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STAT679: Computing for Data Science and Statistics


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STAT679: Computing for Data Science and Statistics

Homework 3: Working with Files

1 Basics of Files: Reading and Writing (5 points)

This problem will give you some practice with the basics of reading and writing text files in Python.

1. Write a function duplicate_lines, called as duplicate_lines(infile, outfile, n), where infile and outfile are strings specifying file names and n is a non-negative integer. Calling duplicate_lines(infile, outfile, n) should over-write outfile so that it is a copy of infile, except that each line of infile is repeated n times. So, for example, if the file infile has the contents

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.

Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.

then, with n=2, the file outfile should read

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.

Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories,

Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.

instead of theories to suit facts.

The case n=1 should result in outfile being identical to infile (when testing your code, you might try using diff to verify that this is the case), and the case n=0 should result in outfile being an empty file (you can use cat or wc to check this).

You may assume that every line of infile ends with a newline. Your program should perform type checking and raise an appropriate error in the event that either of infile or outfile are not strings or the event that n is not a non-negative integer. duplicate_lines should open infile for reading and open outfile for writing (and raise an error if either of these operations fail). Your program should overwrite outfile if it already exists.

2. There are at least two obvious ways (to me, anyway) of implementing duplicate_lines:

Option 1: Open infile for reading and outfile for writing. Read the lines of infile one at a time, and save them in the entries of a list, say, line_list. Then, once we have finished reading infile, iterate over the en-tries of line_list, writing each one n times to outfile.

Option 2: Open infile for reading and outfile for writing. Read the lines of infile one at a time, and each time we read a line, write it to outfile n times immediately.

There is at least one good reason to prefer Option 2 over Option 1. What is that reason? Hint: if infile is especially large, what happens to the list line_list?

Define two new functions, duplines_storage and duplines_direct, that have the same signature (i.e., take the same arguments) and perform the same function as duplicate_lines. duplines_storage should follow the design in Option 1 and duplines_direct should follow the design outlined in Option 2. If you happened to follow one of these designs in your solution for duplicate_lines, you are free to copy-paste your code, but make sure you are still defining both duplines_direct and duplines_storage. There is no need to perform error checking in these two functions.

3. To compare duplines_direct and duplines_storage, we need a file to dupli-cate. Write a function generate_test_file that takes three arguments: a string filename, a non-negative integer nlines and another non-negative integer nchars, in that order. Your function should open filename for writing, and write nlines lines of text, with each line containing nchars characters, each chosen uniformly at random from the lower-case letters (a,b,c,...,z). Your function should raise an appropriate error in the event that filename is not a string, or in the event that either of nlines or nchars is not a non-negative integer. Hint: you can choose a random integer in a given range using the randint function in the random module. Then you can use that random integer to index into string.ascii_lowercase, which is a string consisting of the lower-case letters of the English alphabet.

4. Now, let’s use the Python time module to compare how fast duplines_direct and duplines_storage are. Write a function called time_trial that takes three non-negative integers, nlines, nchars and ntimes as its arguments, and returns a 2-tuple of floats. Your function should

(a) Use generate_test_file to generate a test file of nlines lines of text, each containing nchars random characters.

(b) Run duplines_storage on the test file, with ntimes as the n argument passed to duplines_storage, using the Python time module to measure how long the program took.

(c) Run duplines_direct on the test file, with ntimes as the n argument, using the Python time module to measure how long the program took.

(d) Return a tuple (t1, t2) where t1 is a float representing the number of sec-onds that it took to run duplines_storage on the test file and t2 is a float representing the number of seconds that it took to run duplines_direct on the test file.

Hint: to time an operation, you can modify the following code (I assume that you have imported the time module with import time).

start_time = time.time()


end_time = time.time()

t1 = end_time - start_time

5. Use time_trial to compare the runtimes of duplines_storage and duplines_direct. By choosing suitable values of nlines, nchars and ntimes, you should be able to see a notable di↵erence between the two runtimes. What do you think would ac-count for this difference? Note: there is no need to make a plot or anything like that for this. Just run the program for a few different choices of arguments, describe the difference you see, and try to explain the difference. Note also: you may need to set the arguments to be quite large before you see a difference between the two different methods, especially on newer, faster machines or if you have many other processes running on your computer (e.g., many browser tabs open).

2 Counting Word Bigrams (5 points)

In your previous homework, you wrote a function for counting character bigrams. Now, let’s write a function for counting word bigrams. That is, for each pair of words, say, cat and dog, we want to count how many times the word “cat” occurred immediately before the word “dog”. We will represent this bigram by a tuple, (’cat’, ’dog’). For our purposes, we will ignore all newlines, punctuation and capitalization in our counting. So, as an example, the fragment of poem, Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. includes the bigrams (’half’, ’a’) and (’a’, ’league’) both three times, the bigram (’league’, ’half’) appears twice, while the bigram (’in’, ’the’) appears only once.

1. Write a function count_bigrams_in_file that takes a filename as its only argument. Your function should read from the given file, and return a dictionary whose keys are bigrams (given in the tuple form above), and values are the counts for those bigrams. Again, your function should ignore punctuation, spaces, newlines and capitalization. The strings in your key tuples should be lower-case. Your function should use a try-catch statement to raise an error with an appropriate message to alert the user in the event that the given file cannot be opened, and a different error in the event that the provided argument isn’t a string at all. Hint: you will find the Python function str.strip(), along with the string constants defined in the string documentation (https://docs.python.org/3/library/string.html), useful in removing punctuation. Hint: be careful to check that your function handles newlines correctly. For example, in the poem above, one of the (’league’, ’half’) bigrams spans a newline, but should be counted nonetheless. Note: be careful that your function does not accidentally count the empty string as a word (this is a common bug if you aren’t careful about splitting the input text). Solutions that merely delete “bad” keys from the dictionary at the end will not receive full credit.

2. Download the file WandP.txt from the course webpage: http://pages.stat.wisc. edu/~kdlevin/teaching/Spring2021/STAT679/WandP.txt. This is an ASCII copy of all of Tolstoi’s novel War and Peace. Run your function on this file, and pickle the resulting dictionary in a file called WandP.bigrams.pickle. Please include this file in your submission, along with WandP.txt, so that we can run your notebook directly from your submission.

3. We say that word A is collocated with word B in a text if words A and B occur immediately one after another (in either order). That is, words A and B are collo-cated if and only if either of A B or B, A are present in the text. Write a function collocations that takes a filename as its only argument and returns a dictionary. Your function should read from the given file (raising an appropriate error if the file cannot be opened or if the argument isn’t a string at all) and return a dictionary whose keys are all the strings appearing in the file (again ignoring case and stripping away all spaces, newlines and punctuation) and the value of word A is a Python set object2 containing all the words collocated with A. Again using the poem fragment above as an example, the string ’league’ should appear as a key, and should have as its value the set {’a’, ’half’, ’onward’}, while the string ’in’ should have the set {’all’, ’the’} as its value. Hint: we didn’t discuss Python sets in lecture, because they are essentially just dictionaries without values. See the documentation for more information.

4. Run your function on the file WandP.txt and pickle the resulting dictionary in a file called WandP.colloc.pickle. Please include this pickle file in your submission.

3 Implementing wc in Python (5 points)

On UNIX/Linux systems, the shell command wc (short for “word count”) counts the number of lines, words and characters in a file. In this context, a line is any amount of text followed by a return (i.e., a “newline”; basically the “enter” key). A word is a group of one or more non-whitespace characters delimited by (i.e., immediately preceded and followed by) whitespace characters (basically, space, tab and newlines). A character is, well, a character– a string of length 1 in Python. As an example, consider a file called hw3example.txt with contents

In the town where I was born

There lived a man who sailed the seas

and he told us of his life

in the land of submarines

You can download a copy of this file at this link:


Alternatively, you can download this file directly from your command line using the command wget X, where X is the URL listed above.

Running the command wc hw3example.txt on the command line yields the following:

keith@Steinhaus$ wc hw3example.txt

4      27      120 hw3example.txt

That is to say, this file consists of 4 lines, 27 words and 120 characters. You sould be able to count that there are indeed four lines, 27 words (7 on the first line, 8 on the second, 7 on the third and 5 on the fourth) and 120 characters. Note that the newline at the end of each of the first three lines all count toward this character count, but that there is not a newline at the end of the last line.

This problem will walk you through implementing your own version of wc that you can run from the command line. This will involve writing a bunch of code in a script called wc.py. Please do not forget to include this file in your homework submission!

1. In a file called wc.py, define a function called count_chars that takes a string as its only arguments and returns the number of characters in that string. There is no need to perform any error checking in this function. Hint: this one is kind of a freebie– the number of characters is just the length of a string!

2. Continuing to work in the file called wc.py, define a function called count_words that takes a string as its only argument and returns the number of words in that string. As an example, count_words(’hello’), count_words(’ hello ’) and count_words(’ hello!goodbye!’) should all return 1. count_words(’ hello goodbye ’) should return 2. count_words(’ ’) and count_words(’ ’) should both return zero. You may find it useful to use the Python string method split, about which you can read here: TODO.

3. Modify your file wc.py so that it can be called from the command line, taking a single command line argument. This command line argument should be interpreted as a filename, which your script should open, and print, one per line,

the number of lines in the file 

the number of words in the file 

the number of characters in the file

the name of the file.

Hint: you may find it useful to use a text editor to create files of your own to test on. You can try running the UNIX/Linux command line program wc on those files to check that your script yields the same output (with slightly di↵erent formatting, of course). For example, running your script on hw3example.txt above should look like the following:

keith@Steinhaus$ python3 wc.py hw3example.txt





You do not need to perform any error checking in your script. That is, you may assume that the user will always call the script correctly, with a single command line argument that names a file that actually exists. Of course, in practice, it would be a very good idea to include error checking to make sure that nothing weird is happening, and you are welcome to include error checking if you wish to do so.