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HTML - HyperText Markup Language 1


HTML - HyperText Markup Language


• Understanding HTML

     – Title, Section Headers

     – New Paragraph, and Line Break

     – Images

     – Hyper Links

     – Tables

HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

• HTML is the markup language for creating web pages, could be hand-written or generated by tools such as Front Page or Dreamweaver

• What does HTML looks like?

Basic Syntax of a HTML Statement

• Element

     – It is a label that identifies and structures the different parts of a web page.
     – A non-empty element consists of an opening tag, the content, and a closing tag.

     – An empty element consists of the initial less than sign, the element’s name, a space, and the final greater than sign.

Basic Syntax of a HTML Statement

• Attribute and Value

     – They contain information that further describe the purpose and content of the element.

     – An attribute’s value is enclosed in quotation marks (especially when the value contains space).

Basic HTML Structure


2   <!DOCTYPE html>

3   <html>

4                 <head>

5                                 <meta charset="utf-8">

6                                 <meta name="author" content="" >

7                                 <meta name="description" content="" >

8                                 <meta name="keywords" content="" >

9                                 <title>Untitled Document</title>

10                  </head>

11                  <body>


13                  </body>

14   </html>   

Basic HTML Structure

• Line 3 – <html> Element

     – It is efficiently the first element of an HTML/XHTML document.

     – The (old) XHTML requires the declaration of its namespace, together with the main language in which your page is written. (e.g. for hyphenation, spell check, left-to-right order…etc)

     – In HTML5 we simply writes <html>. Meanwhile the lang property is bound to individual elements to indicate whether the text is in Chinese / English… etc.. (e.g. <p lang="en">…</p> )

Specifying the Language (if needed)

• While saving with the proper encoding and declaring that encoding is essential, it can also be useful to specify the language in which your page is written.

• A list of language code is defined in ISO 639:


• Instead of binding lang to individual element (preferred), an alternative way is to put the followings inside <head>:

  <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="en" >

Basic HTML Structure

• <head> Element

     – It provides an unordered collection of information about the document, which could be useful for browsers.

Specifying Author, Description and Keywords

• The meta description tag allows you to influence the description of your HTML page in the crawlers that support the tag.

• The meta keywords tag allow you to provide additional text for crawler-based search engines to index along with the body copy.

• Hence, the quality of search results may be improved.

     <meta name="author" content="…" />

   <meta name="description" content="…" />

    <meta name="keywords" content="…" />

Specifying Author, Description and Keywords

3   <html>

4        <head>

5             <meta charset="utf-8">

6             <meta name="author" content="ebanking team" >

7             <meta name="description" content="Our online payment services provide a simple and easy way to manage your bills" >

8             <meta name="keywords" content="payment, bill payment, autopay" >

9             <title>Untitled Document</title>

10       </head>

11       <body>


13       </body>

14  </html>

Declaring the Encoding

• The most commonly used character encoding is Unicode.

     – It is a universal system for encoding all of the characters in all of the world’s languages.

     – Each character in each language is assigned a unique code.

     – Unicode Code Charts http://www.unicode.org/charts/

• UTF-8 is preferred over regional encoding (e,g, BIG5 / GB2312) as it supports characters from different languages at the same time:

     <meta charset="utf-8">

• The encoding you declare must match the encoding with which your page was saved. Otherwise, characters that differ between the encodings will display incorrectly.

Creating a Title

• In most browsers, the title appears in the title bar of the window.

• A title should be short and descriptive.

     – It affects page ranking in search engines.

     – It is used in History lists, Favorites lists, and Bookmarks menus to identify the page.

• Depending on the <!DOCTYPE> chosen,

   <title> could be COMPULSORY. (e.g. in HTML5)

• <title> can only exist inside <head>, not <body>

   <title> … </title>

Creating a Title

3   <html >

4                <head>

5                     <meta charset="utf-8">

6                     <meta name="author" content="ebanking team" >

7                     <meta name="description" content=" Our online payment services provide a simple and easy way to manage your bills " >

8                     <meta name="keywords" content="payment, bill payment, autopay" >

9                                   <title>ABC Banking Corporation Limited</title>

10                  </head>

11                  <body>


13                  </body>

14   </html>

Creating Section Headings / sub-headings

• It briefly describes the topic of the text section it introduces.

• Heading information may be used by user agents, for example, to construct a table of contents for a document automatically.

• It provides for up to six levels of headings / sub-headings in the Web page.

              <hn> … </hn>               where n is a number from 1 to 6

• <h1> is greater than <h2> <h2> is greater than <h3>… however the exact size and style may varies slightly from browser to browser

  <h1> …    </h1>

Creating Section Headers

4   <head>

5           <meta charset="utf-8">

6           <meta name="author" content="ebanking team" >

7           <meta name="description" content=" Our online p…" >

8           <meta name="keywords" content="payment, bill payment, autopay" >

9           <title>ABC Banking Corporation Limited</title>

10   </head>

11   <body>

12         <h1>ABC Banking Corporation Limited</h1>

13         <h2>Online Banking Services</h2>

14         <h3>Payments</h3>

15         <h4>Bill Payments</h4>

16         <h5>AutoPay</h5>

17   </body>

Starting a New Paragraph

• HTML does not recognize the <Enter> or other extra white space that you enter in your text editor.

• The opening and closing p tags are used to enclose each paragraph.

          <p> … </p>

Starting a New Paragraph

11   <body>

12          <h1>ABC Banking Corporation Limited</h1>

13          <h2>Online Banking Services</h2>

14          <h3>Payments</h3>

15          <p>What are payments? </p>

16          <p>Our online payment services provide a simple and easy way to ….</p>

17          <p>Select an account: (1) Bill Payment, (2) AutoPay </p>


19          <h4>Bill Payments</h4>

20          <p>It allows you to make online bill payments to over 200 merchants in ... </p>

21          <p>Feature: (1) Review, pay and organize your bills 24-hour a day, (2) Pay a bill through your bank account, debit card, or credit card, (3) Place payment instructions, up to 60 days in advanced, and (4) Provide a comprehensive report for Bill Payments transactions. </p>


23          <h4>AutoPay</h4>

Creating a Line Break

• Browsers automatically wrap text according to the width of the block or window, creating new lines as necessary.

• The br tag can be used to create manual line breaks anywhere you like.

• Lines of text appear one after another.

         <br />

The slash / in <br/> (and other empty tags) is optional in HTML, but is a must for (old) XHTML documents20

Creating a Line Break

11   <body>

12         <h1>ABC Banking Corporation Limited</h1>

13         <h2>Online Banking Services</h2>

14         <h3>Payments</h3>

15         <p>What are payments? </p>

16         <p>Our online payment services provide a simple and easy way to manage your bills.</p>

17         <p>Select an account: <br /> (1) Bill Payment <br /> (2) AutoPay </p>


19         <h4>Bill Payments</h4>

20         <p>It allows you to make online bill payments to over 200 merchants in Hong Kong.</p>

21         <p>Feature: <br/> (1) Review, pay and organize your bills 24-hour a day <br/> (2) Pay a bill through your bank account, debit card, or credit card <br/> (3) Place payment instructions, up to 60 days in advanced <br/> (4) Provide a comprehensive report for Bill Payments transactions. </p>

Adding Comments

Comment is only for human reference and is ignored by the browser

• Text inside <!-- and -->

• <!-- and -->could be placed on different lines (for long comments)

• Not visible unless user choose to view source

• Ignored by browser and hence not affecting page appearance

• Only for developers’ reference


Inserting Images on a Page

• Common image formats can be placed on the Web page:

     – Windows Bitmap (BMP)

     – Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMF)

     – Graphic Interchange Format (GIF)

     – Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPG/JPEG)

     – Portable Network Graphics (PNG)

     – Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) (for line drawings like charts)

        <img src="image.url" />


Inserting Images on a Page

11   <body>

12   <!-- Page Header -->

13          <h1>ABC Banking Corporation Limited</h1>

14          <h2>Online Banking Services</h2>


16   <!-- Related Products Information -->

17          <p>Information</p>

18          <p><img src="../images/loans.jpg" /><br />Loans</p>


20   <!-- Page Content -->

21          <h3>Payments</h3>

22          <p>Our online payment services provide a simple and easy way to manage your bills.</p>

23          <p>Select a service: <br /> (1) Bill Payment <br /> (2) AutoPay </p>


Absolute URLs vs. Relative URLs

• Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

     – It simply means “web address”.

     – It contains information about where a file is and what a browser should do with it.

• Absolute URL

     – It shows the entire path to the file, including the scheme, server name, the complete path, and the file name itself.

     – It is generally used for

          • Referencing a file from someone else’s server

          • FTP sites, newsgroups, and email address

• Relative URL

     – It describes the location of the desired file with reference to the location of the file that contains the URL itself.

     – . (single dot) means “current folder” and .. (double dot) means “parent folder”

     – It is generally used for the files which is

          • In the same/neighboring directory / subdirectory on the same server


Absolute URLs vs. Relative URLs


File name          Absolute URL (can be used anywhere)        Relative URL (only works in yourarehere.html)

index.html         www.site.com/web/index.html                   index.html

image.gif           www.site.com/web/images/image.gif         images/image.gif

data.html           www.site.com/info/data.html                    ../info/data.html

homepg.html      www.remote.com/pub/homepg.html         (none: use absolute)

info.html            www.remote.com/bcn/info.html                (none: use absolute)


Scaling an Image (legacy method)

• The size of an image can be changed by specifying new height and width values for the image.

     – Pixels (color dot)

     – Percentages

• Percentages are of the available width or height that the image could fill, usually the width or height of the current window.

• If the width property of an image is specified, but not the height property, the resulting height of the image is sized proportionally to the specified width.

<img src="image.url" width="..." height=".." alt="…" />


Scaling an Image

11   <body>

12   <!-- Page Header -->

13          <h1>ABC Banking Corporation Limited</h1>

14          <h2>Online Banking Services</h2>


16   <!-- Related Products Information -->

17          <p>Information</p>

18          <p><img src="../images/loans.jpg" width="10%" alt="Personal Loan" />

                   <br />Loans</p>


20   <!-- Page Content -->

21          <h3>Payments</h3>

22          <p>Our online payment services provide a simple and easy way to manage your bills.</p>

23          <p>Select a service: <br /> (1) Bill Payment <br /> (2) AutoPay </p>


• Links are the distinguishing features of the WWW.

• You will be able to

     – Skip from one session / page to another

     – Download files with HTTP / FTP

• A link has three parts:-

     – Href: It specifies the resource to be accessed when the visitor clicks the link, e.g. show an image, play a sound, send an email...

     – Label: It is the part the visitor sees and clicks on to reach the destination. It can be text, an image or both.

     – Target: It determines where the destination will be displayed. It might be a particular named window or frame.