关键词 > ECO370Y

ECO 370Y - Final Assessment - Friday, April 16, 2021


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ECO 370Y - Final Assessment - Friday, April 16, 2021

Assignment description

1.   You write your answers by hand or by typing.

2.   Write each answer on a separate piece of paper. (Blank, lined, etc. is OK)

3.   When ready, scan or take a picture of your answer.

4.   Make sure your T-Card or picture ID is face up in the upper right-hand corner of each answer.

5.   Upload the picture or scan of your answer by a PDF or JPG or PNG file.

6.   There are eight (8) questions. Four (4) questions will be worth ten (10) marks each and four (4) questions will be worth fifteen (15) marks each.

7.   Each question will require economic analysis and economic arguments defending your answer.

8.   Each question has its own upload portal. It is recommended you upload your answer as you complete each question.

9.   Make sure you see “Thanks for your submission!” in Crowd Mark.

10. All eight (8) answers must be submitted by 12:00 pm (Toronto time) on Friday, April 16, 2021.

11. The final assessment is open book, but collaboration is strictly prohibited.

12. While you are free to use any of the material in the course, do not cut or paste this          material into your answers. For example, if you see that your answer is similar to a         argument or diagram made in the text book or lecture presentation, do not copy this, but rewrite or redraw these to correctly answer the specific question on the final assessment.

13. The Course Room at Bb Collaborate will be open during the session.


Submit your assignment




After you have completed the assignment, please save, scan, or take photos of your work and   upload your files to the questions below. Crowdmark accepts PDF, JPG, and PNG file formats.

Q1 (15 points)


In analyzing franchise organizations such as McDonalds and Tim Hortons, explain the following:

(5 marks) (a) Fully explain the degree of integration between franchise outlets and head office? (5 marks) (b) What aspects of the Property Rights Theory (PRT) apply to the franchise?

(5 marks) (c) What is the role of the franchise fee?

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Q2 (15 points)


Using examples from the "Savings and Loans crisis", the "2008 meltdown" and what went wrong:

(5 marks) (a) Fully explain the agency relationship between banks and their customers.


(5 marks) (b) Fully explain the agency relationship between banks and the government agencies that were mandated to supervise them.

(5 marks) (c) Fully explain the agency relationship between central banks and their governments. Drag and drop an image or PDF file or click to browse…

Q3 (15 points)


Fully explain the effect of requiring exclusive dealers in a Bertrand price duopoly to arrange their own financing?

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Q4 (10 points)


Explain why firms can lower the incentive component of compensation in a linear contract for one individual performing two tasks that are complements, but cannot do this if two (2) agents

perform the same complementary tasks separately?

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Q5 (10 points)


Fully explain how the compensation of agents that operate their own equipment compares with the compensation of agents who operate their principals' equipment.

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Q6 (10 points)

State the Theorem of Coase and how it applies to a buy - sell agreement between firms linked by a vertical chain of production?

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Q7 (10 points)


Use the Property Rights Theory (PRT) to fully explain why law firms would want to keep their clients. Contrast this with clients' lawyers who are dismissed from their jobs and find                 employment at another law firm. Which arrangement is more efficient for clients? Fully explain your answer.

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Q8 (15 points)


Using a single firm - single agent linear contract, fully explain the difference between risk averse and risk neutral agents and the effect this difference has on the risk premium, net benefit of the   agent, the incentive compatibility constraint, and the incentive component of the contract.

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Before you submit, please ensure that your pages are in order and rotated correctly. You will not be able to resubmit your work after the due date has passed.

Submit for evaluation