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MGT7158 Mock Test


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MGT7158 Mock Test

Part 1

1. a) Interpreting the graph in Figure 1 below, what can one say about the nature of the bivariate relationships/ correlation, if any, between the dependent variable M.Effectiveness [Managerial effectiveness score] and the independent variable Emotional.IQ [Emotional intelligence score]. Consider the following: type of relationship (linear, quadratic), direction, strength, potential outliers.

Figure 1: Simple Scatter Plot - M.Effectiveness x Emotional.IQ


b) Briefly explain why one cannot necessarily infer causation or a causal relationship, even if a significant correlation exists between two variables.


2. In analysing the large sample of data collected, a test of statistical significance is planned employing an appropriate correlation coefficient. Output from SPSS is presented below, not all of which may be relevant e.g. all possible correlation coefficients are included – only one of which is appropriate).

a) Given that the variable WorkerStress [Level of Worker Stress], is an Ordinal variable and that WorkerProductivity [% of Production Target Achieved], is also an Ordinal variable, what would be the appropriate correlation coefficient to employ (Justify your answer).

b) Report and interpret the appropriate correlation coefficient.

c) Assuming a non-directional alternative hypothesis (H1), and a critical level for significance testing of 5% (.05), state the null (H0) and alternative hypotheses together with your conclusion as to the significance or otherwise of the correlation between WorkerStress and WorkerProductivity.

SPSS Output:







3. The management expressed an interest in exploring the distribution of stress among smokers versus non-smokers (i.e. comparing the distributions of WorkerStress for the 2 groups). The variable WorkerStress [Level of Worker Stress], had a potential maximum range of 0 (Not at all stressed) to 60 (Extremely stressed).

A comparison of the aforementioned distributions for the two groups was presented graphically, see the Figure below.

Interpret Figure 2, making any appropriate comparisons/ contrasts between smokers and non-smokers in terms of the distributions of WorkerStress

Figure 2: Clustered Bar Chart – WorkerStress among Smokers and Non-Smokers



4. Researchers commissioned by ACompany Ltd have conducted a large scale study into worker productivity, collecting data on e.g. levels of stress, job satisfaction, smoking habits.

The variable WorkerStress [Label: Level of Worker Stress] was created by summating the scores for 12 Likert scale items [i.e. WKStress1; WKStress2; WkStress3;……...WkStress12], higher scores indicating higher stress. From the SPSS screenshot below relating to this calculation, explain precisely what is required under;

a) ‘Target Variable’

b) ‘Numeric Expression’

c) ‘Type & Label’


SPSS Screenshot:



As part of the analysis, appropriate descriptive statistics were required for Smokers and Non-Smokers in terms of the variable WorkerStress.

d) What facility in SPSS might one use to ensure the generation of two sets of output/ descriptive statistics (i.e. one for each group)?


5. The data collected in the aforementioned survey of ACompany ltd’s workforce was analysed initially using descriptive statistics. This included analysis of the ordinal variable HourlyRateSat [Satisfaction with hourly rate of pay], which had a range of 0 (Not at all satisfied) to 20 (Extremely satisfied).

Having used the ‘Split File’ facility, the SPSS output from analysing the HourlyRateSat data is presented below, showing various statistics for males and females.

Report and interpret the appropriate statistics (e.g. statistics concerning the centre and the spread), comparing the distribution of HourlyRateSat for males and females. (9 marks)














Part 2

Using the data set “Mock” (the description of variables can be found in the file, under Variable View - label and values) please answer the items below. You can download the data file from CANVAS. Your should aim to respond to all items. The answer that you create should include the answers to the questions and any relevant PSPP or SPSS output.


Pricing is one of the most important issues in economics and marketing. To develop and implement profitable pricing decisions, understanding of consumers’ price sensitivity is essential. In particular, it is important to know the expected changes in sales if a brand changes its price (e.g. a 25 percent price discount). The importance of the pricing concept has led to an extensive stream of research dealing with price sensitivity, as measured by price elasticity. An empirical generalization on price elasticity could provide insights into the current state-of-knowledge on the overall level of price elasticity and moderators thereof.

A meta-analysis, that means a quantitative literature survey, has been conducted. Literature search yielded a set of 43 publications, with in total 853 price elasticities. Furthermore, nine moderators have been coded on the basis of these publications. These moderators of price elasticity can be categorized into: 1) characteristics of the market (year, GDP growth, inflation rate, country, and product category), 2) characteristics of the particular brand (manufacturer brand versus private label; SKU versus brand), 3) characteristics of the data set (temporal aggregation) and 4) model formulation (dependent variable relative versus absolute). In addition, the publication source has been coded. For details on what the variables stand for, check the labels and coding within the file.

You should aim to respond to all items.


1. What is the type of scale (measurement level) used to measure each of the variables elastsiz, yearcat, inf_5cat, country? Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, or Ratio (discrete or continuous)?


2. How many price elasticities were collected from the USA (actual number, not percentage)?


3. What percentage of all elasticities are from the product category “Food and other groceries”?


4. Draw a bar graph that shows the number of elasticities for each level of the variable gdp_5cat.


5. What are the mean, mode and median of variable yearcoll?


6. What are the mean, range and standard deviation of variable elastsiz?


7. Is variable country associated with variable productc? Choose an appropriate test given the scale with which the variables are measured. Show the result of the statistical test that you use and mention the conclusion.


8. Calculate and interpret the correlation coefficient between variables yearcoll and elastsiz.


9. Consider the following regression model. Dependent variable: elastsiz. Independent variables: manupriv, yearcoll.

a) What is the value of the R-Square? Interpret the R-Square.

b) Is the regression model significant as a whole?

c) What is the value of the regression coefficients?

d) Are the regression coefficients of manupriv and yearcoll statistically significant?

e) Provide the interpretation of the regression coefficients of manupriv and yearcoll.