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MATH 368, Summer 2022 PROJECT 2


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MATH 368, Summer 2022


Task 1.

[5+10+10 points]

Let x1 , . . . ,xm   ∈ Rd  denote the training data points with labels y1 , . . . ,ym   ∈ {±1}. We aim to find a separating hyperplane {x ∈ Rd  : wT x = β} that has maximum margin (see Lecture Notes, Section 5.2.2).

(a) In the lectures we have formulated this task as the following convex quadratic optimization


w(m)  ||w||2           subject to      yi (wT xi β) ≥ 1,    for all 1 ≤ i m.              (1)

Implement a matlab function supportvectormachineHARD(x,y) that takes the data points (arranged as a d × m matrix x holding in the ith column the vector xi ) and the labels (arranged in a row vector y that holds yi  in its ith entry) as input, solves (1) via quadprog, and returns w, β, and the corresponding maximum margin.  If there is no solution, then w = [] should be returned.

(b) If there exists no separating hyperplane then the data is said to be not linearly separable. A

common approach in this case is to relax the constraints to allow for ”errors”in the classifi- cation. With an additional input parameter C ≥ 0 that penalizes the misclassifications, the optimization problem amounts to



w,β,ξ 1 , . . . ,ξm   2

subject to


||w||2 + C      ξi


yi (wT xi − β) ≥ 1 − ξi ,   for all 1 ≤ i ≤ m,


ξi  ≥ 0,                            for all 1 ≤ i ≤ m.

Implement a matlab function supportvectormachineSOFT(x,y,C) that takes x and y as in (a) and the parameter C as input, solves (2) via quadprog, and returns w, β, and the corresponding maximum margin. If there is no solution, then w = [] should be returned.

(c) Instead of (2) one can solve the so-called dual problem

m                      m     m


αi  ≥ 0,               for all 1 ≤ i ≤ m,

which involves new variables α 1 , . . . ,αm . If α1(∗) , . . . ,αm(∗)  denotes the solution to (3), then w and β are obtained via w =     αi(∗)yi xi and β = wT xj −yj  (where j ∈ {1, . . . ,m} is an index

for which 0 < α < C), respectively.  This method returns the same separating hyperplane as the method from (b).

Implement a matlab function  supportvectormachineSOFTDual(x,y,C)  that takes x,  y, and C as in (b) as input, solves (3) via quadprog, and returns w, β, the corresponding maximum margin, and the α1(∗) , . . . ,αm(∗) . If there is no solution, then w =  [] should be re- turned.


Task 2.                                                                                                                   [4+3+3 points]

This task is about applying the support vector machines from Task 1 to data points in R2 .

(a) To produce plots that show the 2D data points and the separating hyperplane wT x = β it is

helpful to have a matlab function determinepoints(xlimits,ylimits,w,beta) available, which returns the two (or, respectively, zero) points of intersection between the line wT x = β and the box  [xlimits(1),xlimits(2)] × [ylimits(1),ylimits(2)] that represents the data range of your plot. Give a matlab implementation of such a function.

(b) Consider the m = 10 data points

x1  = (1, 5),   x2  = (2, 2),   x3  = (3, 5),   x4  = (3, 3),   x5  = (4, 4), x6  = (5, 8),   x7  = (5, 7),   x8  = (6, 8),   x9  = (7, 9),   x10  = (9, 6)

with labels y1   = y2   = y3   = y4   = y5   = +1, and y6   = y7   = y8   = y9   = y10   =  −1. Use supportvectormachineHARD  or supportvectormachineSOFT to determine the maximum margin separating hyperplane for this data set. State w and β explicitly and plot the hyper- plane wT x = β and the data points (use different colors for different labels).

(c) Consider the m = 10 data points x1 , . . . ,x10   and labels y1 , . . . ,y10  from   (b).  Exchange the  labels y3   and y7 ,  i.e.,  set y3    =  −1  and y7    =  +1.  On this  changed  data  set  use supportvectormachineSOFT with C  = 10. State the returned w and β and plot the hy- perplane wT x  = β  and the data points (use different colors for different labels).   Is the returned wT x = β a separating hyperplane for the given input data (and if not, how many points are misclassified)?


Task 3.                                                                                                                   [5+5+5 points]

This task is about image classification via support vector machines. More precisely, the aim is to use support vector machines from Task 1 to classify whether a given image shows a cat or a dog.

(a) Download train .zip and evaluate .zip and extract the image files. Classify each of the 20

images in train .zip manually (+1 for cat, -1 for dog) and write a matlab program that reads all the 22 images (from both ZIP files), resizes any of them to an N × N image (use the imresize command and an N of your choice), and subsequently converts them to grayscale (via rgb2gray). Plot the resulting 22 images (they should all fit onto a single A4 page).

(b) Arrange all the 22 processed images from (a) into an N2  × 22 matrix X, with the ith col-

umn holding the ith processed image (reshaped into a column vector; you can use reshape command) and the 21st and 22nd column holding the two images from evaluate .zip. Stan- dardize the 22 data points contained in the columns of X and reduce each data point to a K-dimensional vector via principal component analysis (with a K of your choice).  Give the matlab code that performs all of the above steps (reshaping, standardizing, principal component analysis).

(c) Now, use a suitable support vector machine implementation from Task 1 to train it on the 20 training images, i.e., one the first 20 columns of X. Use the the returned hyperplane to classify the two evaluation images (originally from evaluate .zip but now processed and contained in column 21 and 22, respectively).

Experiment with different choices of N and K  (and C if you use a soft margin support vector machine).  With a maximum of 2 misclassification on the training set, you should find a parameter setting where the two evaluation images are correctly classified.

Give the parameters for such a parameter setting, report how many images of the training set are correctly classified, and attached your commented matlab code.