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MAS360: Project 4, 2021-22


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MAS360: Project 4, 2021-22

Project 4


In Projects 1 to 3 all students carried out a common task (though the groups for Project 3 may have chosen to investigate slightly different questions).  However, in Project 4 distinct tasks will be offered and an element of choice is possible in the selection of a topic.  Up to about four students may be allocated the same topic, at the lecturers’ discretion, but they must work entirely independently and produce individual accounts of the work.  Please note again the strict rules on plagiarism and collusion given previously.  It is intended that this project is a culmination of the course, allowing you to demonstrate the skills you have learned in the three previous projects.  The feedback on those projects should prove invaluable in guiding you to present a high-scoring final project.


The Task

● The specific tasks are outlined on the individual project briefs; some are very open-ended. In all cases students will produce a written report about their work.

● The written report will detail all aspects of your investigation; there is no specific length limit. There is no prescribed style, but in all cases a FORMAL report is required and in most cases the standard format discussed for reporting the results of a scientific investi- gation will be appropriate.


What will be Judged?

This project carries double the weight of each of Projects 1 to 3.

Many facets will contribute to the assessment of the Project. The report will be judged for both presentation (including style and detailed preparation) and content (description of problem, analysis (both what is attempted and ‘correctness’) and interpretation).


Guidance and Support

The notes supplied on Blackboard to support the session scheduled for 15 February will address strategies to assist students in their choice of project and initial approach to a project. Surgery sessions in the week commencing 14 March will give a chance for individuals to discuss their progress with the lecturers and to seek guidance over remaining work.  Appointments will be limited to 10 minutes and students restricted to a total of 3 (appropriate) questions.



● Project topics will be revealed on 15 February.

● Any proposals of your own must reach both Dr Stillman and Dr Juarez by email by 17.00 Friday 18 February.

● Choices should be made by email to Dr Juarez by 17.00 Tuesday 22 February.

● Allocations will be made on Wednesday 23 February.

● Reports and code must be submitted electronically through Blackboard by 17.00 Friday

1 April.


Required Submissions

● Produce an R markdown document of your report.

● Name the file Project4-yourstudentnumber.Rmd

● Submit this file to the MOLE Assignment dropbox by 17.00 on Friday 1 April.

● Produce a pdf document of your report.

● Name the file Project4-yourstudentnumber.pdf

● Submit this file to Blackboard Turnitin assignments by 17.00 on Friday 1 April.