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CS22B: Python Programming for Non-Majors II


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CS22B: Python Programming for Non-Majors II

Hands-On Five: Class diagram in UML

Problem One:

Use LucidChart:

a) Banking system:

• 1 Bank associated with 0 or more Accounts

• Each Account is associated with exactly one bank

• Checking, Savings, and MoneyMarket are Accounts


b) Home heating system:

• Room has 1 Thermostat

• Each Thermostat is associated with 0 or more Heaters

• A Heather has exactly one Thermostat

• ElectricHeater is a specialized Heater

• AubeTH101D is a specialized Thermostat


c) Domestic pets:

• A house may have any number of pets living in it

• The two possible types of pets that can live in a house are dogs and cats

• Each dog or cat has a name

• An animal’s house is its one and only home

• You can tell an animal to make noise and it will do its thing


Export each UML class diagram as PDF and upload them in Canvas.



Problem Two:

Create a new Jupyter notebook, and implement the following objects. You have the freedom to implement your desired behaviors of the methods as long as the behaviors match the name of the method.