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Executive Summary Report 1


Executive Summary Report 1

Overview and Rationale

As a data analyst, you will need to be able to create understandable data visualizations and clearly summarize the data for executives. This assignment is intended to allow you to demonstrate your skills to process data, and present the data visually with explanatory analysis.

Module Outcomes

This assignment links directly to the following learning outcomes from this module:

● Describe the attributes of a given data set using appropriate terms

● Distinguish between descriptive statistics and inferential statistics

● Use R to identify and display statistical information

Assignment Summary

In this assignment, you will create an executive summary based on a set of data provided by your instructor. You will begin by writing and executing an R script in order to gather the information required to complete your report. Then you will write an Executive Summary specified in the rest of the assignment.

There are two aspects of this assignment as follows:

A. Provide an analysis of descriptive characteristics of the data provided by your instructor as instructed in the Dataset Instruction document. Include R console screen shots to support your observations and conclusions.

B. Finally, provide a clear two to three sentence paragraph summary of the key points that you want the audience to walk away with regarding your work. You should include discussions regarding the topics in this module such as data types found in the data set, and the types of statistics and visual displays that may be useful in analyzing the data (based on the data types). This summary should present accurate analysis and be supported by the data presented in the rest of the report.


Using the assignment instruction document (Module 1 Project Instructions) and the dataset provided by your instructor (Student.csv), complete the assignment above.

Supporting Files

To complete this assignment you will need to download the following files:

Module 1 Project Instructions.pdf


What to Submit

Submit a single file with the following title: LastName_M1_Project1.pdf


Your report must use the following format:

Page 1: Title Page: name, date, title

Pages 2-3: Key findings about the data based on the Dataset Instruction document. Include the following:

a. A scatter plot of the Sales ~ temp data

b. The mean temperature

c. Display the data after steps 6 and 7

d. Display the names vector

e. Display the 5 row by 2 column of 10 integers

f. Display the icSales data frame

g. Display the summary of the icSales data frame

h. Display the variables only from the Student.csv data set.

i. A summary of the information you learned about the data sets based on the instructions you followed.

Page 4: Bibliography. This includes Youtube videos, instruction materials, google search results, texts that informed your study of statistics and R. Adhere to APA standards.

Page 5: Appendix: The R Script you wrote and executed.