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CS3347 Software Engineering Principles & Practice Project Management: Cost Management Semester B 2021/22


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CS3347 Software Engineering Principles & Practice

Project Management: Cost Management

Semester B 2021/22

Manage  Your  Health  Inc.  initiated  a  Recreation  and  Wellness  Intranet  Project that will take  six months to  complete  and  cost  about  $200,000 . The  budget  is  primarily  based  on the  costs for internal staff to develop the new system .

Assume after three months of the project, the

Planned value    =   $120,000

Earned value      =   $100,000

Actual cost          =   $90,000

a .    Evaluate the cost variance CV, schedule variance SV, CPI and SPI.

b .   Comment on the progress of the project .

c .    Estimate the cost at completion and the completion time .