关键词 > ECE436

ECE 436: Computer Communication Networks II


ECE 436: Computer Communication Networks II (Spring '21)

General Information

Instructor: Hulya Seferoglu

Office: SEO 1037 (Off campus during Spring 2021)

Email: [email protected] (This is the best way to contact me)

Teaching Assistant: Siyu Li (contant info TBA)

Lectures: This is an asynchronous course. I will be recording the lectures during the scheduled lecture times (Tue/Th 8am – 9:15am) over Zoom. You can join these online lectures. Also, all lectures will be recorded, and the links will be uploaded on Blackboard. You can watch these lectures if you cannot attend the online sessions. All other lecture materials, slides etc. will be uploaded on Blackboard.

Zoom meeting information for the online session is in the following


Meeting ID: 841 0772 5984

Passcode: Es&i1kj!

Access to Recorded Lectures: Please see Blackboard.

Office Hours: Tue/Th (9:15am – 10am) weekly (or by appointment) via Zoom. Also, you can email me any time with your questions. Your emails will be replied in 24 hours.

Zoom meeting information for office hours is in the following.


Meeting ID: 878 9659 7472

Passcode: A^M0E08s

Prerequisites: ECE 333 or equivalent class in computer networks.


-   James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 7 th Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2016.

Supplementary Texts & References:

-   C. Brinton and M. Chiang, Networks Illustrated: 8 Principles Without Calculus, 1st Edition, Edwiser Scholastic Press, 2013.

-   Andrew. S. Tanenbaum and David J. Wetherall, Computer Networks, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2010

Course Description: In this course, we will learn about computer networks, in general, and the Internet in particular. One goal will be to give some insight into the rationale of why networks are structured the way they are today and to understand the issues facing the designers of next-generation data networks. Topics will include: layered network architecture, protocols and algorithms at the physical, link and MAC layers, as well asselected topics on multimedia networking, mobile networks, network security, and selected topics on networking. Note that although we will briefly go through network and transport layers, we will mainly assume that you have background on these topics.

Deliverables and Grading:

   Take-home quizzes
   Midterm Exam
   Final Exam

Take-home quizzes: Take-home quizzes will be assigned ~weekly (or more frequently). This will be the largest part of your grade and measure the level of your understanding throughout lectures.

Midterm & Final Exams: These will be online exams during the scheduled lecture times. The midterm exam will be on 03/02/2021, and the final exam will be on 04/29/2021.

General Policies:

   Late policy: Late work due to a legitimate emergency may be accepted (if this emergency is communicated before the assignment is due). Otherwise, no late work will be accepted. Take-home quiz solutions will be posted online shortly after the deadline. Take-home quizzes, midterm and final exams not submitted by the deadline will get zero points.

   Collaboration on your assignments: You are allowed to discuss with your classmates, but you are supposed to do your take-home quizzes as well as midterm and final exams individually. If we notice that two take-home quizzes or exams are identical, both students will get 0 grade; they will also be subject to the rules of UIC Academic Integrity Policy.

   Attendance is not mandatory. It is up to you to keep up with the materials.

   Exam Policy:

    1) Midterm and final will be online exams during the scheduled lecture times. The midterm exam will be on 03/02/2021, and the final exam will be on 04/29/2021.

    2) You will be given the opportunity to take a make-up exam only in cases of medical or personal emergencies, which must be verified. If such an emergency occurs, email me or send an email (or phone message) to the ECE student affairs as soon as possible. Otherwise, if you miss an exam you will receive 0 points.

   Grading Policy: Curve.

   Religious Holidays: Students who wish to observe their religious holidays should notify instructor by the tenth day of the semester of the date when they will be absent unless the religious holiday is observed on or before the tenth day of the semester. In such cases, the students should notify the instructor at least five days in advance of the date when he/she will be absent. Every reasonable effort will be made to honor the request.

▪    Academic Integrity: Dishonest actions by students including plagiarism will result in appropriate disciplinary action. Intentional use or attempt to use unauthorized assistance, materials, information, or people in any examination, quiz, or assignment may lead to penalties such as a failing grade. UIC Academic Integrity Policy will be followed.

ECE 436: Computer Communication Networks II (Spring '21)

Tentative Lecture Schedule

   T - 01/12
   Computer Networks Introduction
   Physical Layer
   R - 01/14
   T - 01/18
   Physical Layer
   Link Layer I
   R - 01/21
   T - 01/26
   Link Layer I
   R - 01/28
   T - 02/02
   Link Layer I
   R - 02/04
   T - 02/09
   Link Layer III
   R - 02/11
   T - 02/16
   Network Layer
   R - 02/18
   T - 02/23
   Transport Layer
   Wireless and Mobile Networks
   R - 02/25
   T - 03/02
   R - 03/04
   Wireless and Mobile Networks
   T - 03/09
   Multimedia Networking
   R - 03/11
   T - 03/16
   Multimedia Networking
   R - 03/18
   T - 03/23
   Spring Break
   R - 03/25
   T - 03/30
   Security in Computer Networks
   R - 04/01
   T - 04/06
   Security in Computer Networks
   R - 04/08
   T - 04/13
   How does Google rank Webpages?
   R - 04/15
   T - 04/20
   How does Netflix recommend movies?
   R - 04/22
   T - 04/27
   When can I trust Amazon rating average?
   R - 04/29
   Final Exam