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Econ 390 Spring 2022 Research Proposal


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Econ 390

Spring 2022

Research Proposal

The purpose of this assignment is to let you refine your chosen idea further and provide a blueprint for what your final paper will look like.

Limit: 2 to 3 pages, single spaced, 1 inch margins, font size 12.

Your research proposal should contain:

1) Your topic (Y and your chosen X1)

2) Why your study is an interesting economic study

3) Expected results. e.g. Do you expect X1 to have a positive, negative or no effect on Y? Why? How about X2 and X3?

4) At least 3 citations of journal articles or working papers that are related to your question.

Ø How to cite: http://help.library.ubc.ca/evaluating-and-citing-sources/how-to-cite/

5) A paragraph that gives a careful description of the data that you will use. Refer to https://www.cpc.unc.edu/projects/addhealth for more information on the dataset. List the key dependent and independent variables in your analysis. Which variable you choose for your X1? Why?

6) The regression equation of your study. e.g. Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3