关键词 > ECE438

ECE 438 – Control Systems – Spring 2021


ECE 438 – Control Systems – Spring 2021

Time: Lectures: Posted online.

CONTACT: Weekly Q&A sessions on Zoom. . I will post a Zoom invitation for Q&A sessions in the coming days. You can post questions on DISCUSSION BOARD at blackboard.iit.edu. You can send me an e-mail (to ask a question or schedule an appointment for an online chat). Please contact the TA regarding homework questions/problems.

WEB PAGES: I will use the course Web page on blackboard.iit.edu for announcements, handouts, data files, homework solutions and answers to questions posed by the class using blackboard.iit.edu. The Blackboard announcements and answers might not be repeated in class. Check the Blackboard regularly. Note: blackboard.iit.edu sends announcements only to IIT e-mail accounts.

TEXTBOOK: G.F. Franklin, J.D. Powell, A.Emami-Naeini : Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 8th edition, Pearson, 2019. ISBN printed edition: ISBN-13: 978-0-13-468571-7) (Previous i.e. 7th edition - ISBN-13 (digital edition) ISBN-13: 978-0-13-349660-4, ISBN-13 (printed edition) ISBN-13: 978-0-13-349659-8)

GRADING SUMMARY: Midterm (35%), comprehensive final exam (50%), Homework 15%. Some segments may carry extra credit. A tentative mapping from points to grades is A – 85% and above, B- between 70% and 85% etc.

EXAMS: The midterm will be held on THU March 11,2021 at 8PM (CST) and a final exam in the finals week (between 5/10/2021 and 5/14/2021). If you have a problem with the date, discuss with the instructor within the first week of class. Mark the date on your calendar! No makeup test or exam will be given. You must take the midterm and final exam on the scheduled dates.

HOMEWORK: Homework is to be done individually and submitted by the posted deadline. Homework is graded on the basis of demonstrated effort on attempting to solve the problems. Students who did not seriously attempt to solve the homework problems (and merely studied the posted solutions) invariably did poorly in previous years. Check your own solutions against the posted solutions. Study the posted solutions carefully and report any problem to the instructor. Late homework can be submitted (with a penalty – 5% will be subtracted for each day HW is late) until the model solutions become available. Homework received after the model solutions become available will not receive any points.

PREREQUISITES: ECE 308 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS Time and frequency domain representation of continuous and discrete time signals. Calculus, limits, series convergence, integrals. Time and frequency domain analysis of continuous and discrete linear systems. Fourier series/transform convolution, transfer functions, Laplace transforms. In addition, the student is assumed to have computer programming skills to perform numerical/signal processing (e.g. some knowledge of MATLAB/Octave). Talk to the instructor if you have doubts about your preparedness.


After completing this course, the student should be able to:

●  understand the properties and types of a dynamic system

●  understand the dynamic response of a dynamic system

●  model certain types of systems (in time and Laplace-Transform domain)

●  conduct feedback analysis

●  design a feedback system using root-locus method

●  design a feedback system using frequency response of the system

●  use computer-based analysis and design tools (such as Matlab) in the analysis of digital systems and in the analysis and design of feedback systems.

TENTATIVE OUTLINE: Dynamic systems – basic properties, analysis etc. Laplace Transform (properties, poles/zeros, inverse LT ...), Block Diagrams, Block-Diagram Simplification (Reduction Rules/Mason’s Formula) , Dynamic Response of a System - Time-domain Specification (rise-time, settling-time, overshoot) , Stability, Basics of Feedback Control, Select Dynamic Models (e.g. Electric Circuits), Analysis of Feedback (PID controllers), Root Locus Design, Frequency-Response Design (Bode plots, Stability margins, Closed-Loop frequency response), Lead-Lag Compensators etc.