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CS 120 Module 3 Open-Ended Projects: Large


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CS 120 Module 3 Open-Ended Projects: Large

For this project, you will design and implement a programs using multiple programming languages (including C++).


• You have the option to work individually, with one partner, or in a team of three.

• All of your programming files should be in a private GitHub repository in the course organization.

- Your repository must be named with the convention: M3OEP-Large-netid[-netid2-netid3], where netid is your UVM NetID username.

- The repository should have a .gitignore file and a README file. If your program starts in C++, it should also have a CMakeLists.txt file.

• Create a project that uses C++ with at least two other languages, at least one of which must be a programming language, in a fully functional main program.

- Examples of programming languages: C++, Python, Java, JavaScript, PHP, R

- Examples of other coding languages: HTML, CSS, SQL

- All user input must be validated, no matter what language it is in.

- The languages should play to their strengths (i.e. use multiple languages because you want functionality that is built into something other than C++).

• You must pass at least two pieces of information via command line argument between two programming languages in your main program.

• Your README file should include all the directions necessary for someone who has never run your program to use it fully. It must include:

- Your name(s)

- Any added installations necessary to run the program

- A summary of the program (2-3 sentences) which includes the language you start the program in

- Any known bugs at time of submission

- Future work (how you could expand the program with more time)

- Citations for any code not written by you or the instructor

- The grade you think you have earned, based on the grading rubric below, with justification

• All of your files should have good style and documentation.

• All of the above must be committed and pushed to your GitHub repository.

- Note that if you choose to collaborate on this project, all team members must show up as collaborators on the Insights tab of the GitHub repository and all team members must have made significant commits to the repository.

• Create a video (10 minutes max) of yourself giving a brief overview of the program, including a demo.

- You can record the video on Microsoft Teams or a different program of your choosing. Instructions to record in Teams are at the bottom of this spec.

- If you are collaborating on this project, all team members should be present and speak in the demo video.

 Submit both the link to your repository and the link to your video.

- You can upload your video to Microsoft Stream or a different platform of your choosing in order to obtain a link.

- If you are collaborating, all team members have to submit.

Grading Rubric

You can earn up to 100 points for this project.

(25 pts) Design: Was it well-thought-out? Does the project idea include all of the requirements in ways that make sense?

(50 pts) Execution: Did you accomplish enough to satisfy the requirements? Is your project well documented? Does your code have good style?

(25 pts) Usability: Is your program user-friendly? Is it interactive? Does it validate inputs? Is the output clear and readable? Is your program useful, fun, and/or interesting?

  Poor (5 pts)
  Fair (10 pts)
  Good (15 pts)
  Great (25 pts)
  Stellar (50 pts)
  Did not fulfill all
  requirements and/
  or didn’t design
  the project well
  Missed some
  requirements and/or
  had pieces that
  didn’t make sense
  Missed a minor
  requirement and/
  or a couple pieces
  didn’t make sense
  Satisfied all
  requirements in
  ways that make
  Program does not
  run and/or is
  Program runs but
  doesn’t do much, or
  has runtime/logic
  Program has a
  good amount of
  work put into it,
  but is unfinished
  Program has a
  minor bug or two,
  and/or some style
  Program has
  no errors and
  is well-
  Program is not
  Program does not
  validate inputs and/
  or is not very
  Program has a
  decent amount of
  functionality but
  some minor
  Program is clear,
  useful, and

How to Create a Video in MS Teams

1) Go to Calendar.

2) Click the "Meet now" button.

3) The name of the meeting defaults to "Meeting with [your name]" but you can edit it. Click the "Start meeting" button.

4) Now you have options:

• Make sure your audio is on.

• It’s nice to also have video, if it’s available to you.

• There may also be the option to blur your background or choose a background image. Here’s a chance for creativity.

5) Click the "Join now" button.

6) Out of the options across the top of the window, click on the three dots icon for more options. This is where you will find the button to "Start recording".

7) Click on the "Share content" button (to the right of the audio and video buttons). Choose your share option.

• This will make the Teams window minimize, and you will see a small black box in the corner of your screen. The part of your screen that is being shared is outlined in red.

8) Once you are finished the demo, click the red hang-up button.

9) Go to the Chat tab on Teams. There should be a chat there with the name of your meeting. Click on it.

10) When your recording is ready (it doesn’t usually take long), a thumbnail will appear in the chat. Click the three dots in the upper-right corner of the video and choose Open.

11) This will open the video in OneDrive/Sharepoint. Click the Share button in the top left corner.

12) Click the text that says "Only the people you specify who have this link will have access to view-only" and change the visibility to "People in University of Vermont with the link". Then click Apply.

13) Click the "Copy link" button. This is the link you should submit for your video.