关键词 > PS5821

ACTU PS5821 Actuarial Methods I – Spring 2021


ACTU PS5821 Actuarial Methods I – Spring 2021 (Y. Wang)


Assigned 1/17/21, Due 1/24/20 (Sun)

Covers numerous future lifetime random variables and associated probabilities

Problem 1.

You are given that  = 0.99, = 0.95,and  = 0.02. Calculate





Problem 2.

You are given that

[a] What is the implied limiting age  ?

[b] Calculate 

Problem 3.

You are given that   Calculate 

Problem 4.

Suppose  is the time lived by () after the age  What is the distribution function of  in terms of  ?

Problem 5.

You are given that  What are  and  ?