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MSIN0025 Data Analytics II


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MSIN0025 Data Analytics II

Return and status of marked assessments: Within 4 weeks from the date of submission as per UCL guidelines. The   module team will update you if there are delays through unforeseen circumstances (e.g. ill health). All results when first published are provisional until confirmed by the Examination Board.

Copyright Note to students: Copyright of this assessment brief is with the module leader(s) named above. If this        brief draws upon work by third parties (e.g. Case Study publishers) such third parties also hold copyright. It must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or shared any other individual(s) and/or                      organisations, including web-based organisations, without permission of the copyright holder(s).

Academic Misconduct: Academic Misconduct is defined as any action or attempted action that may result in a student obtaining an unfair academic advantage. Academic misconduct includes plagiarism, obtaining help

from/sharing work with others be they individuals and/or organisations or any other form of cheating. Refer to

Academic Manual Section 9: Student Academic Misconduct Procedure - 9.2 Definitions.

Referencing: You must reference and provide full citation for ALL sources used, including articles, text books, lecture slides and module materials.  This includes any direct quotes and paraphrased text.  If in doubt, reference it.  If you

need further guidance on referencing please see UCL’s referencing tutorial for students here: https://library- guides.ucl.ac.uk/referencing-plagiarism/welcome. Failure to cite references correctly may result in your work being referred to the Academic Misconduct Panel.

Content of this assessment brief




Core information


Coursework brief and requirements


Module learning outcomes covered in this assessment


Groupwork instructions (if applicable)


How your work is assessed


Additional information

Section A: Core information

Submission date


Submission time

4:00pm UK time

Assessment is marked out of:

100 marks

% weighting of this assessment within total module mark


Maximum word count/page


2000 Words (excluding appendices)

Footnotes, appendices, tables, figures, diagrams, charts included in/excluded from word count/page length?

Appendices are excluded from the word count.

Footnotes, captions of figures, diagrams, charts and tables are

included in the word count.

Bibliographies, reference lists included in/excluded from word count/page length?

The bibliographies are excluded from word count.

Penalty for exceeding word

count/page length

Standard UCL penalties for exceeding (deduction of 10 percentage points, capped at 40% for Levels 4,5, 6, and 50% for Level 7) Refer to Academic Manual Section 3: Module

Assessment - 3.13 Word Counts.

Penalty for late submission

Standard UCL penalties apply. Students should refer to Refer to




Submitting your assessment

The assignment MUST be submitted to the module submission

link located within this module’s Moodle ‘Submissions’ tab by

the specified deadline.

Anonymity of identity. Normally, all submissions are anonymous unless the nature of the submission is such that anonymity is not appropriate, illustratively as in presentations or where minutes of group meetings are required as part of a group work submission

The nature of this assessment is such that anonymity is not
