Syllabus Spring 2021


Santa Monica College


Spring 2021

Instructor: Professor J. Kim

Units: 3.0

Office: Confer Now through CANVAS

Section Number: 2675

Phone: (562) 938-4895

Time & Days: 3:45pm-5:05pm      TTh

Email: [email protected] replied during M-F      Confer Now through CANVAS

Virtual Office Hours: 3:00pm-3:40pm TTh

Room Location: Remote

Course: MATH 21 FINITE MATHEMATICS      (Confer Now through CANVAS)

I. Course Information:

a) Text: Finite Mathematics, 8th ed. , 2014 - Rolf, L. Howard, Brooks/Cole – Cengage Learning

b) Description: This is a terminal mathematics course for liberal arts and social science majors. Topics include sets and counting, probability, linear systems, linear programming, statistics, and mathematics of finance, with emphasis on applications.

c) Prerequisites: Math 20 or Math 18

d) Grades:

Final Exam         300 points

Best 3 Exams     450 points

Best 3 Quizzes   150 points

Homework         100 points

Total                 1000 points

e) Scales:

Above 895 points    A

795-894 points       B

695-794 points       C

595-694 points       D

Below 594 points    F

f) Classroom Expectation:

 This course meets entirely online from 2/16/2021 to 6/15/2021. (See tentative schedule)

 Attendance is mandatory through participating in the course using SMC’s learning management system called, CANVAS.

 Students are also required to have a reliable and updated email address on file with SMC and CANVAS.

 Specifically we are going to use Confer Now feature of CANVAS.

 If you are registered for this class, you will access and do not need password.

 By clicking on Confer Now, you will be invited to our meeting. Also there is a recorded live lecture.

 At the beginning of each live lecture, I will be taking attendance. Please log on and turn on camera. After I called your name, then camera can be off. (See Attendance)

 During each exam, everyone must log on and turn on camera, so I can video monitor everyone during each exam including final exam. (See Final Exam, Mid-Term Exam, Exams + Quizzes)

 Every homework assignments including in-class and study guides must be submitted through email. (See Homework)

 If your name does not match name under your email, please state your name on email. 

g) Announcement:

 Announcements will be posted on Canvas on a regular basis.

 Please check your email is current, and check it regularly

 Each email will contain important information about the course

h) Final Exam, Exams & Quizzes:

 The final exam is accumulative and is not optional but required. Everyone must take the Final Exam to pass. No exceptions!

 See the tentative schedule for the exam / quiz dates. All quizzes will be part of exam, so no separate quizzes will be given. All Exams are proctored using camera and speaker. All exam days are mandatory to attend.

 There will be no make-ups for missed exams or quizzes including the Final Exam. No exceptions! However, the lowest exam grade and the lowest quiz grade will be dropped. Please check CAMVAS grades for update after exam.

 Non-wireless based calculators will be required for both exams and quizzes. The graphing calculators are not permitted for the exams and quizzes.

 All exams and quizzes will be closed books and closed notes, so books and notes must be put away.

 During testing, I will be video monitoring, so log on and turn on camera. Do not make any noises.

 Camera should face the work area after I confirm who you are for the entire exam period.

 Therefore, both speaker and camera for entire exam. No music during exams.

 Do not leave confer zoom during the entire exam period. Ask permission before using a restroom, break.

 Also do not contact other students during exam. Just like we have exams during face-to-face sitting.

 Please use smart phones as log on to CANVAS if you do not have a camera on your computer. (See Electronic Equipment)

 You can use an exam booklet for each exam and final exam. However, you can use the clean sheet of paper (either ruled or not ruled).

 Please do all the problems in order (1, 2, 3, …) but maximum of 3 problems per page.

 Please do not copy the question on the exam booklet to save time.

 Send the completed exam solutions in a single PDF-file via email before due time which will be stated under assignment page of CANVAS / home page on each exam day (see tentative schedule). For example, write under SUBJECT: MATH 21 EXAM 1.

 Always ask the instructor to clarify any questions about the problems on the exam or quiz through private chat and do not use speaker. Do not ask your classmates.

 Students receiving accommodations due to verified disabilities may take exam on scheduled time or earlier with the instructor’s permission. See https://www.smc.edu/student-support/center-for-students-with-disabilities/student-resources/what-is-disabled-student-programs-and-services-dsps.php

i) Homework:

 You must put 1-2 hours practice working homework problems for each hour of class.

 Homework consists of problems from the textbook, Study Guides for each exam, and In-class assignments.

 Problems from the textbook, study guides (including quiz) and all in-class assignment will be collected on exam days before start of the class on the scheduled exam day via email.

NO LATE HOMEWORK sets will be accepted. No exceptions!

 If one misses the exam day, then one can email me homework via email before (not after) the due date to receive a full credit.

 Write under SUBJET: MATH 21 HOMEWORK.

 Please list all the contents of homework emailing me. For example, homework #1, #2, study guide #1, in-class #1-#2 etc (see Tentative Schedule).

 Working together with other students is permitted via email and it is encouraged. However, everyone must submit their own individual homework sets.

 You do not need a PDF-file for homework; just simply take a picture of pages to send me via email.

j) Attendance:

 Perfect attendance is expected. Everyone must attend lectures through confer zoom. Students with 4 or more unexcused absences (whether consecutive or accumulative) will be dropped from the course and will not be re-instated.

 Attendance will be enforced everyday by a roll call at the beginning of the class through Confer Now by turning on camera. After attendance each student can turn off camera.

 During each live lecture please have your speaker on mute.

 If you need to ask me question then either use zoom group chat or speaker to state your questions during live lecture.

 Please do not use zoom group chat (everyone feature) or speaker to talk about personal business issues. They are to used to ask me questions only!

 Call or email the instructor to leave a brief message after being absent for more than two lectures to avoid being dropped from the roster. It is student’s responsibility to obtain notes from confer zoom recorded lectures.

k) Student-to-Student Interactions:

 Participation is essential to your success DURING IN-CLASS ASSIGNMENT activities IN LAB HOURS.

 In distance education courses you are required to participate just as if you were in a face-to-face course.

 All assignments will be completed will be stated on CANVAS course page.

 Student may be required but not limited to complete online discussion posts/responses, video feedback, collaboration using Zoom, create PowerPoint lesson plan…etc.

II. Electronic Equipment:

a) Graphing calculators not permitted to be used during exams.

b) Cellular phones and pagers must be turned off during each exam unless using to log on to CANVAS and use camera for video proctoring.

c) One cannot use cell phone to call or exchange information during exam.

d) Everyone must mute the speaker during recorded Confer Now lectures.

e) If asking question then please use private chat to ask me questions during exams.

g) When posting on the discussion boards and chat rooms it is important to understand how to interact with one another online, netiquette. You can read more about the rules of netiquette at http://www.albion.com/netiquette/index.html

III. Withdrawal Policy:

 It is student’s responsibility to withdraw officially through the Admission office before the drop date in the event that the student cannot continue the course.

 In the event when the student did not drop the class after the drop date, the student will be issued a letter grade.

IV. Important Dates:

g) See the tentative schedule for following:

 The exam & quiz dates including the final exam.

 The last day to drop without and with a “W” on transcript in 16-week course.

V. Academic Integrity:

 All students are expected to conduct themselves with the highest standards of ethics and behavior.

 Any cheating which involves any unauthorized cooperation on any graded assignments will be dealt with as severely as the College policy allows.

 Any infringement upon the rights of others will not be tolerated as well. See: http://www.smc.edu/StudentServices/HonorCouncil/Pages/Honor-Code.aspx http://www.smc.edu/StudentServices/StudentJudicialAffairs/Documents/AR4410.pdf

VI. Extra Help:

 Instructor’s virtual office hours.

 Since it is very difficult to answer math questions over the phone or via email, students are encouraged to ask the instructor to solve math problems during office hours or during the discussion portion of the class. Students can email the instructor about the homework problems to be discussed during the review for the exams in the class.

 Math-Lab in MC building, no appointment required: https://www.smc.edu/student-support/academic-support/tutoring-centers/math-lab/index.php

VII. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course students will be able to:

 Solve linear systems using matrices.

 Solve optimization problems in two variables using linear programming (graphical methods).

 Apply elementary mathematics of finance formulas including compound interest, annuities, and amortization.

 Use a hand-held calculator to perform computations effectively.

 Calculate measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) and measures of dispersion (range, variance, standard deviation).

 Apply elementary counting methods, including multiplication principle, combinations, permutations, partitions, and principle of inclusion and exclusion.

 Use counting techniques to compute probabilities where outcomes are equally likely

 Apply basic probability theory, including conditional probability, and Bernoulli experiments.

VIII. Student Learning Outcomes:

 Given a linear system of equations or inequalities, students will identify an appropriate problem solving strategy and construct a solution.

 Given a word problem involving sets, counting, probability, optimization or the mathematics of finance, students will reframe the problem mathematically and utilize problem solving skills to determine the solution.

 Given a data set, students will describe it using appropriate diagrams and/or statistics.

IX. Tentative Schedule:

Tuesday via Confer Now
Thursday via Confer Now
Introduction and Syllabus;
6.1 lecture
6.2 lecture
6.3 lecture
6.4 lecture
March 2
Quiz 1 (6.1-6.3) is part of Exam 1;
6.5 lecture
March 4
6.6 lecture
March 9
Review & Study Guide 1
March 11
Exam 1 (Ch.6)
March 16
7.1-7.2 lecture
Flex Day – No Class
March 23
7.3 lecture
March 25
Quiz 2 (7.1-7.3) part of Exam 2;
7.4-7.5 lecture
March 30
Review & Study Guide 2;
April 1
Exam 2 (Ch.7)
April 6
8.6 lecture
April 8
8.1 lecture
April 13
Spring Break – College Closed
April 15
Spring Break – College Closed
8.2 lecture
April 22
8.3 lecture
April 27
5.1 lecture
April 29
Quiz 3 (8.6&8.1-8.3) is part of Exam 3;
5.2-5.3 lecture
May 4
5.4&1.3 lecture
May 6
Review & Study Guide 3
May 11
Exam 3 (Chs.5&8)
May 13
2.1-2.2 lecture
May 18
2.3&3.1 lecture
May 20
3.3 lecture via Confer Now
May 25
Quiz 4 (1.3&2.1-2.3) is part of Exam 4;
3.2 lecture
May 27
Review & Study Guide 4
June 1
Exam 4 (Chs.1.3,2&3)
June 3
Review for Final Exam
June 8
Final Exam (Chs.1-3,6-8)

Last Day to Withdraw to Avoid a “W”: February 28, 2021
Last Day to Withdraw to Guarantee a "W" May 15, 2021
Final Examination will be held on Tuesday June 8, 2022 from 3:30pm-6:30pm

Welcome to Math 21 class…

Once a wise man said that we must jump into the pool to learn how to swim…

Math is similar, we must solve the problems on our own and it is certainly not a spectator sport...