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CM539 Group Research Paper Addendum


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Group Research Paper Addendum


Students will form groups with five members to conduct a research study (see deadline in course schedule in syllabus). The goal of this assignment is to provide students with hands-on experience to put into practice what they learn from the class. This assignment is also intended for students to learn how to work in groups, much like they will do in their careers.

· Research papers should be written in APA style and be between 10-15 pages in length (text only, excluding title page/abstract, reference list and any tables, figures, and appendices).

· Research papers should be double-spaced.

· Students should use size 12 font, Times New Roman, with one-inch margins on top, bottom, and both sides.

Students will:

1) Identity a media/communication topic of interest

2) Obtain topic approval from the Professor

3) Conduct a literature review of the topic

4) Articulate one research question (with a media/communication concept at its core)

5) Design an online survey questionnaire

6) Generate sample of human subjects (i.e., respondents) and collect data from the online survey using Qualtrics

7) Analyze the data using SPSS

8) Write a group-authored research paper based on the results

As specified in the course schedule, there are firm deadlines for when the research groups need to email the following 10 items to the Professor:

1) Group member list

2) Research topic

3) Research question

4) Conceptualization

5) Operationalization

6) Sample definition

7) Survey instrument

8) Survey on Qualtrics

9) Data analysis plan

10) Research paper, as well SPSS dataset and output files for univariate, bivariate, and/or multivariate statistics (Univariate and bivariate are required; multivariate is optional.)

Additional Expectations:

· Studies need to center on one type of media use (e.g., social media use, streaming content viewing, brand advertising exposure, news use, sports broadcast viewing, health campaign exposure). Each group will articulate one research question that involves this type of media use.

· In terms of citations of the literature, students must use APA style. Thus, there will be proper in-text citations and a proper reference list on the page following the text.

· Page 1 of paper should have paper title, student names, and an abstract of no more than 150 words.

· All citations should be of an actual publication that the group has read.

· Please do NOT cite class lectures.

· But you can cite course readings.

· Please use direct quotations ONLY for the conceptual definitions of your key concepts. Otherwise, please do NOT provide wording from the literature in quotations. Instead, properly paraphrase ideas from the literature, putting them in your own words, and cite the authors.

· Papers must have citations of at least five scholarly journal articles. However, stronger paper will tend to have citations of even more scholarly journal articles.

· This is a paper, not an outline. Only indent first line of each paragraph.

· As noted above, the expected paper length of 10-15 pages does NOT include the title page/abstract, reference list and any tables, figures, and appendices at the end.

· The complete wording and responses for all survey items should be included in an appendix. This appendix should be configured so that it is clear what concepts are represented by what survey questions.

· Groups should have a survey sample size of at least 100 respondents (excluding filtered outs and incompletes).

· Groups will email the following to the Professor: research paper, as well as final SPSS Dataset and the relevant SPSS output files for univariate, bivariate, and/or multivariate analyses (see deadline in course schedule in syllabus). (Univariate and bivariate are required; multivariate is optional.)

· Student research groups must themselves derive their own survey samples via email and/or social media. They CANNOT use samples provided by SONA or any other organization or initiative.

· As you complete your papers, please consult the APA Style website: https://apastyle.apa.org. Also, the Purdue Owl has a useful website here: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html.

·  Also, please consult the two research article examples on Blackboard: Beaudoin (2008); and Beaudoin et al. (2011).

· Your research paper must be your own original work. It should be well-crafted and thought-provoking. Your paper should be correct, consistent, clear, concise, coherent, and complete (Ranly’s Cs).

See course schedule in syllabus for related deadlines.


Paper sections:

Title page with abstract, followed by:

1) Introduction

A. Study purpose and overview

B. Why does this study matter? What implications does it have for research and practice?

2) Literature review

A.  Theory (or informal expected process of effects)

B.  Conceptualization

C.  Review of empirical findings

D.  Research question articulation

3) Methods

A. Data collection, including sample and recruitment

B. Measurement (with reference to appendix, with all survey item wording)

C. Statistical procedure

4) Results

A. Univariate statistics: Descriptive statistics (with reference to Table 1) Required

B. Bivariate statistics:

1) Pearson correlation (with reference to Table 2) Required

2) t-test Required

C. Multivariate statistics: OLS Regression (with reference to Table 3) Optional

D. Overview of general results

E. Revisit research question and explain how the results pertain to it

5) Discussion

A. Discuss theoretical implications of results

B. Discuss practical implications of results

C. Study limitations

6) Conclusion

7) References

8) Tables

9) Appendix with all survey measurement items