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CSC242 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Project 4 Submission Form


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CSC242 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Project 4 Submission Form

Complete this form using a PDF viewer/reader, save it, and submit it with your code on BlackBoard.

Last name:                                  First name:                                  NetID:


Did you implement Linear Classifiers? Yes



Did you implement Neural Networks (extra credit)? Yes      No


Did you write a report that is more than a README, that has actual text in paragraphs (not bullet points), as well as the graphs described in the project description? Yes


One last question:


• Java programmers: Do you have a nice, relatively short, clear main method that creates instances of your other classes to demonstrate the two (or three) algo- rithms?

Check one: Yes         No          I don’t know

•  Python programmers:  Did you use good object-oriented design, with classes, avoiding global functions and variables, and doing very little outside of any method or function?

Check one: Yes         No          I don’t know

• C Programmers: Did you use“-std=c99  -Wall  -Werror”and does your code have a clean report from valgrind?

Check one: Yes         No          I don’t know