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Assessment 2 - Student Instructions


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Your task is to analyse the dataset provided in the Summative Assessment 2 Data spreadsheet and produce a group report summarising your findings.

● You will split yourselves into groups of 4 or 5.

● You should use MATLAB to process the data, carry out your analysis and produce any graphical summaries you wish to include.

● You should aim to find at least 4 or 5 results (based on the number of members in the group).

● Your report should have a introduction summarising your results and a section for each of your investigations.

● Each section should have a clear title for example, Section 1: Analysis of X, Section 2: Comparison between Y and Z

● Every section requires supporting numerical and graphical summaries (at least 2).

● You should aim to do at least one statistical test (a hypothesis test and/or a chi square test and/or a regression analysis) as part of each section.


● You will have an individual Viva (Oral Exam) where you will be questioned about your work.

● You should pick one of the sections to be discussed in your Viva.

● You will be asked to explain how you obtained your result and describe the process that you used to obtain it (mathematically and with MATLAB).

● Each member of the group should try to choose a different result to discuss.

● Your Viva will be scored according to the Marking Criteria provided on Blackboard.

● Your score will contribute 20% to your final grade.