关键词 > CS5281

CS5281 Internet Application Development – Working with HTML


CS5281 Internet Application Development – Working with HTML

Using hand-written HTML, try to build a web page showing your schedule:


Internet Application Developmen

Schedule (Semester B 2020/21)

Day Time Classroom
Lecture Thur 18:30~20:30 LI/LI-4412
Tutorial Thur


 The title of the page should be “My time table”   

 All elements (image, headings, table, caption…etc) should be centered. (In this tutorial, you may use the easy (but obsolete) <center>…</center> tags to enclose other HTML elements)

 On the top of the page, there’s a hyperlink connecting to the website of CityU. The link consist of the CityU logo (https://template.cityu.edu.hk/template/img/logos/cityu.pngfollowed by the banner of DEC (https://template.cityu.edu.hk/template/img/logos/cityu_dec.png)

 The logo should be shrink proportionally so that the height is 100 pixels

 The width of the DEC banner should be scaled to 400 pixels

 The description text of the logo should be “City University”. (Which will be shown if the picture fail to load, or if the browser does not support graphics)

 Draw a horizontal line (separator) below the CityU logo (name of the tag: is <hr>, which means “Horizontal Rule”)

 The page contains two headings on two separate lines: “CS5281” (1st-level heading, which is largest) and “Internet Application Development” (2nd-level) 

 The table should have a caption of “Schedule (Semester B 2020/21)”, underlined. (In this tutorial, you may use the <u>…</u> tags to enclose the text)

 The table should contain at least 2 rows. On top of it, you should insert a header row (showing “Day”, “Time”, ”Classroom”). You may add in extra rows and columns if you prefer.

 Show the border of table by setting the border attribute of <table> tag to 1.

 Save the HTML file as “TimeTable.html

Optional step for interested students

Interested students may send the page to the W3C validator (http://validator.w3.org/), using “File Upload” or Copy-and-Paste into “Direct Input”.

What can you observe from the validator report?


 Due date: On or before week 4 Thursday (4-Feb) 11:59pm

 Students will upload the html file to Canvas