关键词 > Python代写 machine-learning

Classification Trees


Computer scientists often refer to the principle of divide and conquer: by recursively splitting
a problem into smaller problems which are easier to solve, we can solve a large difficult
problem by putting together solutions to many small easy problems. Common applications
are tasks like sorting, where mergesort recursively splits arrays in half and sorts each half,
or data storage and retrieval, like k-d trees and R-trees for efficiently storing and querying
high-dimensional data.
Divide and conquer can work for statistical tasks as well. Their appeal is their simplicity:
a conceptually simple algorithm can, by putting together many simple pieces, model quite
complex patterns in data.
One such algorithm is called Classification and Regression Trees (CART). Suppose we
have a vector Y of n observed outcomes—either categorical outcomes, for classification, or
continuous outcomes for regression—and a n × p matrix X of observed covariates for each
observation. We would like to make a prediction by for a given set of newly observed predictors
x. CART does this first by dividing: splitting up the space of possible values of X into many
regions. It then conquers by producing a single estimate by for each of these regions, usually
just a constant value in each region. The trick, of course, is all in how we divide the space.
For simplicity, we’ll focus on binary classification here, and save regression for later. In
binary classification, Y is always either 0 or 1 (e.g. “survived” vs. “didn’t survive”, “spam”
vs. “not spam”, and so on). Given a new observed x, our classifier should predict 0 or 1.
CART can, as its name suggests, also be used for regression problems where Y can take on a
continuous range of values, and it can also handle classification when there are more than
two possible classes, but we will ignore these possibilities for now.
For CART to divide the space of X values into regions, we need to define what makes a
“good” region and what makes a “bad” region. We define something called the impurity of
each region, and pick splits that try to reduce the impurity the most. In classification, a pure
region would be one where Y is always the same value—always 0 or 1—and the most impure
region would be one where half the observations are 0 and half are 1, since we would make
the worst predictions in this case. Let p(y = 1 | A) be the probability that the observed Y in
region A is 1. The impurity I(A) will be some function  of this:
I(A) =  (p(Y = 1 | A)) .
There are several common choices of :
(p) = min(p, 1 − p) (Bayes error)
(p) = −p log(p) − (1 − p) log(1 − p) (cross-entropy)
(p) = p(1 − p) (Gini index)
Each of these functions has its maximum at p = 1/2 and its minimum at p = 0 and p = 1, so
pure regions have all their data points in the same class and impure regions have half and
CART picks regions by recursively splitting regions, forming a tree. We start with a tree
with only one node, the root node: we predict by to be the most common value of Y , regardless
of the x we are given. This is obviously not a very good model, so we want to split the region
up. We do this as follows. For a region A, consider a possible covariate Xj , for 1  j  p.
1. Consider splitting A into two regions, AL and AR, where AL contains all observations
in A with Xj < s and AR contains all observations in A with Xj  s, for some value s.
The fraction of observations in A which falls into AL is pL, and similarly the fraction
falling into AR is pR.
2. Calculate the reduction in impurity,
I(s,A) = I(A) − pLI(AL) − pRI(AR).
Pick the value of s which maximizes I(s,A).
3. Repeat these steps for each possible covariate j. Pick the covariate j and split s which
reduce the impurity of A the most.
Once we have split A, we now have a tree with two nodes, AL and AR:
AL : xj < s AR : xj  s
To predict by for a new x, we start at the root of the tree and work down. If xj < s we go
to the left child, and our prediction by is the most common value of Y for the observed data
points in that node. Otherwise we go to xj  s and make our prediction there.
The tree doesn’t stop there, of course. We repeat this procedure on both AL and AR,
splitting them up as well, and continue recursively splitting nodes until we stop—usually
when the node only has a few data points in it, or when all data points in the node are of
the same class. We might end up with a tree that looks like this:
t2 : xj < s1
t3 : xk < s2 t4 : xk  s2
t3 : xj  s1
t5 : xl < s3 t6 : xl  s3
Notice I have labeled the nodes t1, t2, . . ., so we can refer to them more easily. Also note that
t2 was split along variable xk, but t3 was split along xl, which need not be the same variable;
each node is split based on the variable that would reduce its own impurity the most. A node
can be split on the same variable its parent was split upon—every variable is considered as a
possible split at every level of the tree.
Continuing the tree metaphor, we’ll call nodes t3, t4, t5, t6 the leaves of the tree, since they
are where we make predictions and they are not split any further. The leaves are mutually
exclusive: t3, for example, is the region {X : Xj < s1,Xk < s2}, which does not intersect
with any other leaf. We’ll write leaves(T) to refer to the set of leaves for a given tree T.
A Quick Example
Let’s look at an easy-to-interpret dataset: the passengers on the RMS Titanic, classified
by whether or not they survived its sinking in 1912. Here Y is 1 if the passenger survived
and 0 otherwise, and X is a set of covariates for each passenger. We’ll consider only p = 2
covariates: the passenger’s age and the fare they paid, which reflects what class of service
they bought (such as first-class cabins or third-class shared rooms). Using 891 passengers as
training data, we can grow a tree:
Fare < 10
Fare < 74
Age >= 6.5
0 1
yes no
The interpretation is quite brutal. If your fare was cheap, we predict you did not survive.
If the fare was mid-range (between $10 and $74), you survived if you were under 6.5 years
old. (“Women and children first” was the rule as they filled the lifeboats.) And if you had an
expensive ticket, you survived.
Of course, there are other covariates we could use, and this very simple tree only predicts
70% of the training cases correctly (though 70% is impressive for such a simple tree!). The
dataset includes the specific cabin each passenger was in, the size of their families and whether
they were traveling single or together, and so on, and we could include these covariates, and
perhaps prune the tree less severely, to improve classification accuracy. But this demonstrates
the conceptual simplicity of a classification tree: divide the covariate space up and make
single 0/1 predictions in each portion.
Pruning Trees
When exactly should we stop building a tree? This is a tricky question. If we split the
space until every node has only a single data point in it, then when we predict Y for a new
observation, we will essentially predict the value of Y for the training data point with the
most similar value of X, similar to a nearest-neighbor approach. This is a very flexible model
but has a lot of variance, and of course the classification tree would be very large and difficult
to interpret. A better approach is to prune the tree. The Titanic tree above was pruned to
make it simple.
Pruning a tree means removing a node and all of its descendants, replacing them with a
single leaf node. (We can only prune nodes with descendants, not leaf nodes. It doesn’t make
sense to remove a leaf node, because what would we predict in that case?) For example, we
could prune the Titanic tree above by removing the Age  6.5 distinction, instead using
Fare < 10
0 Fare < 74
0 1
yes no
We no longer distinguish between children and adults, replacing that node with a single
leaf node predicting 0—death. This reduces the classification accuracy to about 67%, but
makes the tree simpler. This is the bias–variance tradeoff: a very large tree can have low bias,
but has high variance because it overfits; a very small tree can have low variance, but high
bias because it can’t fit real patterns in the data. Finding the right size tree is tricky, and the
first step is to prune it.
To prune a tree, we start with a regularization parameter  0. This parameter is
similar to the penalty  in the lasso: = 0 means no pruning happens at all, and a large
prunes the tree quite a bit. In lasso, we penalize k k1, the L1 norm of the parameter
vector; when pruning a tree, we penalize | leaves(T)|, the number of leaves in the tree T. The
cost-complexity measure of the tree T is
R (T) = R(T) + | leaves(T)|,
where R(T) is the total misclassification cost of the tree T, calculated by summing the
misclassification cost R(t) of all the leaves t of the tree:
R(T) =
R(t) =
R(t) = r(t)p(t)
r(t) = fraction of points in leaf t which are misclassified
p(t) = fraction of all data points which are in leaf t.
A useful property of the misclassification cost R(T) is that it can only decrease when you’re
growing the tree—it can’t increase.
Let T0  T be a subtree of T. (You can obtain a subtree by removing any node and
all of its descendants.) We want to find a T0 which is optimally pruned, meaning that its
cost-complexity is smaller than any other:
R (T0) = min
R (T).
One can prove that, for a specific choice of , there is a unique smallest optimally pruned
tree. We can also prove that increasing the penalty can only decrease the size of the tree,
not increase it, so by increasing , we get a sequence of trees which gradually get smaller
and smaller until eventually the tree is only a root node.
How do we produce the optimally pruned tree? Suppose we have a tree T and are
considering pruning a node t. The node t and its descendants form their own tree Tt; pruning
t means removing all its descendants and turning it into a leaf node. We can calculate
g(t) = R(t) − R(Tt)
| leaves(Tt)| − 1,
where here R(t) refers to the misclassification cost of the node t if it were turned into a leaf
node by pruning Tt. We then define
 = min
(T − leaves(T) refers to all the nodes in T except the leaf nodes.) If  > , it is not possible
to lower R (T) by pruning T, so T is optimally pruned. Otherwise, we prune all nodes for
which g(t) = . We then repeat the process, calculating g(t) on the nodes of the freshly
pruned tree, until we cannot find a node to prune for which   .
For a derivation demonstrating why this procedure works, consult David Austin’s essay
“How to Grow and Prune a Classification Tree”: http://www.ams.org/publicoutreach/
Choosing the Best Prune
Question: how do we pick the best penalty ? What is the “best”, anyway?
One approach is to pick the that results in the smallest generalization error—the best
accuracy when predicting Y for new observations that we didn’t use when building the tree.
To estimate the generalization error, then, we need to set aside some data and not use it to
build the tree. One way to do this is cross-validation.
In cross validation, we build the tree using only a subset of the data, and use the left-out
data to evaluate the classification accuracy of our tree. In k-fold cross-validation, the data
is split into k folds, and k − 1 are used to fit the tree and the remaining used to test it.
Typically, one rotates through the folds in turn, using each fold as test set for a tree built
with the other k − 1, and calculates the average classification error over all k test sets.
We can use the cross-validation concept to choose . Choose a reasonable value of k, such
as 5 or 10. Fix a value of . Build and prune trees using this value of and calculate the
average error on the test set across the k test folds. Repeat this procedure for a range of
possible values of , and choose the value of that minimizes the test set error.
Forests of Trees
Random forests use the idea of ensemble classifiers: instead of building a single classifier,
like a single tree, we build many classifiers in slightly different ways. The ensemble then
votes on the classification of each data point. In random forests, we build ensembles of many
classification trees, each with slightly different data. When we get a new x and want to
predict by, we ask each tree to make its prediction, then pick the most common answer as our
What do I mean by “slightly different data”? To be specific, a random forest is built
following this procedure:
1. Take a random sample of size n, with replacement, from the observations X. Also take
the corresponding Y values. (This is a bootstrap sample.)
2. Build a classification tree using this sample, except that at each split, instead of choosing
the best covariate xj to split out of all covariates, choose from a random sample of k of
the covariates. Use a new random sample for every split in the tree. Do not prune these
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 many times (say, 500 times). Store the collection of classification
trees as your random forest.
A random forest, then, requires two tuning parameters: the number of trees in the forest
and the number of randomly selected features k to consider at each split. No pruning is done,
so no is necessary.
You may want to consult the paper Resources/classification-tree/breiman.pdf,
which introduces random forests, though rather abstractly.
Part 1: Plans and Tests
First, you must plan out your implementation of classification trees. There are a lot of moving
parts here—the tree, the splitting method, the pruning method, cross-validation—so careful
design is important to prevent your code from becoming complicated and hard to work with.
In this part, you should
 Determine how you will represent your tree data structure. A tree consists of many nodes,
each of which represents a split along a particular variable at a particular split point; all
of this has to be stored in the tree.
You might use a Node class containing data fields like split_var and split_point, or
a Tree class containing many nodes. How will you represent this in your programming
Write definitions of the classes/data structures you will use. Be specific about what data
will be stored where.
 Design functions for operating on your tree. To implement classification trees, you’ll
probably need functions for adding nodes to a tree, removing nodes (to prune them),
searching the tree, and so on. Design these functions.
It should be possible, for a given node, to obtain all the data points that fall into that
node of the tree. For example, for the root node, this would be all the data; for a node
midway through the tree, it should be the subset of the data obtained by splitting the
dataset to get to this node. Design a function get_data that can do this. (It may have to
traverse the tree to do this.)
(By “design”, we mean you should write out the function names, arguments, and return
values, with comments explaining their purpose, but do not write the actual code inside
the functions. That will come in Part 2.)
 Design functions for building and pruning a classification tree. Consider how the data
should be provided—a data frame? a matrix? how is the response variable specified?—and
make sure that it’s possible for the user to pick different values of , so they can use
different impurity definitions. It should be possible for the user to specify a new  that
isn’t built in to your code.
 Design functions for querying a classification tree—given a new X, they must determine
the Y predicted by the tree.
 Design functions to build an ensemble of classification trees—a forest of many trees,
using resampled data. These functions should reuse your classification tree functions in
straightforward ways, rather than re-implementing the tree algorithms from scratch.
 Write an is_valid function that checks that a classification tree is valid. (Write the
actual implementation, not just a design; your implementation will call all the functions
you designed above.)
What does “valid” mean? Several things:
– No nodes are empty (contain no data)
– If a node is split on xj , all data points in the left child should have xj < s and all
points in the right child should have xj  s.
– Applying the get_data function to every leaf node and combining the results should
yield the same dataset as applying it to the root node.
– Other properties you might think of while designing your code.
 Write tests for the functions you designed. The tests will not pass, of course, since the
functions are not implemented, but the tests will help you in Part 2.
Be sure to test thoroughly. Consider testing edge cases like:
– One variable in the dataset has the same value for every data point (or only two
possible values). Will your splitting code handle it correctly?
– Two possible splits reduce the impurity by the same amount. Which is picked?
Include randomized tests. There are many kinds of randomized tests you could write. One
test, for example, would generate random data, build a tree, and call is_valid to ensure
the tree is correctly built. Other randomized tests might ensure that the classifier yields
the correct answer on contrived datasets where all Y s are equal in a certain region of the
Part 2: Trees and Forests
In this part, you should
 Implement all the functions you designed in Part 1. If you wrote any new functions you
hadn’t planned for in Part 1, make sure they have tests too. If you discovered unexpected
bugs or behavior you hadn’t planned for, add tests accordingly. Ensure all your tests pass.
You cannot use an existing package, in any programming language, that implements
classification trees. Your implementation must be written from scratch.
 Write a benchmark system for your code that times how long it takes to build trees and
how long it takes to query them. You should separately time loading the data (which
only has to be done once) and querying, which can happen many times after the data
is loaded. (The microbenchmark package for R may also be useful; Python provides a
timeit module that’s similar.)
Write a script that calculates the times and prints out the results. Provide source code for
any benchmarks or tests you run. Testing on a single input isn’t sufficient—you must test
on a range of inputs to be sure your results are representative. Analyze performance like a
statistician! Summarize your results in your GitHub pull request text.
 Analyze the performance of your code. Test it on various input sizes and graph the results.
Try to estimate the complexity (in big O notation) of your classification algorithm, in
terms of the amount of data in the tree. Use the profiling tools in your programming
language (like R’s Rprof or Python’s profile) to identify specific functions or portions
of code that take a disproportionate time to run.
Write up the results in a text file included with your submission. What could you improve?
Are you satisfied with the speed of your classification tree?
 Sometimes we want to build classification trees for very large datasets: many millions of
observations, far more than we can comfortably hold in a data frame or matrix in memory.
Or perhaps we want to use a dataset that’s also used by other applications for other
analyses, so it needs to be shared and updated and changed over time.
One way to do this is to use a database. In class, we will introduce SQL, a query language
for database servers like MySQL and PostgreSQL. A database server is very efficient at
storing large quantities of data and searching it effectively—using clever data structures
and indices to rapidly find the data you want, even if it doesn’t all fit in RAM and has to
be read from the hard disk.
In Part 3, you will alter your classification tree code to use a SQL database instead of
a data frame or matrix. Read the details below for more information. In this part, you
should make the preparatory changes you need.
Specifically: Plan any additional functions or classes you will need to read data from a
SQL database. Figure out how the code you have written will need to change, and how
you could modify it so it can accept either data frames or a SQL database. Should you
extract out specific functions for, say, getting the rows of data whose x values are in certain
ranges, so you can write those functions either to select from databases or to select with
a SQL query? Should you make a new tree class, inheriting from your first class, which
replaces the crucial methods with SQL-based ones?
Include a DATABASE-PLAN.txt file in your submission with your plan. Make any preparatory
code changes that may be useful, but don’t start writing the SQL code yet.
Part 3: Big Data
As mentioned in Part 2, we can’t always fit all our data in memory, and SQL database servers
are excellent systems for efficiently storing data in such cases. They use clever data structures
so you can easily write queries like
SELECT SUM(is_evil) AS evilness, character_class FROM characters
WHERE franchise = 'marvel'
AND publication_year > 1964
GROUP BY character_class
ORDER BY evilness DESC;
and get the results without the database actually looking at every row in the characters
table. Instead, databases usually use various indexes, often based on tree data structures, so
they can search only rows meeting the requirements.
In this part, you’ll use SQL to build a classification tree. Your tree-building code should
take a connection to a SQL database (however that’s represented in your programming
language), a table name, and the names of the table columns to use as predictors and outcome
variables. It will then query each of the predictor columns to find optimal split points, choose
one to split on, and record the split; then, for each child, it will again use queries to pick the
optimal split, and so on.
Crucially, your tree structure will not store the data, just the variable splits. To make a
prediction for a specific x, you can find the matching leaf node of the tree, then query the
database to find the data in that node.
In this part, you should
 Build support for creating classification trees from SQL data and from data frames. Don’t
hardcode the methods, like this:
if data_source == "data_frame":
# get data from data frame
data[column, :] = # ...
elif data_source == "sql":
cur.query("SELECT data FROM ...")
Instead, it should be possible to add new data access methods without rewriting all the
code. This could mean
– having a Tree class with a SQLTree subclass that overrides some methods
– extracting all data access out to functions that can be easily replaced
– having a DataFrame class and SQLTable class with common interfaces for accessing
their data, and that can be given to your tree code to use to access data
– or some other suitable and flexible design.
Once the tree is built, it should be able to make predictions as well, and support everything
that was possible in Part 2.
 Write tests for any new functions you’ve made, as needed. (It can be tricky to test
SQL code, since it’s annoying to write unit tests that access databases; extract out code
into separate functions as much as possible, so the database access is limited to specific
 Make some test data tables in the SQL database you’re using. Use this to test your SQL
code, to ensure that the correct rows are returned when requested and the queries it
uses are valid. (For example, if you had a DataFrame class and a SQLTable class, each
with get_data_in_region functions that retrieve all rows with x values in a certain
range, you should make sure the SQL version returns the correct results and matches the
DataFrame version.)
 Load identical data into a SQL table and a data frame. (You can generate some test
data for this purpose; be sure to include the script that generated the test data in your
submission.) Build a randomized test that compares the results of your classifier on the
SQL version and the data frame version of the data, making sure they give matching
Part 4: Scrape and Classify
Scraper, in another language, of some website; capable of both loading data into SQL and
updating data that’s already been ingested.
[TODO: More to come...]
A Mastered submission will meet the requirements described in each Part above. A Sophisticated
submission will additionally:
 Use excellent variable names, code style, organization, and comments, so the code is clear
and readable throughout.
 Be efficient, making the best use of its data structures with minimal copying, wasteful
searching, or other overhead.
 Have a comprehensive suite of tests to ensure that the individual components function
correctly on corner cases, error cases, and unexpected inputs.
 Give particularly thorough and detailed answers to the questions above.
 Supply a command-line driver that runs all your tests.
You should also remember that peer review is an essential part of this assignment.
You will be asked to review another student’s submission, and another student will review
yours. You will then revise your work based on their comments. You should provide a clear,
comprehensive, and helpful review to your classmate.