≤ 0 ≤ R5(x). By Taylor’s theorem there exists y1 ,y2e (0,x) such that

R4(x) = !(x4   and R5(x) = !(x5 .

Since x,y1 ,y2 > 0 we see R4(x) < 0 and R5(x) > 0 so that the inequalities hold.

A4. Give an example of each of the following. You do not need to explain why your example is correct.

(a) a group of order 12 that is abelian but not cyclic

[1 mark]

(b) a nonabelian group of order 2018 that contains an element of order 1009

[1 mark]

(c) a group of order less than 10 that acts transitively on {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

[1 mark]

(d) a nontrivial proper subgroup of 25

[1 mark]

(e) a nonconstant homomorphism from 4 to 2

[1 mark]

(f) a group with exactly one conjugacy class

[1 mark]

(g) a subgroup of D3 that is not normal

[1 mark]


(a) up to isomorphism, the only possibility is 2 × 6

(b) the dihedral group D1009

(c) up to isomorphism, the only possibility is 5

(d) the only possibility is the cyclic subgroup5 25

(e) there is only one; it sends any generator to 1 e 2

(f) the trivial group {e} is the only possibility

(g) the only possibilities are the subgroups generated by a single reflection

A5. Suppose that G is a finite group, and that A,BG are subgroups. Let H := A n B be the intersection of A and B.

(a) Prove that H is a subgroup of G.

(b) Prove that if lAl and lBl are coprime, then H is trivial.


[3 marks] [3 marks]

(a) We apply the subgroup test.

Firstly, H is nonempty: A and B are subgroups of G, so e e A and e e B. Therefore e e A n B = H.

Secondly, H is closed under products: if g, h e H, then g, h e A and g, h e B. There- fore gh e A and gh e B since A and B are subgroups. Therefore gh e A n B = H.

Finally, H is closed under inversion: if g e H, then g e A and g e B, so g1 e A and g1 e B since A and B are subgroups. Therefore g1 e A n B = H.

(b) By Lagrange’s theorem, lHl divides both lAl and lBl. Since lAl and lBl are coprime, we must have lHl = 1, so H is trivial.

A6. In the following question, you may use any theorems from the course but you must clearly state which theorems you are using.

(a) Show that a group G of order 35 cannot act transitively on a set X of order 9.

[4 marks]

(b) Is 勿9 × 勿8 72? Justify your answer. [3 marks]


(a) If G acts transitively on X then X is an (the only) orbit of the action. By the orbit- stabilizer theorem, lXl = 9 divides lGl = 35. This is impossible, so no such action can exist.

(b) a × 勿b is cyclic if and only if gcd(a, b) = 1.  Since 9 and 8 are relatively prime,

9 × 勿8 is cylic. We have l勿9× 勿8l = 9 × 8 = 72 = l勿72l. Two cylic groups of the same order are isomorphic, so 9 × 勿8 72 .


There are four questions in this part, each worth 20 marks.

The best three answers will count.

B1.    (a) Prove from the ε -N definition of convergence (without using any Limit Theorems)

that the sequence (an)neN given by an = converges to 2. [6 marks]

(b) Find the limit of the sequence (bn)neN given by

bn = 3n2 ╱ 1 1 \ .

(You may use any Limit Theorems you find useful provided that you make clear what it is you are using). [7 marks]

(c) Let (an)neN be a sequence of real numbers such that 0 < an < 1 for all n.

(i) Prove that, if the series  y(ǎ) an converges, then the series  y(ǎ) 1aa(n)n converges as


(ii) Is the converse true? Give a proof or a counterexample.


(a) Let ε > 0. Let N be a positive integer such that N > 10/ε. For all nN we have

| 2 | = < < ε .