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MA134.OL1 OL CALCULUS I Summer 2020


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INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Haseeb A. Kazi

OFFICE PHONE: 260-665-4248

INSTRUCTOR EMAIL:kazih@trine.edu

TERM & YEAR: Summer 2020

TIME & PLACE: Taught in asynchronous mode    through Trine Virtual Campus

OFFICE LOCATION: Best Hall 202 B (subject to

change)  Note: The office location is ‘Virtual’ for this course.

OFFICE HOURS: Not fixed--Contact via

Email, WebAssign, or Moodle.

MOODLE SUPPORT: [email protected],    Phone: 260.665.4275

WEBASSIGN SUPPORT:http://www.webassign.net/user_support/student/, Toll free: 800.354.9706

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Topics include: limits, continuity, differentiation, applications, definition of the integral, and fundamental theorem of integral calculus. Uses symbolic algebra software.

PREREQUISITES: Three  years  of  high  school  mathematics,  including  trigonometry,  and  adequate  SAT/ACT Mathematics score or approval from mathematics department chair.

REQUIRED TEXT: James Stewart; Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals 2nd ed; Cengage Brain. Note that you will need WebAssign access, and will be required to have one of the following options for this course.                                  Option 1, 2 or 3 below will give you multi-term access, and one of them is required for the students who also plan to take Calculus II and III later at Trine University from the same book. Option 4 below will give you only one semester access. This might be a good choice for the students who will use it for Calculus-I during this summer only, and don’t plan to use the same book for higher Calculus courses. Options 1, 2 and 3 can be purchased through Trine University bookstore:


Option 4 can be purchased directly from Cengage via the shown web link.

OPTION 1: Bundle: Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals (hardbound) + Enhanced WebAssign Homework & eBook, LOE  Printed  Access  Card  +  WebAssign  -  Start  Smart  Guide;  2nd  ed.,  2013;  ISBN- 10:  1133425941  |  ISBN- 13: 9781133425946

Cengage direct purchase link:http://www.cengagebrain.com/shop/isbn/9781133425946

OPTION 2: Printed card for Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Enhanced WebAssign Multi-Term LOE Instant Access (includes Enhanced WebAssign Homework & eBook LOE Instant Access for Multi Term Math & Science); 1st ed., 2014; ISBN- 13: 9781285858265

Cengage direct purchase link:http://www.cengagebrain.com/shop/isbn/9781285858265

OPTION 3: Loose Leaf print Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Enhanced WebAssign Multi-Term LOE Instant    Access (includes Enhanced WebAssign Homework & eBook LOE Instant Access for Multi Term Math & Science), ISBN- 13: 9781285101750

OPTION 4: Enhanced WebAssign + eBook for one-term ISBN -978- 1-285-85849-4

Cengage direct purchase link:http://www.cengagebrain.com/shop/search/9781285858494

WEBASSIGN ENROLLMENT: To enroll in WebAssign, you will need the CLASS KEY: trine 1438 1503 REFERENCES: Students  are  encouraged  to  refer  to  all useful  sources  (lecture  notes,  text  book,  library,  internet, discussions etc.) for a deeper and broader understanding of the topics.

OTHER MATERIALS: Required:  Calculator  -  TI  84  equivalent,  a PC or laptop computer with webcam,  Skype, Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat Reader, and Respondus LockDown Browser.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

1.    Identify, sketch, and apply algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions;

2.    Correctly use different methods of evaluating limits, including selecting an appropriate method;

3.    Correctly use basic rules of differentiation;

4.    Apply the derivative to curve sketching and to finding extrema of a function;

5.    Correctly use basic techniques of integration, including substitution;

6.    Apply differentiation and integration to problems in rectilinear motion.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: The course runs online and all the communication is done via internet. Keep yourself posted by frequently logging into Moodle, WebAssign,  and your Trine email.   Keep up your good  study habits and regularly and responsibly do your work. Regular study and practice is extremely important. The more you practice, more confident  you become. Hence, practice, practice,  and practice… until you understand and attain the desired level of confidence. Completion of all tests, quizzes and recommended assignments is critical for graded feedback and evaluation. Keep track of the dates and deadlines. A genuine and honest personal attempt is expected on all quizzes and exams.

ATTENDANCE/PARTICIPATION: Since this class is offered completely online, you are expected to log into your WebAssign and Moodle accounts at least once a day and complete the assigned or recommended tasks—including postings on the discussion board, quizzes, and exams. A “check box” function is provided next to each resource and activity you are required to access and complete. Some check boxes are automatically checked when a condition is completed (e.g. viewing the resource or completing discussion board postings) and some can be checked manually as you complete them. You will see the difference when you try to check each box. In order to successfully complete the course, all check boxes must be checked. Your professor will keep track of your Moodle and WebAssign visits. In addition, frequently check your Trine University email and also respond to the instructor if asked to do so. In case of an unavoidable absence please let your professor know  in advance or as  soon as possible. Also,  save and present any proper documentation to justify your absence. Makeup quizzes and acceptance of late assignments will be considered (if brought to instructor’s attention as soon as possible and without any unnecessary delay) only for documented medical reasons, emergency circumstances, or university-sponsored activities. You must keep track of the quiz and exam dates and the deadlines. It is your responsibility to make up the missed work in a timely manner.

Note: According to the Trine Virtual Campus Attendance Policy: Main campus students will be administratively dropped from the course or receive an “F” if reported absent a total of three weeks .


Exams: Three exams will be posted in WebAssign. Tentative dates are May 23, June 5, and June 17. The submission period, deadline, and further guideline will be announced later.

You will need to install Respondus LockDown Browser. Feel free to use this link to install, and learn more about the LockDown Browser:https://www.webassign.com/instructors/features/secure-testing/lockdown-browser/

Final Exam: A  comprehensive  final  exam  (using  the  same  LockDown  Browser)  will  be  posted  on  WebAssign on  Saturday,  June  20,  2020.  The  exact  posting  time,  submission  period,  deadline,  and  further  guideline  will  be announced later. Stay in touch and keep yourself posted.

Self-study Assignments: Lecture slides and practice problems will be posted regularly. Moreover, Personal Study Plan resources including the videos, tutorials, and practice quizzes will be made available in WebAssign.

Quizzes: Eight quizzes will be given via WebAssign. See the course calendar for the tentative dates. You will be given reasonable  time  to  complete  each  of them.  Posting  time  and  submission  deadline  will  announced  via  WebAssign announcements and/or Moodle posts.

Grading Information:


Class Tests

Final Exam

30% of the course grade

48% (16% for each exam) of the course grade

22% of the course grade

Grading Scale:









90 – 100%

86 – 89.9%

80 – 85.9%

76 – 79.9%

70 – 75.9%

66 – 69.9%

60 – 65.9%

0 – 59.9 %

OTHER POLICIES: The overall policy of this class will be consistent with the Trine University policies and procedures.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Please note that the instructor will closely monitor Moodle and WebAssign system log reports. He reserves the right to enforce the use of a lockdown browser and webcam for the quizzes and the tests. Your IP address will be recorded by the system log report. Please inform the instructor fairly in advance in the case of change of your usual location, such as a travel that might result in using a newer IP address signifying a different location. In case of any doubt, the instructor reserves the right to verify the accuracy and legitimacy of the submitted work by contacting the student via phone, Skype, or other such audio-visual means. Unsatisfactory response, or any evidence of the academic misconduct might result in serious consequences up to an F-grade in the particular graded activity, or even an overall F in the course.

CLASS EXAMS: Three Exams and a Final Exam will be given and submitted on WebAssign. You will need to install Respondus LockDown Browser. Feel free to use this link to  install,  and learn more about the LockDown Browser:


MAKE-UP EXAMS & QUIZZES: Makeup on quizzes or exams will not be offered in normal cases. However, in exceptional  situations  and  with proper  official  documentation  (physician’s  certificate,  a  letter  from designated  Trine University Student Services official etc.) your professor may decide to offer a makeup. Your professor can verify any/all of the documentation or evidence provided. Your professor reserves the right to decide the time/content and type of the makeup exam/quiz. Late submissions of quizzes and exams (after the deadline) will not be accepted in normal cases. Your professor reserves the right to refuse early or late exam/quiz requests. Please make sure that you keep yourself updated on all important submission periods and deadlines. Adjust your vacation, travel, or family programs to accommodate the updated and officially set quizzes and exams schedule.

DISABILITY SUPPORT AND SPECIAL NEEDS: Trine University provides equal access to educational opportunities for  students with disabilities as mandated by federal law. The instructor will gladly make appropriate and reasonable academic adjustments upon recommendation from the Trine University Director of Academic Support Services. Please also note that the notification of the right to academic adjustments is not to be interpreted as permission for the student to expect lowered course requirements. All students, regardless of their disability, are expected to meet the same standards and complete all required coursework.

SELF-STUDY AND PACE OF LEARNING: Since this is an expedited course, and is offered entirely online, you are expected to  take  great  responsibility and adopt  good  study habits.  In most  of the  cases, the instructor will provide appropriate resources and advice. You are encouraged to take personal notes of everyday class activities. You should not only follow the posted course calendar but must also try to stay ahead. If you miss a topic on a day, then try to compensate it by spending extra time on the next day. In short, make sure that you do enough practice and maintain appropriate pace of learning. Work hard to make best use of your time and talent. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today!

COLLABORATIVE LEARNING AND FAIR HELP: Productive discussion and collaboration have been proved very effective in learning higher math. Group collaboration is encouraged for understanding the topics, but not on the exams and quizzes. You must clearly demonstrate personal competence and individual expression in what you submit to be graded. Copying or cheating on homework, quizzes, or exams will result in failure of this course.

CLASS DECORUM AND DISCIPLINE: Your professor will make sure to maintain a learning friendly and decent online class room environment. You will be treated with dignity and the same is expected from you to your professor and fellows. Anything or any action that disrupts the class decorum (for example inappropriate postings or comments etc.) will not be ignored or excused.

COMMUNICATION WITH THE INSTRUCTOR: The best way to contact the instructor is via the Trine email. You can also post a message on Moodle or WebAssign. The instructor will try to respond within reasonable time period. You must know and use your Trine University email address for all official course related communication with the instructor. The email messages must include clearly written subject together with the proper course name and the section number. Carefully draft the content of your message and follow the proper writing etiquette. A request should sound like a request , and the overall tone should be courteous and polite. Adopting a good writing style now will also help you in learning formal future business communication. Please feel free to contact the Trine University Writing Center for any possible further assistance or advice on this.   If you have any issues with the Trine email system, then contact the help desk for assistance. The instructor should also be informed in a timely manner about the issue and the measures that you have taken to resolve it. Also, use your Trine University email address for WebAssign registration. In addition, frequently check your email for any communication from your instructor, and also respond in a timely fashion if asked to do so.


The University prohibits all forms of academic misconduct. Academic misconduct refers to dishonesty in examinations (cheating), presenting the ideas or the writing of someone else as one’s own (plagiarism) or knowingly furnishing false information  to  the  University  by  forgery,  alteration,  or  misuse  of University  documents,  records,  or  identification. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following examples: permitting another student to plagiarize or cheat from one’s own work, submitting an academic exercise (written work, printing, design, computer program) that has been prepared totally or in part by another, acquiring improper knowledge of the contents of an exam, using unauthorized material during an exam, submitting the same paper in two different courses without knowledge and consent of professors, or submitting a forged grade change slip or computer tampering. The faculty member has the authority to grant a failing grade in cases of academic misconduct as well as referring the case to Student Life.


You are expected to submit your own work and to identify any portion of work that has been borrowed from others in any form. An ignorant act of plagiarism on final versions and minor projects, such as attributing or citing inadequately, will be considered a failure to master an essential course skill and will result in an F for that assignment. A deliberate act of plagiarism, such as having someone else do your work, or submitting someone else’s work as your own (e.g., from the Internet, fraternity file, etc., including homework and in-class exercises), will at least result in an F for that assignment and could result in an F for the course.


Use of electronic devices including smart watches and cell phones is prohibited during exams or quizzes unless directly allowed by the instructor.