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4QQMN136 Introduction to Microeconomics and 4QQMN146 Introduction to Macroeconomics


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4QQMN136 Introduction to Microeconomics and 4QQMN146 Introduction to Macroeconomics – joint assessment


Question 1:

Explain why employers pay a lower efficiency wage when unemployment is high. How would the efficiency wage change in an economy if it became      easier to monitor the work that employees did? Other than to incentivise      workers to put in effort, can you think of any other reasons why wages might be higher when unemployment is low (i.e. an upward-sloping wage-setting   curve)?


Question 2:

To support the economy against a recession triggered by the Coronavirus, the government is considering increasing public spending. Suppose the               government decides to finance the additional spending with new taxes, and to increase taxes by the same amount as public spending. A critic to the             government objects saying that if public spending and taxes increase by the   same amount, no increase in GDP should be expected: what the government gives to the economy is taken back via taxes.

Use the model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply to study if the proposed economic policy could increase GDP by computing the fiscal  multipliers.

a) Start from the model C + I + G + NX = Y with C the aggregate level of consumption, I the aggregate level of investment, G the level of fiscal   spending, NX the net experts and Y the level of GDP. Assume NX = 0 and assume that C = c0 + c1(Y-T), with T the level of taxes. Interpret the economic intuition behind the function for consumption. What is  c1? (5 marks)

b) Derive the equilibrium level of GDP associated with this model. Study  by how much Y increases when G increases under the assumption T=G. Does your model predict that Y will be affected by the government       intervention? Why? (10 marks)

c) Now assume that NX = X – mY, where X represents total exports and m represents the marginal propensity to import. How does your answer to question b) change? Why? (10 marks)

Question 3:

a)  Suppose you walk into a large supermarket at 2 am with a friend. Your  friend says, "I can't believe that these stores stay open all night. Only one out of fifteen checkout lines is open. There can't be more than ten          shoppers in this store. Itjust doesn't make any sense for this store to be   open all night." What conditions must be true for it to be to the              advantage of the supermarket to stay open all night? (13 marks)

b) Your friend has a large garden and grows fresh fruit and vegetables to be  sold at a local "farmer's market." Last year your friend was the only worker  in the garden, without any additional workers. However, this year your  friend hired a worker and production more than doubled. He comments “Next summer, I think I'll hire another two workers (so total workers  including myself would go up from 2 to 4) and my output should again more than double". Is it likely that he could hire more workersand always continue to reap greater than proportional increases in production? Why?  (12 marks)


Question 4:

The government decides to place a £25 per unit-subsidy on the sales of books. The initial demand and supply curves for books in this country are                respectively:

Qd = 1000 – 2*P and Qs = 3*P + 500 where price in measured in Great British Pounds per book.

a) What is the pre-subsidy equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity of  books? Illustrate demand and supply curves and the market equilibrium in a diagram indicating the respective intercepts. What are Consumer   and Producer Surplus in this market? (5 marks)

b) How many books will be traded once the £25 subsidy is enacted? How  much will consumers pay per book? Illustrate the effects of the subsidy  on the equilibrium quantity and price of books in a diagram (you can use the diagram drawn in part a)). What are Consumer and Producer          Surplus in this market with the subsidy in place? (5 marks)

c) What is the change in consumer and producer surplus following the introduction of this subsidy? Calculate the monetary value of these  changes and identify the respective areas in your diagram. (5 marks)

d) Compared to the pre-subsidy equilibrium, what is the impact of this      subsidy on the overall welfare in this market taking into account the cost of the subsidy? (5 marks)

e) Calculate the incidence of the subsidy across Consumers and Producers in percentage terms. (5 marks)