关键词 > STA108

STA 108: Applied Statistical Methods: Regression Analysis


STA 108: Applied Statistical Methods: Regression Analysis

A01 and A02 — Winter 2021

Instructor Information

Name: Xiucai Ding

Offifice: Online

Email: [email protected]

Offifice Hours: Wednesday 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., or by appt. Links will be sent from CANVAS.

TA Information

Names: Emily Chang (A01) and Katy Shea (A02)

Emails: [email protected], [email protected]

Offifice Hours: Thursdays 5pm-7pm (Emily) and Tuesday 10-12am (Katy)

Class Information

Dates: 1/4/2021–3/17/2021

Time: 1:10 PM - 2:00 PM on M,W,F

Classroom: Online. All the zoom meeting links will be sent before the class from CANVAS.

Discussion Session Information

Dates: 1/4/2021–3/17/2021

Time: 1:10 PM - 2:00 PM for A01 and 2:10 PM - 3:00 PM for A02 on T.

Classroom: Online. All the zoom meeting links will be sent before the class from CANVAS.

Textbook and Course Material

Textbook: Applied Linear Statistical Models by Kutner et al. (5th ed.), ISBN: 0-07-238688-6.

Course Material: All the lecture notes, recorded videos and other materials can be found in CAN-VAS. If you have problem logging into CANVAS, please send me an email and I will share a dropbox link.

Course Topics and Tentative Schedule

The following topics (i.e., most of the material from Chapters 1–11 of the textbook) will be covered in this course.

•  Simple linear regression

•  Inference in regression and correlation analysis

•  Diagnostics and remedial measures.

•  Simultaneous inference.

•  Matrix expressions.

•  Multiple linear regression.

•  Quantitative and qualitative predictors.

•  Variable selection.

•  More on diagnostics and remedial measures.

•  Programming using R.

The following is a tentative schedule for the course.

Week of. . .
Week of. . .
Chap 1 and HW 1
Chap 7 and Middle Exam
Chap 2 and HW 2
Chap 8 and HW 5
Chap 3 and HW 3
Chap 9 and HW 6
Chaps 4 and 5 and Project 1
Chap 10 and Project 2
Chap 6 and HW 4
Chap 11 and HW 7


The course grade is determined by the following components:

Homework                          20% (7 HWs in total, top 5 will be counted, 4% for each)

Group Projects                    20% (10% for each)

Middle Exam (Online)          20% (February 9th, 6:30pm–8:00pm)

Final Exam (Online)             40% (March 17th, 1:00pm–3:00pm)

Class Attendance and Participation

It is essential to your success in this course that you attend each lecture and participate in the dis-cussions. Therefore, even though it is NOT mandatory, you are encouraged to attend each lecture and to show up on time. Should you need to miss a class for any reason, it is benefificial to watch the recorded videos and make an appointment for offifice hours in case you have further questions. Moreover, it is important that you attend the discussion sessions, where the tutorials regarding the use of R will be conducted and additional examples will be given.

Homework & Projects

The only way to learn Statistics is to do Statistics! It is essential for students to complete all of the homework assignments and projects. The purpose of homeworks for you is to practice the statisti-cal concepts and methodologies covered in class. The purpose of projects is to practice using course concepts and methodologies as they would be used in the ‘real-world’, using the statistical software R. Completing all the homework problems and projects is the best way to practice and prepare for the exams. Unless otherwise specified, all the HWs and projects will be announced on Friday and due the next Friday.

If you need or desire an extension on any homework or project for any reason, contact your instruc-tor in a timely fashion, as permitted by the need. Finally, you are encouraged to work with others on homeworks. Statistics is a social activity! However, do not simply use others to do your work but rather use others to help work through and engage in the concepts. If you work with others on written homeworks or projects, indicate on your assignment with whom you worked. Plagiarism is unacceptable and will result in a zero grade for all persons involved, and will result in serious academic repercussions.


There is one middle exam and a final exam. Both of the exams will be online. You are expected to be present and seated to take the exam in front of your PC with zoom before the exam begins. The exams will be proctored using zoom video. After the exams are done, you are required to upload the exam papers within 30 mins to gradescope in CANVAS.

The middle exam is 90 mins long and there will be no make-up exam for the middle exam. A missed exam counts as a zero unless a valid excuse is presented to your instructor in a timely manner. With an acceptable written excuse, a missed exam score will be replaced with the percentage earned on the corresponding subsection of the fifinal exam. The final exam is comprehensive and will be given during a two-hour block. The fifinal exam will only be given at the announced time. If a student has a conflict with another middle or final exam, the student must contact their instructor at least two weeks in advance in order to have it resolved.