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BCDE223 Best Programming Practices (Java) Semester One 2022


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Practical Assessment 2

Best Programming Practices (Java)


Semester One 2022

This assessment relates to the following Learning Outcome(s):

2          Demonstrate ability to implement a prototype system.


You are to create the first part of a program that will enable a user to play a Rook Jumping  Maze game. This will be written in Java. Naturally, you will be expected to use good design, programming, and testing practices.

For an overview of Rook Jumping Maze game, see




Creating a <<View>>

Creating a <<Controller>>


You need to design, write and test a <<Model>> code for Rook Jumping Maze game, which will be able to be used later in association with a <<View>> in Assessment 3.

It means you need to:

1         Analyze the user requirements based on the assessment instructions.

2          Design your <<Model>> using a class diagram.

3         Code your <<Model>>.

4         Write unit tests to test the correctness of your <<Model>> code.

You MAY work in groups for creating the code for this assessment but must make INDIVIDUAL presentations. Clearly comment the source of all code that is not your own in your source code files and presentation slides. In your presentation you may use code provided by others in the   class but will only be marked on code you have written. See the marking rubric for details of how the amount of code you use from others will impact on your mark.

Students should show the progress of their assessment work to the course lecturer every week and get formative feedback.


           <<View>> and <<Controller>>, although you may wish to create them to assist with your

debugging / testing


Students must zip and submit their work including the items listed below into the corresponding drop box on the course Moodle site by the deadline indicated.

1         A 10-minute MAXIMUM (optionally narrated) PowerPoint slide presentation explaining how much of the <<Model>> you have implemented and tested.

2         A digital copy of the project code including unit testing code.

3         A digital copy of the class diagram created.

The presentation should cover the followings.

The expected (i.e., self-marking) marks for each task you expect to get marks for.

How much of the analysis and the design of the <<Model>> classes you have implemented?



A list of features of the <<Model>> prioritized using MoSCoW (Must have, Should have, Could have, and Wont have).

UML Class diagram.

How many of the MUST features of the <<Model>> has been implemented?

           Use snapshots to clearly indicate which block of code is behind which MUST

feature of the <<Model>> you have implemented.

How many of the unit tests which prove the correctness of the <<Model>> your code can pass?

Use snapshots to clearly indicate which unit test is to test which MUST feature of your <<Model>>.

Use snapshots to clearly indicate which unit test can pass against your <<Model>> implemented.