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ENGD3104 Communication Networks 2 Coursework Assignment 2021-2022


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ENGD3104 Communication Networks 2

Coursework Assignment


Part I) UDP checksum

Write a MATLAB function that computes the IPv4 UDP checksum. The input arguments must be decimal numbers and the output argument (the checksum) must be a 16-bit binary number. Assume that the data is the text “Hi”. Give an example to illustrate how your function works.

(20 marks: correctness of the code: 8 marks, explanation: 5 marks, quality: 5 marks, example: 2 marks)

Part II) Throughput estimation

Speedtest by Ooklaand and RTR-Nettest by Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications are two network measurement tools that can be used to estimate broadband download speed.

a) Design an experiment that uses each tool to estimate your home download speed.

(8 marks)

b)  Analyse and compare the results.

(7 marks)

Part III) Image transmission over a lossy network

a) Write a MATLAB function that simulates the transmission of a color image over a network where the packet size is at most 512 bytes and the packets are lost according to the Bernoulli loss model. Give an example that illustrates how your function works.

(5 marks)

b) Use your function to simulate the transmission of the MATLAB built-in image peppers.png when the packet loss rate is 0.01. Discuss the results.

(5 marks)

c) Use JPEG to compress the image peppers.png with quality factors 80 and 40. Simulate the transmission of the compressed images for the same packet loss rate as in part b). Discuss the results and compare them to those of part b).

(5 marks)

d) Discuss the suitability of the Bernoulli packet loss model for the Internet. You must support your answer with references from the scientific literature. The maximum number of words for this part is 1000 words.

(5 marks)