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CS 147 Exam 2 Review


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CS 147 Exam 2 Review

Exam 2 includes all topics in Lecture 07 through Lecture 15, except Lecture 12 (VHDL).

1. Suppose we are using an accumulator architecture. Several memory addressing modes are available to load the contents of memory to the accumulator.

The instruction LOAD_DIR uses the direct mode.

The instruction LOAD_INDIR uses the indirect mode.

The instruction LOAD_IMM uses the immediate mode.

The instruction LOAD_REG uses the register mode.

The instruction LOAD_REG_INDIR uses the register indirect mode.

Suppose that the memory at location 5 contains the number 16.

Suppose that the memory at location 7 contains the number 12.

Suppose that the memory at location 16 contains the number 8.

Suppose that register 5 contains the number 7.


What number would be loaded into the accumulator if the instruction is LOAD_DIR 5? Answer: __________________

What number would be loaded into the accumulator if the instruction is LOAD_INDIR 5? Answer: __________________

What number would be loaded into the accumulator if the instruction is LOAD_IMM 7? Answer: __________________

What number would be loaded into the accumulator if the instruction is LOAD_REG 5? Answer: __________________

What number would be loaded into the accumulator if the instruction is LOAD_REG_INDIR 5? Answer: _________________


2. We have an Instruction Set Architecture and Implementation as described in the lecture notes and            textbook (reproduced on supplementary handout). The instruction being executed (that is, the instruction at memory location 45) is 1100000 110 001 011. What is the control word? (Give the values of the control     signals below.)

DA _________

AA _________

BA _________

MB _________

FS  ________

MD _________

RW _________


PL  _________

JB  _________

BC _________

Suppose the values of the registers are currently:

R0: 00000100

R1: 00000101

R2: 00000000

R3: 00011100

R4: 00000000

R5: 00000110

R6: 00010100

R7: 00110100

What is the value of the PC after running this instruction?

Next PC: ________


2A. We have an Instruction Set Architecture and Implementation as described in the lecture notes and         textbook (reproduced on supplementary handout). The instruction being executed (that is, the instruction at memory location 45) is 1110000 110 001 011. What is the control word? (Give the values of the control     signals below.)

DA _________

AA _________

BA _________

MB _________

FS  ________

MD _________

RW _________


PL  _________

JB  _________

BC _________

Suppose the values of the registers are currently:

R0: 00000100

R1: 00000101

R2: 00000000

R3: 00011100

R4: 00000000

R5: 00000110

R6: 00010100

R7: 00110100

What is the value of the PC after running this instruction?

Next PC: ________

3. Single cycle computer timing

We have an Instruction Set Architecture and Implementation as described in the lecture notes and textbook. Suppose that the components have the following propagation delay times.

Register: 3ns

4- 1 Multiplexer: 3 ns

2- 1 Multiplexer: 2 ns

ALU: 6 ns (Assume that all ALU operations, no matter how simple, take 6 ns)

Shifter: 2 ns

Zero detect: 1 ns

2-4 Decoder: 2 ns

AND Gate: 1 ns

Branch Control: 2 ns

Instruction Decoder: 2 ns

Zero fill: 1 ns

Extend: 1 ns

PC : 3 ns

Memory access: 12 ns

Assume that the PC and the Registers use the same clock. Assume also that the PC and the registers have the following set-up and hold times:

Set-up time: 2 ns

Hold time: 1 ns

What is the minimum clock period possible for the computer?


4. Suppose the instruction opcodes and formats are as follows:

Instruction            Opcode                  Format                   Operation

LDdir                      000                          AD                           ACC      M[AD]

LDindir                  001                          AD                           ACC      M[M[AD]]

LDimm                   010                          OP                           ACC      OP

LDrel                      011                           AD                           ACC      M[PC+AD]

LDindex                 100                          RA OP

LDreg                      101                          RA                           ACC    R[SA]

LDregindir            110                         RA

(a) Write the Operation for Ldindex and Ldregindir (for indexed and register indirect addressing) Suppose the instruction format is as follows:

15                      13   12                 10    9                                                      0





Suppose the memory is:


Suppose the registers have the following values:

R0: 00000000 00000001

R1: 00000000 00000110

R2: 00000000 00110000

R3: 00000000 00000010

R4: 01000000 01011100

R5: 00111010 00001110

R6: 00100111 00011010

R7: 00111010 00000001

Suppose we have the following instruction at memory address 2:

011 010 000000001

(b) What value gets loaded into the accumulator after executing this instruction?

5. Suppose we add the following instruction to the Instruction Set we use for this class (given in Lecture 10 and the Supplementary Reference).


Name     Description           Format                   Action

BEQ       Branch ifequal    RA,RB,AD           Branch ifR[SA] = = R[SB]

Suppose we execute the following instruction: BEQ R3 R5 4

(Assume that this instruction has some opcode which will be decoded by the Instruction Decoder, and that somehow the instruction can specify RA RB and AD correctly, ignoring the fact that AD and RB use the   same bits. Hence, for BEQ, we only send Instruction[8:6] to the PC instead of the usual Instruction[8:6 ||   2:0])

State the control signals:

AA _____

BA _____

DA _____

MB _____

MW _____

RW _____

FS _____

MD _____

PL _____

JB _____

BC _____


6. Implement (draw the circuit of) the PC component of the “Control and Datapath” on Slide 13, Lecture 07: Control Word.


BA: 32-bit branch taken address offset (representing a signed number)

JA: 32-bit jump address

S: 2-bit code from the Branch Control (Note: The following are different from Lecture slides)

00 means next PC PC + 1

01 means next PC PC + branch taken address offset

11 means next PC ← jump address


PC: The 32-bit address of the instruction

Components you can use:

32-bit register

32-bit adder (inputs A, B, and carry_in; outputs F and carry_out; A, B and F are 32 bits) 4-to- 1 32-bit multiplexer

2-to- 1 32-bit multiplexor

7. Suppose we add the following instruction to the Instruction Set we use for this class (given in Lecture 10 and the Supplementary Reference).




Opcode  Description 0001111 Store PC




R[SA] ← PC

Format (which bits of the instruction map to each part)

15       9  | 8    6  | 5    3  | 2    0

Opcode  |           |   SA   |

Example: STPC R2

The value in the PC gets stored into Register 2.

How would you change the CPU (Control, Datapath, and generation of Control Word) circuit so that the above instruction executes correctly? Of course, all the existing instructions should also still execute      correctly. Draw the new CPU circuit (just the parts that changed).


8. Draw the combinational circuit of a shifter that has two inputs: ( 1) 2-bit SHIFT, and (2) 4-bit D. This shifter has one output: 4-bit Q.

If the SHIFT input is 00, the output Q is the input D.

If the SHIFT input is 01, the output Q is the input D shifted right by one bit, and shifts in a 0 in the left-most (most significant) bit.

If the SHIFT input is 10, the output Q is the input D shifted left by one bit, and shifts in a 0 in the right-most bit.

9. Hazards

Assume that you are running the Instruction Set shown in class.

Suppose that your program contains the following section of code:

ADD R3 R2 R1

SUB R1 R2 R3

Is there a data hazard? If yes, say which register has a data hazard.


10. Control hazard

We have a pipelined datapath. Assume that when there is a control hazard (that is, whenever there is a conditional branch instruction), the two following instructions after the branch would be        executed regardless of whether the branch is taken because they have been loaded into the            pipeline before the branch decision is known. To mitigate that, we can either try to reorder            instructions or, if that is not possible, insert NOPs (MOVA R0 R0).

Suppose we have the following program:

ADD R1 R2 R3 (This means R3 ← R1 + R2. In other words R3 is the destination register.)

ADD R3 R4 R5

ADD R1 R3 R4

BRN R5 3 (This means if content of R5 is negative, next instruction to execute is PC + 3.)

SUB R1 R2 R3

SUB R1 R4 R5

SUB R6 R7 R8

Reorder instructions or insert NOPs to make sure the pipeline works correctly, with the minimal increase to time needed to run the program.