关键词 > CS5281

CS5281 Internet Application Development


Internet Application Development

Dr. Kenneth Lee ([email protected])
Examination 50% (2 hours)
Appendix like partial syntax/command list will be provideo
Group Project 30%
Phase 1 assessment - Design, HTML, CSS
Phase 2 assessment - also includes JavaScript and PHP (demonstration in the last class)
Quiz 15% (1 hour, prelim date: Week9 lecture, to be confirmed)
Tutorial Exercises 5%

We do not stick to a single textbook, but rather we'll focus on the power point slides and possibly web resources.
Students who want a reference book may refer to:
"HTML5 & CSS3 Video QuickStart Guide. 9th Edition" by Elizabeth Castro and Bruce Hyslop,Peachpit Press, 2020"
"JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide, 5th Edition" by John Pollock, 2019
Or online resources like W3School(http://www.w3school.com)

Introduction to Internet, Internet Application Architecture
Client Side Technologies:

HTML - How to define structure of page
CSS - How to define the format/appearance of page
JavaScript - Add logic to page (e.g. data validation)
Brief introduction to libraries like JQuery
Server Side Technologies:
PHP - Dynamic page generation with file/DB/form data.
Introduction to other topics (e.g. AJAX, mobile) if time allows.

Servers, Web & Others
Client Server System

Any program that uses Internet technologies (e.g.socket APIs of TCP/IP) can be regarded as IAs
Recently, Web systems are the main stream IA systems, advantages:
Standard user interface
Can link to existing DBMS and legacy systems
Highly scalable
Distributed and component based
Could be assessed by both desktop and mobile devices
A Typical Web System Setup

1st tier (presentation service):
always implemented on a client computer, handling nterface only, eq. Browser, HTML/DHTML, client side script, APPLET
2nd tier (business service -middleware):
implements application logic and business rules usually in the same machine as Web server, eg. server side script, COM+, Java Bean, etc.
3rd tier (data service):
includes database server and components used to access the database, eg. SQL server, ADO, JDBC/ODBC. JDO, etc.

Web browsers
The web browser is the presentation layer of the system
Information is retrieved from web server by sending HTTP request
HTTP request is sent from browsers and HTTP response is delivered by servers
Upon receiving the response, the browser renders and displays the HTML on the screen
interprets and runs script (Scriptlet) & executes APPLET or ActiveX Control

There are many variations of web browser available
Lynx (text-based, more than 20 years old)
Internet Explorer, Edge
Was PC-only in the beginning but nowadays browser is also very common for mobile/handheld devices.
Compatibility (display, scripting) is the problem of web development with different browsers.
Also need to consider screen size if the service also targets mobile platforms.

Web Server, a server program:
Run by web provider/host but not typical user
monitor the HTTP port (default 80) for user request
delivers the page, runs CGI scripts/JSP/ASP or activates components in Application Servers
multi-threaded /task
Common Products:
Microsoft IIS, Apache, Sun ONE, Tomcat etc.
The main issue here is choice of back end technology
Database Server:
just a DBMS such as Sybase, SQL Server, DB2, Oracle etc.
could reside in another machine from the Web server
Application Server:
a general term for the machine hosting programs or other resources that can be activated by the Web server
usually host the components (DCOM, EJB etc.)
other resources can be images or video streams

command languages e.g. Unix Shell script, Windows batch file, Javascript & VBScript, usually executed by nterpretation (script engine)
Client-Side Scripting
scripts are embedded in the HTML and sent to the browser
executed in the client side (browser)
mainly used to enhance user interface handling: data validation, drop down manual, animation etc.
Usually no access to local file (until recently).
Becoming more and more mature and partially take over the rasks of APPLET / Flash / Activex Control
Server-Side Scripting
executed in the server side (Web Server)scripts are embedded in the textual file, executed first to roduce result (usually HTML also) which are then sent to the browser
mainly used to produce dynamic page content
also used to activate other components or access database
many different scripting languages : Perl, PHP, JSP, ASP, etc.
In the old days, client side (e.g. Javascript) uses a different language from the server (e.g. PHP), but recently, there're attempts on using the same language. (e.g. Node.JS)
Don't need to learn a new language
Can possibly reuse code (e.g. verify user data)

Instead of coding all of the logic yourself, for some tasks, you could send the request to another machine and have the problem solved for you. Example:
Google Map Geocoding (Map address to longitude/latitude)
Store a file onto cloud storage (e.g. Google Drive)
Get the weather report of a city
That way of working is known as Web Service
Could be coded in any programming language (though Javascript is common for client)
Information (e.g. temperature, address) is usually sent in the form of XML (extensible Markup Language) or JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
Because of limited time, we do not officially cover XML/JSON in our course. The figure below intends to give you a feeling of how XML/ SON look like:
Interested students may refer to online resources like:
http://www.service-architecture.com/articles/web-servic.services explained.html