关键词 > ECO2223

Format of the Project ECO2223


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Format of the Project ECO2223

Structure of the project

1. Introduction

In the part, you should indicate the topic that this project is investigating and reasons why you all interested in this topic. You should also include a brief introduction of the background information such as the past research that has been done.


2. Data information

In this part, you will introduce the data source of this project, the length of the data, number of observations and a data analysis of all the variables in this project.

Minimum of 100 observations in your sample.


3. Modeling

Write down your model. Explain the underline economic theory. You should also include a general to specific model analysis. Each step, a F-test or t-test should be included and brief explain the reasons as of why these variables are significant or insignificant in the model.


4. Regression Result

Interpret the regression result. If there is some interesting hypothesis, you can include these in this part of the project


5. Conclusion and your recommendations