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Business Valuation Using Accounting Analytics ACCT 2001


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Business Valuation Using Accounting Analytics ACCT 2001

Important Information 

1. Case Company: The GO2 People Ltd

2. Due Date: 2 May 2022, 6 pm (WST) 

Submission requirements for the Individual Assignment:

1. A Turnitin submission is required. There will be two Turnitin submission points:

a. Part 1: Ms Word document

b. Part 2: FinSAS (Excel spreadsheet)

2. Soft copies must be e-mailed to the unit coordinator for security purposes.

3. You must prepare a table of contents and provide references.

PART 1 (30 marks)

(This part of the assignment must be prepared in as a Word document)

A.  History and Major Activities

Required: (10 Marks)

For the case company, briefly discuss the:

a. History of the company

b. Its major Activities

Marks will be deducted if students copy and paste from the company website or other information sources.

Hint: If the company is a multinational company, please focus only on the activities in Australia.

Source of Information:

1. Databases provided by the university:


b. DatAnalysis

c. Company’s website https://thego2people.com.au

This part of your answer must not exceed 1 page.

B.  Industry Characteristics

Required: (20 Marks)

Using the case company, assess the competitive forces in the industry. Do those forces explain why the organization has succeeded? What is your assessment of its future profitability based on your predictions for the competitive forces in the industry?

General Guidelines:

1. Please apply the Porter five forces in addressing the above question.

Hint: The focus here is the industry. A good start is to compare the case company with a close competitor and provide comparison and contrast.

Use only the industry classification supplied by the stock exchange for your discussion (do not be distracted by other activities/industries in which the company may be involved). In addition, you can use the industry classification provided by the ORBIS or DatAnalysis databases. Where the company operates in a fairly broad industry classification, such as retail, search the sub-categories for a segment of that industry that fits the company and focus your analysis of the industry on that segment only.

Your answer should clearly reflect the research you have conducted. Do not theorize (writing directly from the text) or generalize.

Sources of information

Essential reading: Chapter 2 of the textbook.

This part of your answer must not exceed 2 pages.

PART 2 (81 marks)

This part requires you to complete the Input and Source of Input tab of the FinSAS software using the financial reports of the company that you have been assigned for this task. The case company is The Go2 People Limited and you need to complete for 2018 to 2021.

The complete FinSAS file must be submitted as part of your assignment. Do not convert your file into PDF format, as this will render the marks as zero.

A computer laboratory demonstration is scheduled for the latter part of the semester (refer to the unit outline) to demonstrate how this part of the assignment is to be done.

Attending the FinSAS demonstration is essential for you to complete PART 2.

Also, refer to the Individual Assignment Part 2 Marking Guide on Blackboard for detailed information on how marks have been allocated for various activities of this part of the assignment.

Please note that students must use the FinSAS software for this part of the assignment.

You can download a copy of the FinSAS software from the unit’s Blackboard site.

Do not copy and paste it into Word, Excel, or any other format.

Failure to do so will render this part of the assignment invalid and will, therefore, be allocated a mark of zero.