关键词 > MAE6292

MAE 6292: Special Topic - Robotics Vision and Perception


MAE 6292: Special Topic - Robotics Vision and Perception

Spring 2021, Friday 12:45 - 3:15pm, Online


Dr. Taeyoung Lee         Email:[email protected]

Office Hour: Wednesday 1:30-2:30pm, or by appointments

Suggested Prerequisite

Linear algebra, Python Coding, Git


Average 7.5 hours per week of direct instruction and independent learning

Course Objective

Understand the fundamentals of computer vision, including image formation, feature detection, tracking, and recognition. Utilize those with inertial measurements for visual odometry and SLAM.


R. Szeliski, Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, Springer, 2020


• Image Formation and Features

− Image Formation (Week 1-2)

− Image Filtering (Week 3)

Feature Detection (Week 4-5)

• Multiple-View Geometry

− Stereo Vision (Week 6)

Structure From Motion (Week 7-9)

• Optical Flow and Tracking (Week 10)

• Recognition and Reconstruction (Week 11)

• Visual Inertial Fusion

− Visual Odometry (Week 12)

Visual SLAM (Week 13-14)

Additional Readings

• R. Siegwart, I.R. Nourbakhsh, and D. Scaramuzza, Introduction to autonomous mobile robots, MIT Press, 2011 2nd Edition (hardback)

• P. Corke, Robotics, Vision and Control, Springer 2011

• D. Scaramuzza, ETH Vision Algorithm for Mobile Robotics


Homework 60%, Attendance 5%, Midterm 17.5%, Final 17.5%

Course Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

1: Understand how image is formulated in camera

2: Detect visual features from images and match

3: Construct an object from multiple images through multiple-view geometry

4: Estimate the incremental motion of a camera by analyzing associated images

5: Integrate inertial measurements with vision

6: Understand the fundamentals of SLAM

General Policy

1: Check your GW email account daily. All of the important announcements of this class will be made through your email.

2: Use of Electronic Course Materials and Class Recordings. Students are encouraged to use electronic course materials, including recorded class sessions, for private personal use in connection with their academic program of study. Electronic course materials and recorded class sessions should not be shared or used for non-course related purposes unless express permission has been granted by the instructor. Students who impermissibly share any electronic course materials are subject to discipline under the Student Code of Conduct. Please contact the instructor if you have questions regarding what constitutes permissible or impermissible use of electronic course materials and/or recorded class sessions. Please contact Disability Support Services if you have questions or need assistance in accessing electronic course materials.

3: Academic Integrity: Academic Integrity is an integral part of the educational process, and GW takes these matters very seriously. Violations of academic integrity occur when students fail to cite research sources properly, engage in unauthorized collaboration, falsify data, and in other ways outlined in the Code of Academic Integrity. Students accused of academic integrity violations should contact the Office of Academic Integrity to learn more about their rights and options in the process. Outcomes can range from failure of assignment to expulsion from the University, including a transcript notation. The Office of Academic Integrity maintains a permanent record of the violation. More information is available from the Office of Academic Integrity at https://studentconduct.gwu.edu.

4: Homework: Homework assignments should be prepared in a neat and professional manner. Discussion of assignments and collaboration among students is encouraged; however, each student is expected to prepare each assignment problem solution by himself/herself. Do not copy. Use of solutions manuals is prohibited.

5: Exam: No excuse on missing exams will be accepted. Make-up exams will not be given, except under extraor-dinary circumstances such as documented illness. If an exam is simply missed, then a grade of zero will be recorded. If you shall have a conflict of schedule, you must inform the instructor in writing with supporting documents at least a week ahead of time.

6: Religious Holidays: In accordance with University policy, students should notify faculty during the first week of the semester of their intention to be absent from class on their day(s) of religious observance. For details and policy, see “Religious Holidays” at https://provost.gwu.edu/policies-procedures-and-guidelines

Support for Students Outside the Classroom

1: Virtual academic support. A full range of academic support is offered virtually. See https://coronavirus.gwu.edu/top-faqs for updates. Tutoring and course review sessions are offered through Academic Commons in an online format. See https://academiccommons.gwu.edu/tutoring

Writing and research consultations are available online. See https://academiccommons.gwu.edu/writing-research-help Coaching, offered through the Office of Student Success, is available in a virtual format. See https://studentsuccess.gwu.edu/academic-program-support

Academic Commons offers several short videos addressing different virtual learning strategies. See https://academiccommons.gwu.edu/study-skills.

They also offer a variety of live virtual workshops to equip students with the tools they need to succeed in a virtual environment. See https://tinyurl.com/gw-virtual-learning

2: Writing Center. GW’s Writing Center cultivates confident writers in the University community by facilitating collaborative, critical, and inclusive conversations at all stages of the writing process. Working alongside peer mentors, writers develop strategies to write independently in academic and public settings. Appointments can be booked online. See https://gwu.mywconline

3: Academic Commons. Academic Commons provides tutoring and other academic support resources to students in many courses. Students can schedule virtual one-on-one appointments or attend virtual drop-in sessions. Students may schedule an appointment, review the tutoring schedule, access other academic support resources, or obtain assistance at https://academiccommons.gwu.edu.

4: Disability Support Services (DSS). Any student who may need an accommodation based on the potential impact of a disability should contact Disability Support Services to establish eligibility and to coordinate reasonable accommodations. See https://disabilitysupport.gwu.edu

5: Counseling and Psychological Services. GW’s Colonial Health Center offers counseling and psychological services, supporting mental health and personal development by collaborating directly with students to overcome challenges and difficulties that may interfere with academic, emotional, and personal success. https://healthcenter.gwu.edu/counseling-and-psychological-services

Safety and Security

1: In an emergency: call GWPD 202-994-6111 (in campus) or 911

2: For situation-specific actions: review the Emergency Response Handbook at https://safety.gwu.edu/emergency-response-handbook

3: Stay informed: https://safety.gwu.edu/stay-informed

Online Course Access

1: This course will be primarily managed using Microsoft Team.

2: See https://it.gwu.edu/teams-learning-path for materials provided by GW

3: See https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/remote-learning-with-office-365-for-students-eea3ee92-ba42-4217-90d4-155f9a5477e4 for a quick-start guide to students

4: See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/hardware-requirements-for-the-teams-app for minimum hardware requirements

5: See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/ for complete documentation

6: GW online support is available at https://it.gwu.edu/support