关键词 > COMP1003



Directions for this Course

Before beginning, please review the eConestoga Student Quickstart Guide to learn how navigate this software.


1. First, go back to the Home page. Please "edit" your personal information in Preferences. You will need to add your Internet email address if you have not already done so. Also, click on advanced mode (will give you spaces for four phone numbers) and add any phone numbers by which to reach you and your parents (For example: home phone, mother's work, father's work, etc.)


2. Please refer to the Weekly Schedule to view the topics for this course and refer to it frequently during the semester. Although you may work at your own pace within each lesson, you must complete the work for each lesson by the deadline date and complete the online assessment for each lesson before the deadline date. The benchmarks throughout the semester are designed to help you succeed in this course. (If you have to miss a deadline, you must get permission from the instructor in advance.)


3. Please note that the midterm tests and final exam must be written at the college on the scheduled date and time. The Excel exams will be written during your class and the final exam during exam week.


4. Under the "Communicate" tab, be sure to check your course email for announcements and updates daily.


5. It is extremely important to attend class in Week 1. Excel will be reviewed, some new features using Excel 2019 will be explored and will serve as the foundation for the remaining weeks of Excel.

Lectures:  Important material from the text and outside sources will be covered in class. You are expected to attend all classes to practice and complete the chapter topics. You should plan to take careful notes since not all material can be found in the texts or readings. You may find it useful to work through the next tutorial exercise before the start of next class. This will help you become more familiar with the topics and will help you to keep up in class.


Assignments: End of chapter and online activities may be assigned weekly to reinforce material in the text.


MindTap Training for each tutorial. You should complete the training module before the class. The training is task based questions. For all questions, you are permitted 99 attempts. They are graded.

MindTap Exam Once the training has been completed you will have the opportunity to complete the SAM Exam which will consist of some of those questions that you completed in training. You will have 2 attempts per task based question. They are not graded.

MindTap Projects: There will be a project to complete during the week of the lesson. These projects are to be completed independently. They assess the comprehension of the topic covered in the week. You will be permitted to submit your project twice to maximize marks.  These projects will not be rescheduled unless you made alternate arrangements with your professor prior to the start of class. They are graded.


Tests: There will be 3 hands-on practical tests in Excel. The tests will be done for homework and due 24 hours after class. They should be done with closed book/notes and will test assigned readings and exercises