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ECO2123 Midterm Part 2


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Midterm Part 2

This part of the midterm evaluation is supposed to be worked on with your allocated teammate. If your allocated teammate does not respond, please communicate with us via the appropriate tab in the assignment section as soon as possible. Should you fail to communicate with us by the deadline assigned in the tab, this means that you will have to work on this part of the evaluation on your own.

It is important to note that any communication or exchange of answers between groups is going to be reported to academic fraud committee.

Answer the following questions based on the reading “The impact of Medicare on Access to And Affordability of Health Care”. All the questions can be answered with the information available in the reading in combination with lecture material.

1- According to this reading, is this statement true or false? [0.5 point]

When a person is insured (i.e., has health insurance), this means this person has no accessibility issues regarding healthcare anymore. Explain.

Not more than 3 lines

2- From a policy perspective, why does the author think that is it important to look at the impact of

Medicare on accessibility to healthcare and affordable coverage? [1 point]

Not more than 5 lines

3- Are comparisons between Medicare recipient’s accessibility and accessibility of the privately insured an accurate approach to use to address the research question of this paper? [Hint: Think of counterfactuals and what is being compared] [1 point]

Not more than 6 lines

4- How does the author propose to solve the issue raised in Question 3? Do you think the proposed solution is a good approach regarding how to look at the causal impact of Medicare? Explain. [1 point]

Not more than 5 lines

5- In the solution proposed in Q4 what is the author exactly testing? (You can think of the causal effect to answer the question)? [0.5 point]

Not more than 3 lines

6- The author mentions that only 6% - 11% of the near elderly (57-64) are enrolled in Medicare, and that 81% are enrolled in Medicare as their primary source of coverage upon turning 65. [2 points]

a. Explain what this statement means in terms of access to Medicare for the treated group and control group.

b. If you were to raise a concern regarding these statistics in the context of a strict definition of treatment and control group? What would it be.

c. If this was to introduce biases how would it affect the results of the paper. [hint: Think of the issue with each of the groups on its own and its effect on the treatment]

Not more than 12 lines for both

7- Using the graph in Exhibit 1: [2 points]

a. Show on the graph (using a ruler and a pen) the percentage of those without a usual source of care at age 57 and age 58, age 58 and age 59 etc… until age 63. Approximately what is the average difference for all these differences? (I know that numbers may not be accurate and that is fine with me).

b. Show on the graph the percentage without usual source of care at age 64 and age 66. Approximately what is the difference?

c. Compare results in a. and b. are they similar or different? Explain your findings.

Not more than 8 line

8- Using information from the table in Exhibit 4: [2 points]

Note that the outcome of access to care is “lack of access to usual care” so it is about inaccessibility.

a. Explain whether the reported effects for “access to usual source of care” are different by education level [Hint: you need to look at the results that have statistical significance].

b. Given the information provided in the lectures, can you provide a possible explanation in regards to the relation between access to care and education that you uncovered in part a.?

c. Report whether access issues regarding “checkups” and “access to usual source of care” are different by race/ethnicity. Explain.

Not more than 10 lines