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Assignment 10, DVC Schedule V.3


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Assignment 10, DVC Schedule V.3

Part 1

Write and fully test an AssociativeArray template, with all the public interface functions presented in this module. Refer the class declarations with array implementation and linked list implementation in Lab

Exercise 10

  ***Please use STL <queue> instead the Queue we implemented in this course.

Name its file as AssociativeArray.h. Test but do not submit your test driver CPP. At this point in the   semester you should know how to fully test a template, so do it, but don't submit it. Submit the H along with part 2's CPP.

Part 2

Write a new version of the DVC schedule program that (1) makes use of your AssociativeArray template and (2) expands the results to list the number of courses offered per subject code (not the number of     sections) and the number of sections of each course. Like this:


ADJUS, 16 course(s)

ADJUS-120, 191 section(s)

ADJUS-121, 57 section(s)

ADJUS-122, 40 section(s)

ADJUS-130, 24 section(s)

ADJUS-203, 20 section(s)


S(.)P(.)T(.)UT, 1 course(s)

SPTUT-020NC, 12 section(s)

TAGLG, 2 course(s)

TAGLG-155, 5 section(s)

TAGLG-156, 3 section(s)

Base the duplicate checking on the (fast-running) DVC Schedule v.2, and not the (slow-running) DVC Schedule 1. This should run as fast as DVC Schedule v.2.

Use any combination of your own StaticArray, DynamicArray, and AssociativeArray templates, and no   STL containers for duplicate checking or subject code and course counting, but be sure to use your       AssociativeArray for at least one of your data structures in the solution. If you do use your StaticArray or DynamicArray, include their H files in your file submissions.

4/9/22, 5:33 PM                                                                                                                 Assignment 10, DVC Schedule V.3

Do not use struct-based objects like you did in the previous solutions. Using your AssociativeArray,        structs should no longer be necessary. Instead, for counting use an AssociativeArray with course as the "key" and #of sections of that course as "value". Use that as the "value" inside another AssociativeArray with subject code as the "key". For duplicate checking, you can track term-sections with an                     AssociativeArray of string- AssociativeArray as explained in the module. Or use some other way of your own design, using your own StaticArray, DynamicArray, and AssociativeArray templates.

Work this all out on paper before coding anything, making sure to decide upon names for the AssociativeArrays, and the code for retrieving subject codes, courses, and counts.

Submit DvcScheduleV3.cpp, AssociativeArray.h, and if you use them, resubmit your previous             StaticArray.h and/or DynamicArray.h. HINT: Is the output so lengthy that you cannot scroll to the top of it? Use the more option on the command line. For a Windows PC running a program named a.exe it's:


a.exe | more



C++ coding assignment rubric




Source Code Content & Structure

Source Code Content & Structure


80 pts

Output Format


15 pts

File Format/Submission Format


5 pts

Total Points: 100