关键词 > MATH215

MATH 215 Timeline: Sections 201 & 202


MATH 215 Timeline: Sections 201 & 202

All meetings on zoom, via Canvas

M&F tutorials will be recorded/posted; W office hour will not be recorded

•   Week 0: 4th January

o   F: post lectures 1-2

   L1: Direction fields

   L2: Constant coefficient 1st order D.E.s

•   Week 1: 11th January

o   M: 9-10 course overview + direction field examples (202)

o   M: 10-11 course overview + direction field examples (201)

o   M: Webwork 1 released

o   W: 9-10 Matlab introduction

o   W: 10-11 Matlab introduction

o   F: 9-10 tutorial, undetermined coefficients (202)

o   F: 10-11 tutorial, undetermined coefficients (201)

o   F: post lectures: 3-4

   L3: integrating factor method

   L4: autonomous equations

o   F: Assignment 1 posted (1st order DE’s)

•   Week 2: 18th January

o   M: 9-10 tutorial, linear DE applications (202)

o   M: 10-11 tutorial, linear DE applications (201)

o   M: Webwork 2 released

o   W: Webwork 1 due @ 10pm PST

o   W: 16-17 open tutorial/office hour (201)

o   W: 17-18 open tutorial/office hour (202)

o   F: 9-10 tutorial, integrating factor (202)

o   F: 10-11 tutorial, integrating factor (201)

o   F: post lectures 5-6

   L5: nonlinear DE’s

   L6a & b: numerical integration refresher, numerical solutions of DE’s

•   Week 3: 25th January

o   M: 9-10 tutorial, autonomous D.E.s (202)

o   M: 10-11 tutorial, autonomous D.E.s (201)

o   W: 9-10 Matlab using ode45 & plotting solutions

o   W: 10-11 Matlab using ode45 & plotting solutions

o   W: Webwork 2 due @ 10pm PST

o   W: 16-17 open tutorial/office hour (201)

o   W: 17-18 open tutorial/office hour (202)

o   F: 9-10 tutorial, nonlinear D.E.s (202)

o   F: 10-11 tutorial, nonlinear D.E.s (201)

o   F: post lectures 7-9

   L7 & 8: Theory, linear independence of solutions

   L9: Constant coefficient homogeneous D.E.s

•   Week 4: 1st February

o   M: 9-10 tutorial, 2nd order DE theory (202)

o   M: 10-11 tutorial, 2nd order DE theory (201)

o   M: Webwork 3 released

o   W: 16-17 open tutorial/office hour (201)

o   W: 17-18 open tutorial/office hour (202)

o   F: 9-10 constant coefficient 2nd order DE’s (202)

o   F: 10-11 constant coefficient 2nd order DE’s (201)

o   F: post lecture 10

   L10: Inhomogeneous 2nd order DE’s

o   W: Assignment 1 due @ 10pm PST

o   F: Assignment 2 posted (2nd order DE’s)

•   Week 5: 8th February

o   M: 9-10 tutorial, Spring oscillations 1 (202)

o   M: 10-11 tutorial, Spring oscillations 1 (201)

o   M: Webwork 4 released

o   W: Webwork 3 due @ 10pm PST

o   W: 16-17 open tutorial/office hour (201)

o   W: 17-18 open tutorial/office hour (202)

o   F: 9-10 tutorial, Spring oscillations 2 (202)

o   F: 10-11 tutorial, Spring oscillations 2 (201)

Spring break

•   Week 6: 22nd February

o   M: 9-10 tutorial, reduction of order & review (202)

o   M: 10-11 tutorial, reduction of order & review (201)

o   M: Webwork 5 released (201)

o   W: Webwork 4 due @ 10pm PST

o   W: 16-17 open tutorial/office hour (201)

o   W: 17-18 open tutorial/office hour (202)

o   F: Midterm 1 both sections

o   F: post lectures 11 & 12

   L11: Laplace Transforms 1

   L12: Laplace Transforms 2

•   Week 7: 1st March

o   M: 9-10 tutorial, solving DE’s with the LT (202)

o   M: 10-11 tutorial, solving DE’s with the LT (201)

o   W: Webwork 5 due @ 10pm PST

o   W: 16-17 open tutorial/office hour (201)

o   W: 17-18 open tutorial/office hour (202)

o   F: 9-10 tutorial, more properties of the LT (202)

o   F: 10-11 tutorial, more properties of the LT (201)

o   F: post lectures 13 & 14

   L13: Convolution theorem & non-smooth forcing

   L14: D.E.’s forced by impulses

•   Week 8: 8th March

o   M: 9-10 tutorial, convolution theorem & examples (202)

o   M: 10-11 tutorial, convolution theorem & examples (201)

o   M: Webwork 6 released

o   W: 16-17 open tutorial/office hour (201)

o   W: 17-18 open tutorial/office hour (202)

o   M: 9-10 tutorial, examples with non-smooth forcing (202)

o   M: 10-11 tutorial, examples with non-smooth forcing (201)

o   F: post lectures 15 & 16

   L15: Linear systems: theory background

   L16: Constant coefficient homogeneous systems 1

o   F: Assignment 2 due @ 10pm PST

o   F: Assignment 3 posted (Systems of DE’s)

•   Week 9: 15th March

o   M: 9-10 tutorial, linear algebra review & L15 (202)

o   M: 10-11 tutorial, linear algebra review & L15 (201)

o   M: Webwork 7 released

o   W: 9-10 Matlab plotting a phase plane

o   W: 10-11 Matlab plotting a phase plane

o   W: Webwork 6 due @ 10pm PST

o   W: 16-17 open tutorial/office hour (201)

o   W: 17-18 open tutorial/office hour (202)

o   F: 9-10 tutorial, constant coefficient systems with real eigenvalues (202)

o   F: 10-11 tutorial, constant coefficient systems with real eigenvalues (201)

o   F: post lectures 17 & 18

   L17: Constant coefficient homogeneous systems 2

   L18: Fundamental matrices and the matrix exponential

•   Week 10: 22nd March

o   M: 9-10 tutorial, constant coefficient systems + complex eigenvalues (202)

o   M: 10-11 tutorial, constant coefficient systems + complex eigenvalues (201)

o   M: Webwork 8 released

o   W: Webwork 7 due @ 10pm PST

o   W: 16-17 open tutorial/office hour (201)

o   W: 17-18 open tutorial/office hour (202)

o   F: 9-10 tutorial, fundamental matrices (202)

o   F: 10-11 tutorial, fundamental matrices (201)

o   F: post lecture L19: Inhomogeneous systems

•   Week 11: 29th March

o   M: 9-10 tutorial, constant coefficient systems & undetermined coefficients (202)

o   M: 10-11 tutorial, constant coefficient systems & undetermined coefficients (201)

o   W: Webwork 8 due @ 10pm PST

o   W: 16-17 open tutorial/office hour (201)

o   W: 17-18 open tutorial/office hour (202)

o   W: post lecture 20 & 21

   L20: Nonlinear autonomous D.E.s 1: phase plane & linearization

   L21: Nonlinear D.E.s 2: nonlinear oscillators

•   Week 12: 5th April

o   F: 9-10 tutorial, autonomous D.E. examples (202)

o   F: 10-11 tutorial, autonomous D.E. examples (201)

o   F: post lecture L22: Simple epidemic models

•   Week 13: 12th April

o   M: 9-10 tutorial, examples & review (202)

o   M: 10-11 tutorial, examples & review (201)

o   W: Assignment 3 due @ 10pm PST

o   W: 16-17 open tutorial/office hour (201)

o   W: 17-18 open tutorial/office hour (202)