关键词 > C#代写 CS专业代写



Design an application that converts values from one currency to another.
Profile: Form text should be your ID number, TextBox default text should be your name, PictureBox should display your own photo.
The application should be able to convert monetary amounts between American Dollar (USD), Canadian Dollars (CAD), Euros (EUR), Australian Dollars (AUD), United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED), Indian Rupee (INR), Chinese Yan (RMB), Japanese Yen (YEN) and New Zealand Dollars (NZD). The user should enter the value they wish to have converted amount of one currency to another. When they press the “Confirm” button, the output will be displayed the details including the name of the user, the amount convert from, the amount convert to and the date and time.
The currency conversion itself should be performed by a method (function or a subroutine) that takes a decimal value of the amount and two strings for the currencies to be exchanged e.g. private static decimal ConvertMoney(decimal amount, string fromCurrency, string toCurrency) {…} . The values you should use for the currency conversion are:

The application should look something like this:

Hand-in: Submit your program via stream in a zip file. Good comments will help to award you marks even if your code is not quite perfect.