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[Coding exercise] Week 5 - Vaccination Analysis


[Coding exercise] Week 5 - Vaccination Analysis

Due Monday by 11:59pm

Points 20

Submitting a file upload

File Types zip

Available Feb 10 at 10:30am - Feb 24 at 11:59pm 15 days

Now that suitable vaccines to protect against COVID-19 are available, the next step is for countries to vaccinate their populations as quickly as possible. In this exercise we will build a program to help us see how successful the vaccination programs for various countries have been so far.

Download Data File

The following is a data file containing vaccination statistics by country (taken and modified from the Humanitarian Data Exchange (https://data.humdata.org) ): [vaccinations.csv].

● The first row has a description of each column.

● Each row after that contains one day's cumulative vaccination data for one country.

● The last row of data for each country contains the most recent vaccination data for that country.

Have a careful look through this data file and make sure you understand how it is structured before moving on.

Part 1: Output Country Data

Write a Python program named part1.py that outputs the percentage of people in each country that have been vaccinated, using the most recent data available in the CSV file. The column labelled total_vaccinations_per_hundred is the one to focus on.

Hint: create a dictionary to store the percentage value for each country. For one country, this percentage value can be updated multiple times until you have the most recent value stored.

Here is sample output showing the data for the first few countries in the CSV file:


● You should ignore any rows of the file that have either a blank or a value of zero for the total_vaccinations_per_hundred.

● Percentages should be output with exactly one digit after the decimal point.

Part 2: User Interaction & Statistics

Write a Python program named part2.py that asks the user to input a country name, and outputs the following information:

● The vaccination percentage for the country the user chose.

● The average vaccination percentage for all countries in the CSV file.

● The country with the lowest vaccination percentage out of all countries, as well as the actual lowest vaccination percentage value found.

● The country with the highest vaccination percentage out of all countries, as well as the actual highest vaccination percentage value found.

Here are two sample runs:


● The percentages and countries in the above sample runs do not represent actual data calculated from the given CSV file; they are only intended to show you what your output should look like.

● Copy the part1.py program from part 1 to part2.py as a starting point.

● Your program must accept any case for the user input. E.g., Canada, canada, and cAnADA would all be recognized as the same country

● If the user gives a country name that does not exist in the file, you should output a message stating so.

● You should ignore any rows of the file that have either a blank or a value of zero for the total_vaccinations_per_hundred.

● Percentages should be output with exactly one digit after the decimal point.

● If more than one country has the highest or lowest vaccination percentage, you can choose any of those country's names to output.

General Notes

● In IDLE, you can run and test each of your two Python files directly, which is what the TAs will do.

● If you wish to code in repl.it, you can add multiple files to your REPL. Remember to upload the data file, too. When you want to work on a question, copy the contents to main.py to test them, one by one, but remember to put the code back into the corresponding .py file. When you're done, use the Download as.zip function. Note, the main.py file will be included, but it won't be marked. Only part1.py and part2.py will be marked.

● We may use a different data file (but with the same file name and structure) to mark your assignment's correctness. So don't "hard code" anything.

● You must write Python code that calculates and prints out the answers to the questions, by analyzing the .csv file. You get no points just for answering the questions (e.g. finding the answer using Excel and printing it).

Readability Guidelines

Please check that your code follows the guidelines here: readability guidelines


Submit a single .zip file containing your 2 Python files (part1.py and part2.py). This is the code that will be marked. If you include a file named main.py it will not be marked.

Make sure you also complete the separate week 5 reflection activity.

Marking Notes

● If your program does not run (i.e. crashes or produces an error), your mark will be calculated using the rubric and then multiplied by 0.5. To avoid this penalty, try to finish early so you can get help from TAs if needed! It is better to submit code that works perfectly but doesn't contain all the features, than one that has all the features (potentially) but crashes.

Week 5 Rubric

  Submitted two .py files in .zip file
  1 pts
  Submitted in requested format
  0 pts
  Not as requested
  1 pts
  part1.py: Output countries
  2 pts
  Correct answer
  Program has correct
  answer using sensible
  Python code
  1 pts
  Incorrect answer
  Program uses partial
  list using sensible
  Python code
  0 pts
  Didn’t answer question,
  or answer is extremely
  2 pts
  part1.py: Output percentage for each country
  1 pts
  Correct answer
  Program calculates and prints the correct
  answer using sensible Python code
  0 pts
  Didn’t answer question, or
  answer is extremely wrong.
  1 pts
  part1.py: Output correct value for each country
  1 pts
  Correct answer
  Program calculates and prints the correct
  answer using sensible Python code
  0 pts
  Didn’t answer question, or
  answer is extremely wrong.
  1 pts
  part1.py: List does not contain countries with
  missing or 0 values
  1 pts
  Correct answer
  Program calculates and prints the correct
  answer using sensible Python code
  0 pts
  Didn’t answer question, or
  answer is extremely wrong.
  1 pts
  part1.py: Values shown with one digit after the decimal
  1 pts
  Correct answer
  Program calculates and prints the correct
  answer using sensible Python code
  0 pts
  Didn’t answer question, or
  answer is extremely wrong.
  1 pts
  part2.py: Accepts user input for country
  1 pts
  Correct answer
  Program calculates and prints the correct
  answer using sensible Python code
  0 pts
  Didn’t answer question, or
  answer is extremely wrong.
  1 pts
  part2.py: Accepts user input in lower or upper case (or
  1 pts
  Correct answer
  Program calculates and prints the correct
  answer using sensible Python code
  0 pts
  Didn’t answer question, or
  answer is extremely wrong.
  1 pts
  part2.py: Outputs error message for invalid country
  1 pts
  Correct answer
  Program calculates and prints the correct
  answer using sensible Python code
  0 pts
  Didn’t answer question, or
  answer is extremely wrong.
  1 pts
  part2.py: Outputs correct vaccination percentage for
  2 pts
  Correct answer
  Program has correct
  answer using sensible
  Python code
  1 pts
  Incorrect answer
  Output format incorrect
  using sensible Python
  0 pts
  Didn’t answer question,
  or answer is extremely
  2 pts
  part2.py: Outputs correct worldwide average
  2 pts
  Correct answer
  Program has correct
  answer using sensible
  Python code
  1 pts
  Incorrect answer
  Output format incorrect
  using sensible Python
  0 pts
  Didn’t answer question,
  or answer is extremely
  2 pts
  part2.py: Outputs correct country with lowest
  2 pts
  Correct answer
  Program has correct
  answer using sensible
  Python code
  1 pts
  Incorrect answer
  Output format incorrect
  using sensible Python
  0 pts
  Didn’t answer question,
  or answer is extremely
  2 pts
  part2.py: Outputs correct country with highest
  2 pts
  Correct answer
  Program has correct
  answer using sensible
  Python code
  1 pts
  Incorrect answer
  Output format incorrect
  using sensible Python
  0 pts
  Didn’t answer question,
  or answer is extremely
  2 pts
  Style: Well named variable names and header
  2 pts
  Submitted i
  0 pts
  Not as requested
  2 pts
Total Points: 20