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Econ 390 Spring 2022 Literature Review


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Econ 390

Spring 2022

Literature Review

For this assignment you are required to write a review of at least 3 journal articles or working papers that are related to your topic.

Limit: 2-3 pages, single spaced, 1 inch margins, font size 12.

In your review, you should provide a summary of the main points covered in the article and the general methods or evidence that the author used. Focus should be place on the relevant parts of the article not on every technical detail. In addition to summarizing the articles, you should also critically evaluate the articles.

Questions that you should think about:

1) How are those articles related to your topic?

2) What data source they use?

3) What statistical methods they use?

4) What are the strengths of these works?

5) What are their weaknesses?

6) Do these articles give different answers on the same research question? Why?

Properly cite all references at the end of your literature review.

This literature review should be integrated into your final paper. The more you think about how the literature review will link with the rest of the paper at this stage, the less work you will have to do later on.

Your review should contain all the bibliographical citations in proper format (APA, MLA or Chicago). You are free to pick one of the three common citation styles (APA, MLA or Chicago), but use the same citation style in your whole paper once you have made your choice.