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CS150 – Introduction to Data and Information Management TERM PROJECT Spring 2022


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CS150 – Introduction to Data and Information Management


Spring 2022

Objective:   To use the features of database which we are studying this semester to create an original application of your team’s choice. The application should relate to operating a small business and optimizing the business processes. The four parts to the assignment, along with due dates, are as follows:


1. Class 6          Identify the Application and the Table Design.

                                              Submit the Project proposal, ER diagram, and

    table design information from Documenter.


2. Class 9     Finish data entry, queries, reports and forms

                            (No submit necessary, internal milestone)


3. Class 11     Finish macros, Navigation Form, and any VBA

                            (No submit necessary, internal milestone)


4. Class 12                 Be prepared to present and discuss your application

                                              Turn in Project database and required documentation.


Requirements for the Application and Table design are as follows:


Each team should create an application with (at least) five tables, e.g.,


a. Product or something which has value to the business

b. Transaction table

c. Persons involved in the transaction

d. The remaining 2 tables are your choice


You should use as few tables as feasible, keeping in mind the minimum of five. Many real applications will easily exceed this, but with at least five tables we can cover all the aspects of application design.  Don’t wait until the last minute to design your project and its tables. You need to give the design of the entire project a serious amount of thought so that your completed application looks professional and shows you have mastered the course material. The user interface needs to be attractive, consistent, and easy to use. The documentation package has to be neat and look professional. It must NOT be handwritten. Be sure to completely test your application before presenting it. In the class presentation, be ready to discuss your design and testing process.


Create the necessary relationships between tables and enforce Referential Integrity. Not all tables need to be related to other tables. The relationships should be as needed, based on the queries, forms, and reports that you create.

Application Requirements:




1. Use several different field data types.

2. Set appropriate referential integrity.

3. Create appropriate relationships between the tables.

4. Enter at least 20 records into all tables.

5. Create several appropriate validation rules for fields.

6. Create an ER diagram to understand how the tables are related to each other.

7. Your table design must avoid redundant data fields.




1. Create appropriate input forms, using a consistent form design to insure commonality.

a. Custom colors and fonts

b. Use at least size 12 for the font size

2. All tables should have a form.

3. Add an image to the forms (sort of a logo for your application).

4. Create a form with a subform. Pick one of the tables having a related table for the main form. This form will use a tab control as well. Place the subform on the first tab of the tab control. On the second tab, place a chart that displays some of the data from the subform. Label the tabs and navigation bars appropriately.




Create at least four reports.

a. One based on the customer table, so it needs a subreport as well.

b. One based on the parameter query, which would allow you to select the criteria at run time.

c. A Relationships Report.

d. The fourth is your choice.




Create at least four queries.

a. Parameter query built using at least two tables for use in a report.

b. Query using multiple tables.

c. A statistical query

d. A crosstab query


Creating a user interface for your application:


Add a form with a list box displaying all queries in the database. This form should also have a button to open the query selected and a button to close the form.


Add a Navigation Form with 2 levels of tabs to your application, following the same color, font, and image scheme as your other forms. This form will have a tab for forms, a tab for reports, and a tab for the list box query. The sub-tabs will display each form and report in the database.


Set start up options so that the Navigation Form opens with the database.


Set password protection. Use password “cs150”.


Please include any other ideas on how to automate your business practices with macros.



1. Term Project Description page (updated)

2. ER diagram created in Access

3. Table design data from Access Documenter

4. A Testing Plan consisting of at least one paragraph describing how you tested your application to be sure it will work during your presentation and when I grade it.

5. A PowerPoint presentation describing your project that you will use in class. It should be about 5 slides. Be sure to cover the business need for the database and project testing.

6. Project Journal




When you present your project in class, you will need a description of your application in PowerPoint, sufficient for everyone in class to understand your application and the business activity it supports.  Be prepared to discuss your methods for designing and testing the application. Do not model your application on any application we covered in class or described in our textbooks. Each team will present their system design in Class #12. I will select the sequence of the team presentations.