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CSC 200(H) The TyExprC Type Checker


CSC 200(H) The TyExprC Type Checker

February 15, 2021

1 Introduction

Chapter 27 of the PAPL book defines a typed language with minimal integer, Boolean and function operations. We call the language TyExprC. In this assignment, you will either work alone or collaborate with a partner to implement the type checker for TyExprC. You will program the type checker in Rust.

Type checking is the process of proving type correctness. The type checker is an automated tool to prove (a weaker condition of) program correctness. Given a TyExprC program, the TyExprC type checker either proves that the program is type correct or it rejects the program.

The language TyExprC represents the essence of functional programming. As a language, it is slightly larger than lambda calculus (so easier to program in) but still small enough (so a student can implement a complete type checker in a class project).

2 The TyExprC Language

The TyExprC language has the following syntax:

TyExprC :=


| plusC(TyExprC, TyExprC)

| multC(TyExprC, TyExprC)

| trueC

| falseC

| eqC(TyExprC, TyExprC)

| ifC(TyExprC, TyExprC, TyExprC)

| idC(String)

| appC(TyExprC, TyExprC)

| fdC(String, Type, Type, TyExprC)

| recC(String, String, Type, Type, TyExprC, TyExprC)

Type :=


| boolT

| funT(Type, Type)

In this grammar, the parentheses and commas are terminal symbols; a terminal string (i.e. a string literal) starts with a non-capital letter, e.g. numC, trueC; and a non-terminal begins with a capital letter, i.e. TyExprC, Num, String, Type. Of the four non-terminals, TyExprC, Type are defifined by the grammar. Of the remaining two, Num is a non-negative integer, and String is a string that is not one of the terminal strings in the grammar. Check the textbook Programming Language Pragmatics if you need a (formal) regular-language definition for numbers and strings.

      Any TyExprC expression is a TyExprC program. For example, trueC is a program that evaluates to true. Read Chapter 27 to see how the syntax of TyExprC is used in programming. For example, fdC defines a function with a single parameter. Its four arguments in fdC(String, Type, Type, TyExprC) are parameter name, parameter type, return type, and the function body respectively. A function defined by fdC is unnamed, a.k.a. an anonymous function or a lambda. In comparison, recC defines a named function, so the function can be recursive.

      Recall that a program has names, values and constants. In this language, the only way to introduce a name is by defining it in one of the two function definitions: by fdC which defines a parameter or by recC which defines a function name and a parameter. When either type of names is used, e.g. a parameter in plusC or a function in appC, it must use idC(String) to “access” the parameter or the function by its name. 

      For example, the following program defines an identity function on a number:

fdC("n", numT, numT, idC("n"))

We will go over a recursive factorial function in-class.

3 Collaboration

Partnering      You may choose to complete the assignment by yourself or with a partner. If you work alone, your type checker must support the full language except for the recursive function, i.e. recC, which is (5%) extra credit. If you work in a pair, you must support the full language including the recursive function.

When choosing a partner, we ask you to avoid choosing your best friend or someone you know very well. Also we ask you not to choose someone you do not know. Ideally, choose someone you know but do not know well.

Code Sharing      We encourage students to collaborate with people who are not your partner. You are always allowed to discuss and share ideas. In addition, we allow students to share the scanner and parser code of the type checker. Your type checker can use the scanner and/or parser implementation of another student, as long as you acknowledge the source of the code. If you are having trouble with this part of the project, a small set of tests, skeleton tokenizer, or sample parser can be provided; just send a Basecamp ping to one of your TAs.

      It is still your responsibility that your type checker works correctly. Any problem with the code used by your type checker counts as your problem.

You must not share your code for type checking or use others’ code for type checking.

4 Requirements

You will implement the TyExprC type checker called tc200 in Rust.

1. The checker program tc200 takes an input file name. It reads the content of the file as a TyExprC program, performs the type check, and returns either the result type of the program or an error message saying that the program fails the type check.

2. As unit tests, provide a test program for each of the clauses given in the TyExprC grammar.

5 Due Date and Submission

Your final submission should be a compressed folder, uploaded to Blackboard, containing your project directory. Please name your compressed folder: prog assign3 netid 

The due date for this assignment is: Sunday, February 21st, 2021 at 11:59 PM. Late submissions will receive a 10% penalty per day past the deadline.