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COMP5349: Cloud Computing Assignment 1


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COMP5349:  Cloud Computing

Assignment 1: Text Analysis with Spark RDD API

1   Introduction

This assignment tests your ability to implement simple data analytic workloads using the Spark RDD API. The data set you will work on is adapted from Contract Understanding Atticus Dataset (CUAD). You are asked to extract representative keywords from the anno- tated legal clauses using the RAKE algorithm described in Automatic Keyword Extraction from Individual Documents [1]. You are required to design and implement the extrac- tion algorithm using ONLY basic Spark RDD API operations. You may use Spark SQL to load the original CSV files for convenience. No other Spark SQL or advanced features may be used.


2   Input Data Set Description

The complete CUAD data set contains 510 legal contracts as well as 13,000+ clauses extracted from the contracts. The clauses belong to 41 categories. The data set you will work with in this assignment contains only the extracted clauses in a few categories. They are selected from the label report section of the original data set. The label report section has a number of Excel files. Most files store clauses of a single category. Some files store clauses belonging to a number of related categories. All Excel files have a column storing the contract file name. The heading of that column is “Filename”. The other columns are used to store clauses belonging to the category. The headings are the category names. The cell contains extracted clauses belonging to that category from a contract. Some contracts may not contain any clause belonging to a category. In that case, the corresponding cell may be empty or has a nan”value.  Other contracts may contain one or more clauses belonging to a category. All extracted clauses from one contract belonging to one category will be put in a single cell. The page number(s) is attached to each clause to indicate the location of the clause. If a clause appears on a single page, for instance, on page 5; it will be indicated as “(Page 5)”. If a clause appears across pages, for instance across page 17 and 18; it will be indicated as“(Pages 17-18)”.

You are asked to analyse three categories: “Governing law”, “Change of Control” and “Anti-assignment”.  The governing law clauses are stored in a single Excel file:  “Label

Report - Governing Law.xlsx”. The clauses belonging to the other two categories are stored in another Excel file: “Label Report - Anti-assignment, CIC (Group 3).xlsx”.

The“Label Report - Governing Law.xlsx”spreadsheet contains two columns: “Filename” and Governing Law”. It has 510 data rows. Any contract without a governing law clause would have a“nan”value. Below are three example rows in this file. The filenames and some clauses are shortened in the interests of readability.



Governing Law


This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the United States and the State of Florida, except for con- flict of laws provisions. (Page 5)




This Agreement will be interpreted and *** (Pages 57-58) The Franchise Agreement requires application of the laws of the State of Texas. (Page 84)

The first data row contains data of a contract with a single governing law clause appearing on Page 5. The second data row contains data of a contract with no governing law clause. The last data row contains data of a contract with two governing law clauses: one on pages

57-58 and the other on page 84.

The “Label Report - Anti-assignment, CIC (Group 3).xlsx” spreadsheet contains three columns: “Filename”, “Change of Control” and“Anti-assignment”. The file has 376 data rows. Contracts that do not contain a clause in either category are not included. Contracts with clauses in a single category will have an empty cell for the other category in the same row. Below are two example rows in this file. The filenames and clauses are shortened in the interests of readability.




Change of Control




MA may not assign,  ***  (Page 12)


For purposes of *** (Page 15)

Licensee  shall  not  assign  *** (Page 15) Any purported assign- ment *** (Page 15)

The first data row contains data of a contract with no “change of control” clause and one anti-assignment” clause. The second data row contains data of a contract with one “change of control” clause on page 15 and two “anti-assignment” clauses, both on page


Two corresponding CSV files are created for easy manipulation by PySpark. They are: “Governing Law.csv” and“Anti assignment CIC g3.csv”. The CSV files keeps the structure and the data of the corresponding xlsx files.

3   Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction Algorithm

The keywords of a document may contain one word or multiple words. For instance,“text analysis” and“Spark”are reasonable keywords for this assignment instruction. The RAKE algorithm [1] generally favours longer keywords. It is designed to extract keywords from a single document. The basic algorithm has the following three steps:

• Step 1: Identify candidate phrases by removing stop words and punctuation. This is described in section 1.2.1 of the paper.

• Step 2: Compute and assign score for each candidate.  This is described in section

1.2.2 of the paper.

• Step 3: Rank and retain top N candidates based on scores computed in step 2. This is described in section 1.2.4 of the paper. Section 1.2.3 describes an optional step to look for additional candidates. We will skip that step.

The paper also proposes an algorithm to identify important keywords for the entire corpus. This is described in section 1.5.2.

The following subsections contain brief descriptions of the algorithms relevant to this assignment.


3.1   Single document keyword extraction

RAKE [1] uses stop words1  and punctuation2  as delimiters to identify content words and candidate keywords. The content words are the words in a document after removing stop words and punctuation. Below is a sample text used in a few online RAKE tutorials [2]. All stop words are grey shaded and the punctuation is highlighted with yellow background.

feature  extraction  is  not  that   complex .   there  are  many  algorithms  available     that  can   help  you  with   feature  extraction .   rapid  automatic  keyword  extraction is   one  of  those  . 

All words without shading are content words. There are eleven such words: feature,           extraction,  complex, many,  algorithms,  available, help,  rapid,  automatic,  keyword, one.   A content word sequence that is not separated by a stop word or punctuation          forms a candidate phrase. In the example text, there are six candidate phrases: feature

extraction, complex, many  algorithms  available, help, rapid  automatic  keyword  extraction and one. We can optionally set a maximum sequence length of keywords.  For example,

if we set maximum sequence length as three, the sequence rapid  automatic  keyword extraction would not count as a candidate.

1 Stop words are a list of commonly used words in a language. They are normally ignored in text retrieval and natural language processing.  Different systems may have slightly different lists of stop words.  The examples used in this assignment description uses the NLTK English stop word list.

2The punctuation characters as defined in Python string can be accessed from string .punctuation

Each content word has a frequency value freq(w), which is simply the number of times it occurs in the document. For example, the frequency of the word extraction is 3 in the sample text.

Each content word also has a degree value deg(w). The degree value is the accumulated co-occurrence counts of this word within the candidate keywords. The co-occurrence count of a word with itself always equals its frequency. If a word appears in a two word candidate phrase, it co-occurs with the other word once.  If a word appears in a three word candi- date phrase, it co-occurs with each of the other two words once.  In the above example, extraction co-occurs with feature twice in the candidate phrase feature  extraction. It also co-occurs once each with rapid, automatic and keyword in the candidate phrase rapid  automatic  keyword  extraction. The degree of extraction is 8, which is the sum of its frequency (3) and co-occurrences with other words (2,1,1,1).

The score of each content word is computed as the ratio of deg(w) tofreq(w). The score of a candidate phrase is the sum of all its member word’s scores. Below is an example of computing the score of the phrase ‘‘feature  extraction’’ :

• Score of feature: deg(‘feature)/freq(‘feature) = 4/2 = 2. feature occurs twice in the sample.  Its frequency is 2.  It also co-occurs twice with extraction, both in keywords feature  extraction. Its degree is 4 = 2 + 2.

• Score of extraction: deg(‘extraction)/freq(‘extraction) = 8/3 = 2.66

 Score of feature  extraction : 4.66 = 2+ 2.66

Once the score of all candidates are computed, the top N candidates are selected as keywords of the document.


3.2   Keywords of corpus

A corpus contains many documents.  Documents in a corpus are usually in the same do- main. In many cases, it is worthwhile to identify important keywords in the corpus. The paper [1] uses the essentiality score to extract important keywords.

The following document frequencies are used to compute the essentiality:

• The referenced document frequency of a keyword, rdf(k), is the number of docu- ments in which the keyword is identified as a candidate phrase.

• The extracted document frequency of a keyword, edf(k), is the number of documents in which the keyword was selected for extraction.

An essential keyword of the corpus should have a high chance of being selected as keywords in all documents it is identified as candidate. For keywords with similar chance of being selected, the one that is selected by more documents are more essential to the corpus. The essentiality of a keyword is computed as:

ess(k) =  × edf(k)

The first component measures the chance of being selected as keywords, the second component measures the number of documents selecting it as keywords.


4   Workload Description

In this assignment, you are asked to implement two methods to compute the top 20 key- words in a category.

The first method treats each clause in the data set as a document and each category as a corpus. In this case, the data set contains 3 corpora each with a few hundred short documents. We assume that the maximum length of a keyword is four words. The number of keywords to be extracted from each document is four. You are asked to print out the top 20 keywords of each corpus and their respective rdf, edf and ess scores.

The second method treats the entire category as a document consisting of all clauses identified from different contracts. In this case, the data set contains three long documents. We assume the maximum length of a keyword is four words. You are asked to print out the top 20 keywords of each document and their respective scores computed as the sum of words’degree and frequency ratios.


5   Coding Requirements

Below are requirements and suggestions on coding:

• Implement everything in a single Jupyter notebook using PySpark RDD API.

• The data should be read from the same file system where the Python Jupyter Note- book file is stored.

• The Jupyter notebook should provide enough information to help the marker under- stand the data flow. Recommended practices include (but are not restricted) to the


 Write brief comments in the code cell.

 Use text cells for longer explanations.

 Print out some intermediate results such as word frequency or degree value, candidate score, or keyword document frequency.

• PySpark SQL csv read function can be used to read the csv files.

• You are recommended to use NLTK English stop words list and Python’s punctuation list. Otherwise, you may use a stop word list and punctuation list of your own choice.

A sample notebook showing you how to use the PySpark SQL and stop words can be accessed here: comp5349 a1 utility.ipynb

6   Deliverables

• Jupyter notebook with your implementation.   Please name your notebook file as <labCode>-<uniKey>-<firstName>-<lastName> .ipynb.

• README file for how to run your Jupyter notebook on Google Colab. The README file needs to give enough information for markers to run your submission on their own Colab environment.

• A short report describing your implementation. The description should focus on the data flow in your implementation. It must include descriptions on RDDs created and operations used in your implementation.  The report must be consistent with your

implementation and be written in Academic English.

Two submission inboxes will be open in the COMP5349 Canvas Assignments page. One of them is for a zip file containing your Jupyter Notebook and README files while the other one is for your report. Your report must be in pdf format. You must submit your files in the correct format to the appropriate submission inboxes. The due date is week 8 Thursday 14/04/2022 23:59 Sydney time.

If you submit (or resubmit) your work after the deadline, a late penalty will be applied. This penalty will depend on the time of your latest submission.

If the marker cannot run part or all of your submission, you will be asked to attend a demonstration scheduled by your marker during week 9 (or later in exceptional cases). If you miss your demonstration, the marker will mark your work based on the part of your submission that produces some output. If you can demonstrate that the error was caused by minor mistakes not related with programming logic, your submission will be marked accordingly. Penalties will be applied in this case.