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CS 144 Advanced C++ Programming


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Department of Computer Science

CS 144 Advanced C++ Programming

Course Catalog Description

Advanced features of C++, including operator overloading, memory management, templates, exceptions, multiple inheritance, RTTI, namespaces, tools.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

CLO 1: Apply object-oriented features of C++, including polymorphism and recursion.  

CLO 2: Apply advanced features of C++, including operator overloading, memory management, templates, the Standard Template Library (STL), exceptions, multiple inheritance, runtime type identification (RTTI), namespaces, etc.  

CLO 3: Apply modern features of C++, including lambda expressions, smart pointers, move semantics, etc.  

CLO 4: Develop interactive GUI-based applications in C++ that use inversion of control and callback functions as event handlers.

CLO 5: Understand the concepts of multithreaded programming.

CLO 6: Use high-level software development tools, including an integrated development environment (IDE), compilers, linkers, and source-level debuggers to implement and debug C++ applications.

CLO 7: Write efficient programs in C++ that adhere to good design principles while avoiding pitfalls of the language.

CLO 8: Document program design with Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams.

Academic Integrity 

You may study together and discuss the assignments, but what you turn in must be your individual work. Copying code from another student’s program or sharing your program code are equally serious violations of academic integrity. Never use code you find on the web, unless you have the instructor’s permission, and then you must give proper attribution in your comments. This is similar to giving attribution to a quote that you use in a term paper. Assignment submissions will be checked for plagiarism using Moss from the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University. See http://theory.stanford.edu/~aiken/moss/.

Violators of academic integrity will suffer severe sanctions, including academic probation. Students who are on academic probation are not eligible for work as instructional assistants in the university or for internships at local companies.

Recommended Texts

C++ How to Program, 10th edition, Paul J. Deitel and Harvey Deitel, Pearson International, 2017, ISBN:978-9332585737

Effective Modern C++ 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++ 14, Scott Meyers, O’Reilly Media, 2014, ISBN:978-1491903995

The C++ Standard Library A Tutorial and Reference, 2nd edition, Nicolai M. Josuttis Addison-Wesley Professional, ISBN:2012 978-0321623218

Software to Install

Use any IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Examples for Windows include Eclipse or CodeBlocks. For the initial weeks, just a C++ compiler will suffice, such as Cygwin64 for Windows.

Course requirements and assignments

There will be homework assignments and exams.


There will be multiple (about 10) programming assignments throughout the semester. Each assignment will be worth a specified maximum number of points. Assignments can be turned in within 48 hours late for 20% deduction. After 48 hours, no submission is allowed (it will get a 0 score).


All exams are open-book. You can refer to all class material. However, you may not communicate with any other person, or search solutions on the Internet. The exams will test understanding (not memorization) of the material taught during the semester. Instant messaging, e-mails, texting, tweeting, file sharing, or any other forms of communication with anyone else during the exams will be strictly forbidden. There can be no make-up exams unless there is a documented medical emergency.

The university’s syllabus policies:

• University Syllabus Policy S16-9 at http://www.sjsu.edu/senate/docs/S16-9.pdf

• Office of Graduate and Undergraduate Programs’ Syllabus Information web page at http://www.sjsu.edu/gup/syllabusinfo/.

“Success in this course is based on the expectation that students will spend, for each unit of credit, a minimum of 45 hours over the length of the course (normally 3 hours per unit per week with 1 of the hours used for lecture) for instruction or preparation/studying or course related activities including but not limited to internships, labs, clinical practica. Other course structures will have equivalent workload expectations as described in the syllabus.”  

Grading Information

Your final class grade will be weighted as follows:

Programming Assignments: 40%

4 Exams: 15% each

Final score to letter grade conversion is as follows:

Overall Score


100 - 96


95.99 - 92


91.99 - 88


87.99 - 84


83.99 - 80


79.99 - 77


76.99 - 74


73.99 - 70


69.99 - 0


Classroom Protocol

It is very important for each student to attend classes and to participate. Cell phones in silent mode, please. No use of electronic devices (phones, tablets, laptop computers etc.) in class, except to take notes.