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ECO4145 Mathematical Economics II Assignment 4


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ECO4145 Mathematical Economics II

Assignment 4

1. Consider the following q problem in continuous time:


v[K0, 0] = max(It)t0  -r t AF[Kt] - It -  χ    t

subjectto  = It,  K0 isgiven.


Here r is the interest rate, and A > 0 is the total factor productivity. Note that in the problem just stated the capital stock cannot be adjusted instantaneously without incurring prohibitive adjust- ment costs. More precisely, if It is the amount of capital invested (or dis-invested), then the total cost of investment is given by It +   , where χ is a positive constant.


(a)  Does the model you have a stationary equilibrium? If your answer is affirmative, draw a phase diagram to explain the convergence to the stationary equilibrium.

(b) Show that the value of the Hamiltonian - evaluated at each instant t along the optimal trajec- tory - gives the permanent level of utility, i.e., the permanent level of real income, of the representa- tive agent from instant t on until the end of time.

2. A firm begins at time t = 0 with a capital stock of size K0 . The firm has been carrying out an R & D program to raise its productivity. The firm expects that at some time T > 0, the R & D program will be completed, and its fruit harvested.


Before the completion of the R & D program, the technology of the firm is represented by the following production function: Yt= AF[Kt], 0 ≤ t < T, where Yt is output, and Kt is the capital stock - both at time t, 0 ≤ t < T. Also, A > 0 is a parameter representing the total factor productivity before the R & D program is completed.


After the R & D program has been completed, the technology of the firm is represented by the production function Yt= (A + ΔA)F[Kt], t ≥ T, where ΔA > 0 is the rise in productivity, and Kt  is the capital stock at time t, t ≥ T.


The problem faced by the firm is to find an investment program (It)t0 to maximize the fhe present value of the stream of profits associated with an investment program. Formally, this problem can be stated as follows:

v[K0, 0] = max(It)t0  -r t AF[Kt] - It -  χ    t +  -r t  (A + ΔA)F[Kt] - It -  χ    t subject to

 = It, K0 isgiven.


Here r is the interest rate. Note that in the problem just stated the capital stock cannot be adjusted instantaneously without incurring prohibitive adjustment costs. More precisely, if It is the amount of capital invested (or dis-invested), then the total cost of investment is given by It +   , where χ is a positive constant.


Explain how the investment problem of the firm can be solved. In answering this question, it is not necessary to provide a complete solution to the problem.

3. Consider the following problem: Find a continuous function c : t  ct, t ≥ 0, to minimize(ct)t0 xt(2) + c   tt(2)

subject to  = -xt + ct, x0 = x0 .


(a) What is the Hamiltonm-Jacobi-Bellman equation for this minimization problem? Can you use the Hamiton-Jacobi-Bellman equation to obtain the solution of the above minimization problem?   (b) Solve the above minimization problem by applying the Pontryagin maximum principle.